Chapter 530

"Master, my brother won't have anything to embarrass you, right?" Chen Xiang followed his gaze to look over, then retracted his gaze, and looked at the master standing beside him.

"No embarrassment, but Xiang'er, you should pay attention to your younger brother's condition, as a teacher..." Fu Juejing shook his head slightly, but paused when he said this, as if he didn't know whether he should or not Tell Chen Xiang.

"The state of the fairy?" Chen Xiang asked in amazement, Chen Xiang thought about it, and her brother didn't seem to have any abnormalities.

Even though we haven't seen each other for such a long time, when we meet again, there is nothing unusual for Chen Xiang, whether it is the breath or the attitude, they are all familiar.

If there is an abnormality, someone close to her will definitely find the problem.

"Well, his body is not stable, it seems to be affected by the evil spirit." Fu Juejing recalled the scene just now, not to mention Chen Xianzhi's state, the evil spirit in the opponent's body must be very terrifying, even her veteran All the land gods felt threatened.

How could it not be affected by such an evil spirit? That's why Fu Juejing said that.But Chen Mo's state after that was as if nothing happened just now, like turning from a murderous monster into a sheep.

"Besides, as a teacher, I feel that he seems a little crazy." In order to prepare his apprentice mentally, Fu Juejing decided to speak out, at least if something happens in the future, he can get a vaccination in advance.

Fu Juejing looked very strange, frowning.

"Master, it can't be. Although Xianzhi sometimes acts absurdly, but he is very normal, no different from ordinary people..." Chen Xiang was taken aback. If these words did not come from her master, Chen Xiang must have You have to have a good breakup with the other party, and maybe even end up in a sparring match.

But since it was what her master said, Chen Xiang also paid attention to it, but after thinking about it, there was indeed nothing abnormal.

But Fu Juejing didn't speak any more, something inexplicable was on his graceful face, his brows were frowning, as if he was thinking, and he didn't speak any more.

Chen Xiang didn't ask too many questions, but she paid a certain amount of attention to what the master said.

Chen Xiang didn't know how strong the evil spirit in Chen Mo's body was, but when Chen Mo walked in just now, the fear and coercion like black sticky blood reminded Chen Xiang again, although the feeling just now was just It is fleeting.

"Maybe it's really because of the evil spirit." Chen Xiang pursed her lips and frowned slightly.

Chen Xiang felt that the evil spirits inherited from the family were indeed powerful, but maybe it was because of this strength that Chen Mo's state had problems, but she couldn't find a solution, even she would be affected by the evil spirits, and even more so. Let alone Chen Mo.

"There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, I hope Qin Tianjian can find a way." Chen Xiang sighed in his heart, and then turned around.

"Senior Sister, was that really your younger brother just now?" A pretty girl approached Chen Xiang, looking at Chen Xiang with bright eyes.

"Of course, my uncle's child." Chen Xiang nodded and said.

"Why don't you lead my junior sister..."

"Senior Sister, I think, in fact, I can get to know Senior Sister."

"No, Senior Sister, Senior Sister thinks that Senior Sister can also get to know each other."

For a while, several senior sisters and senior sisters gathered beside Chen Xiang, and they were chatting, of course, most of them were joking, making fun of Chen Xiang.


"Today, comrades..." In the dojo is the old celestial master of the current Tianshi Mansion. The celestial master has not resigned, so he is naturally the biggest talker in the Tianshi mansion. Of course, the old celestial master is just following a formality. Let everyone feel that Tianshi Mansion attaches great importance to this fasting ceremony.

"It is said that this person is one of the strongest in the world, and he is as famous as the God of War and Mr. Jianda."

"Of course, the old celestial master of the Tianshi Mansion is a mythical figure in the world. Except for the Martial God of the Martial God Cliff, there should be no one who is the opponent of the old celestial master, not even the current Taoist master of the Taishang Dao."

"It should be Mr. Jianda who can compete with the old heavenly master."


"I really think that there is no comparison, maybe even the Martial God is not the opponent of the old heavenly master."

"Fart, Martial God is a well-recognized martial arts myth. He has never been defeated. He can beat Tianpeng at the top, and catch the dragon at the bottom of the world. He is recognized as No. 1 on the list of myths in the world." Praise Valkyrie.

To sum it up, "I'm not convinced when I'm bragging", "I'm not convinced when I'm bragging", "Isn't it true that I'm bragging?"...


"I don't deny that the old master is powerful, but the god of war is obviously stronger."

There are countless Jianghu guests in the dojo, and they are talking about it enthusiastically. The celebrity effect is applicable no matter where it is placed. Worshiping celebrities is the most common phenomenon in the Jianghu.

Of course, everyone also wants to know who is more powerful. It is difficult to argue who is more powerful, but this does not prevent these quacks from praising their favorite talents.

It's like there will always be people who say that their favorite hero is stronger, but this kind of debate will not change if the parties do not distinguish between superiority and superiority, and there is no way to stop it.

Some of the ghost warriors sneered at their argument. They looked at the sky. Although there was no abnormality in their faces, their eyes widened imperceptibly, and their pupils shrank accordingly. They lowered their heads without saying anything. head.

Silently drinking tea, nibbling on the melons and fruits provided by Tianshi Mansion for free on the table beside him.

Now that the evil spirits are in power, although I don't know how strong the Martial God is now, but when there is an uproar in the world soon, many characters on the list will change accordingly, and even reshuffle the cards.

Thinking of this, these ghost emissaries hidden among the quacks became very excited and excited, even their bodies trembled, they clenched their teeth, and it took a long time to let out a mouthful of foul breath, and then looked proudly at these Among the quacks who were still talking about it, there was pity in their eyes.

They are indeed worthy of sympathy, but most ghost stewards have already lost their sympathy. It is better to be grateful for them than to sympathize with them. All their own inhuman pain.

What is really scary is not that the monster realizes that it is a monster.It's people... who find themselves no longer human.

Chen Mo didn't have so many sentimental ghosts, but looking at the lively scene in the dojo, seeing the relaxed or nervous ghosts, Chen Mo grinned. When monsters, people are aliens, not monsters.

Chen Mo listened to a lot of the words of the old heavenly master, most of which were about the stability of the world, and at the same time thanked everyone, his comrades and the court. The whole thing was the same as the acceptance speech, which was quite boring, but the second half was what everyone cared about. For the matter, the fasting ceremony will last for three days, during which everyone can learn from each other and challenge each other.

Of course, it is basically paving the way for the younger generation.

There were a lot of feasts, and such a grand place of sacrifices must have his intentions, but it was to push out a group of young people such as Zhang Changsheng.

The new generation replaces the old ones, and the older generation paves the way for the new ones.

(End of this chapter)

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