Reckless through another world

Chapter 501 Is it the devil?

Chapter 501 Is it the devil?

"It turned out to be a blessing in disguise and healed the injury." Chen Mo laughed twice, he would rather go for half a month than use this method to remove the demon pollution in his body, if it wasn't because of his strong willpower and his soul As well as the suppression of Huangquan Ghost Eye, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Fortunately, the final result is good.Anti-killing with traces of blood, as long as the opponent is dead and you are not dead, isn't it good.

After removing the ghost domain that surrounded him, Chen Mo got up from the bed lightly.

Chen Mo looked at his body, the scars that originally symbolized the war had disappeared, and his skin was even a little fair.Chen Mo's path to becoming a burly man seems to be a long way to go.Chen Mo didn't think too much, and took out another set of clothes from the mustard bag beside him and put them on.

The mustard bag and the evil ghost cage showed no signs of being opened by brute force, and Chen Mo could feel it if they were injected with other people's true energy. Now that he has formed his own soul, he can clearly feel these items and his own. connect.

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction. This feeling of being trusted also makes people feel warm, like a cool wind blowing in a hot summer.

When I make a fist, I can feel the surge of strength. Of course, although some have been strengthened because of the new characteristics, part of the reason is because of the recovery of the injury, so the strength has been restored.

"At least the combat power has skyrocketed several times compared to when we were in the ghost inn." Chen Mo couldn't feel clearly. The attributes in his body have gradually begun to blur, and they are no longer accurate data. This is not because the attribute panel has changed. Weakened, but Chen Mo became stronger.

And it is gradually breaking away from the display of data, but if you want to explore it carefully, you can still find the law of calculation of power.

Chen Mo doesn't care, as long as he can become stronger and fully control his own power, that's enough.

"It seems that this time, it's not only because I was promoted to Heaven, the three evil ghosts were promoted to three-star strength, but also because of the blessing of new characteristics." Chen Mo murmured in his heart.

As he said that, Chen Mo began to check the rest of the traits obtained from the demons. Except for the distorted ones, a total of seven new traits were obtained, of which there was only one advanced trait, five intermediate traits, and two primary traits.

The ultimate battle body and super-speed regeneration are not counted, they are characteristics that have been acquired long ago, and have been cultivated for a long time, unlike these newly harvested.

Chen Mo looked at the top two first, one was the disintegration of the demon, and the other was the will of steel.

【The disintegration of the demon (intermediate)】

[Heavenly Demon Disintegration (Intermediate): True Qi is exhausted, can burn primordial power, vitality continues to fight, and the burning durability of primordial power and vitality +25%]

This feature is also ranked in front of the Iron Will, and it is ranked before the advanced Iron Will. Chen Mo saw the introduction, and it did meet Chen Mo's expectations. This is a desperate move.

Ordinary people can also fight to burn their primordial power and vitality when their true energy is exhausted, but the combat power will definitely not be that strong, and this feature improves battery life.

"It's a pity, it would be great if it could improve the battery life of my true energy. There are too few battles that really require me to burn my primordial power and vitality." Chen Mo sighed slightly. I have to say that this feature is a little bit for Chen Mo It's tasteless, he can use the ghost domain to leave, just like running away in Qingfeng Villa.

"But it's better than nothing, it really deserves to be a good feature." Chen Mo can only comfort himself in this way, if he really wants to fight the spirit power and vitality, he will have a lot of chances to stock up on the other party for one second more.

[Iron Will (Advanced)]

[Iron Will (Advanced): Willpower +34%, Mental Resistance +12%, Pollution Resistance +8%]

Chen Mo himself didn't have any special feeling. The primordial spirit sitting cross-legged in the upper dantian was more condensed, and even his mind became much clearer. Although it didn't look like that kind of physical improvement, this feature was indeed good.

High willpower means being able to resist stronger erosion. Although one's own primordial power can also resist, no one would dislike one's high willpower, still in this weird world.

So this feature should be a surprise. If Chen Mo were to rank, Iron Will must be in front of the disintegration of the demon, not behind the disintegration of the demon.

"It seems that I have worked hard to get rid of the distorted person." Chen Mo nodded slightly.

[Infuriating Resistance (Intermediate): The physical body's True Qi resistance +24%, and the physical defense +10%. 】

[Flesh and flesh enhancement (intermediate): flesh and blood activity +20%, flesh and blood strength +17%. 】

[Zhen Qi Amplification (Intermediate): Inner Qi +15%, True Qi Endurance +5%. 】


[Heavenly Demon Pollution (Elementary): Inflicting wounds on the enemy will cause pollution. Judging that the primordial power of both parties is more than double that of the opponent, there is a 5% chance of contaminating the opponent. 】

[Tianmo Language (Elementary): Beginning to use the Omen language, able to use the crappy Omen language. 】

Glancing at the rest of the features, Chen Mo's eyes lit up. He found a zhenqi booster. Although it is an intermediate level, it can increase [-]% zhenqi and increase the battery life by [-]%. The best of all features is this one.

However, other things are also very good, and Chen Mo found that he seems to be getting more and more fleshy. Now his attack power may have just reached the level of a master of a turn, but his defense power can definitely withstand a turn of wind and rain. attack.

"Is my talent point a little crooked?" Chen Mo fell into deep thought. After so long, the skills that have been brushed out rarely increase attack power. Even if they have the attribute of increasing strength, they still have a small attribute of meat tank. .

"It should be balanced. At least attack and defense must be integrated, rather than purely being beaten." Chen Mo positioned himself as a berserker, but now it seems that he is more like a shield fighter. By the way, it seems that even the shield wall The big move of this shield battle has already been possessed.

"It's time to think of a way. We should find some powerful monsters to attack and kill them." Chen Mo's fingers landed on his cage of evil ghosts, making a rattling sound. The strongest monsters known are the ten monsters. Wang, except for his fiancée, he can find a chance to kill everyone else.

"Forget it, without them, there will be no weird upper-level order, and it will be chaotic. The effect of keeping it is more beneficial than being hacked to death by me." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, still wanting to focus on the overall situation .

Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a region, and those who do not plan for the eternity are not enough to plan for a moment.

"After all, I'm not a devil, am I?" Chen Mo smiled, intending to let go of this idea, think about it, and forget it, if it is really messed up, and then integrate, there will be a lot of problems, it is better to kill the demon It's a pleasure to come.

"I feel that we can actually look for those ancient monsters, such as drought and the like." Chen Mo plans to wait for time to find them, and now he will accumulate his own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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