Chapter 532 Previous Lesson

"He must have lost. A celestial being who wants to fight a genius from the Taishang Dao Sect must be crushed. Unfortunately, this young man is also a good genius." Someone said regretfully, shaking his head slightly, It seems that Chen Mo's ending is already doomed.

Of course, most of these quacks think so.If you want to defeat the superior, geniuses still have a chance against ordinary people. When two geniuses fight against each other, it is as difficult as heaven to defeat the superior.

"Chen Xianzhi?!" Ji Yue's expression was a little weird. Chen Mo's appearance here was something he hadn't expected, but Ji Yue didn't think that Zhong Jian would get any benefits, and he might even be hammered.

It is naturally difficult to overcome the following, and it is still necessary to use heaven and man to conquer land gods, but Chen Mo is such a ghost driver. Let's deal with Chen Mo.

But this does not mean that Chen Mo is not threatening, on the contrary, it must be because the threat is too great, so the underworld is afraid of it.

Ji Yue, who was hidden in the crowd, circled around, watching these people commenting, and it seemed that Chen Mo's defeat had been nakedly shown on his face, he couldn't help but sneered and sneered silently, but he didn't give a damn. They explained that there is a kind of meaning that everyone is drunk and I am alone.

Seeing Zhong Jian rushing up, Chen Mo's eyes were instantly ignited with scarlet, showing fierceness.

Scarlet blood mist drifted from the corners of Chen Mo's eyes, and black true energy burst out from Chen Mo's body.

All the people who watched the battle were stunned for a moment. They thought that this talented martial artist was definitely not an opponent of a young genius like Zhong Jian. No one thought that Chen Mo would exude such a fierce aura. .

"That's the state." Elder Fu Juejing looked at Chen Mo.

Although I don't know why this genius from Taishang Daozong challenged Chen Xianzhi, but this does not prevent Fu Juejing from observing Chen Mo's combat power. If it is really as dangerous as she sensed, Fu Juejing Also admitted.But if it's just a bluff, Elder Fu will definitely take action to teach this ignorant kid a lesson.

It cannot be denied that Zhong Jian's strength is indeed beyond ordinary people. When he stepped forward, there were clear footprints on the ring under his feet.

His roar changed the airflow around him. Chen Mo, who was closest to him, was the first among them. The strong wind whizzed past Chen Mo, and the tables and tables of the spectators around him shook accordingly, and the tea on Table Mountain rose. Ripples.

The group of people closest to the ring felt that the spring thunder was exploding in their ears. The buzzing sound seemed to make people deaf, but what was even more frightening was that the blood in their bodies was also vibrating in such a roar, stirring in their bodies, His face flushed red and he was about to vomit blood.

"Boom!" Chen Mo stepped on his feet, and the black ghost energy on his body turned into a ripple, smashing all the sound waves into pieces, and dissipated in front of Chen Mo as ripples. Dangers stand in front of us.

Those closest to the ring were all relieved, and the gaze they looked at Chen Mo again had already changed, and their eyes were full of horror. They even forgot to cheer and cheer, and just looked at the fierce man in black. young people.


one strike.

Chen Mo kicked Zhong Jian's chest, and a huge footprint appeared on the blue Taoist robe.

Chong Jian looked up in astonishment, and happened to see the scarlet ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body. Although he already knew that Chen Mo was not weak, but being able to kick him away with the cultivation base of a celestial being can no longer be said to be not weak. But very strong.

Chen Mo's figure was posted up again, and he grinned and said, "Melee combat, I've never been afraid of anyone!"

As he said that, the fist as big as a sandbag wrapped in a powerful ghost spirit had already occupied Zhong Jian's eyes, and came straight to the bridge of his nose.

"Boom!" With another blow, Chen Mo stood on the spot, but Zhong Jian had already jumped several feet away, two tubes of nosebleeds shot out from his nose, and a huge fist appeared on his face.

What surprised Chen Mo was that the other party didn't become angry, but laughed. Although there was no sound in this kind of laughter, it was obvious that the other party wanted to be serious.

"I have to be lucky, I'm glad it's the ring, otherwise you might break my neck when you and I meet each other." Zhong Jian wiped his nosebleeds with his sleeve, grinning his teeth and sniffing his nose at the same time, as if Very uncomfortable.

Chen Mo didn't say much, but just raised his eyebrows. He knew that the Taishang Daozong focused on the physical body, so Chen Mo tested the opponent's strength with punches and kicks. Although it was good, it was not enough to make Chen Mo feel threatened.

"What a fierce person, why is there no reputation for such a person in the Jianghu?" Seeing that Chen Mo kicked and punched the second seat of the Taishang Daozong, a large part of the Jianghu guests looked at him curiously. With Chen Mo.

It seems that he wants to see Chen Mo's appearance clearly.

Although the members of the god arresting sect and the hidden stumps of Qin Tianjian were surprised, they had already received the news.

The fiercest person in the Battle of Sky Sea that day was not Chu Kuangge, but the newly promoted red-clothed imperial pillar. Maybe in the near future, this person will become the chief arrester in purple clothes and become a real official of the frontier.

"Your guard of honor is the ghost behind you, the gourd you're carrying." Chen Mo pays more attention to the purple gold and red gourd behind Zhong Jian than Zhong Jian. Others may not know it, but Chen Mo can see that this gourd It's a ghost.

Zhong Jian's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Maybe."

With that said, Zhong Jian untied the purple-gold red gourd on his back, and the red gourd instantly changed color, from red to bloody red. The knife flew out of the mouth of the gourd.

A phantom of an evil ghost carrying a gourd appeared behind Zhong Jian. The gourd on his back was even more simple and palpitating. It seemed that he had killed an immortal. The blood attached to the gourd was like As if alive, twisted like an earthworm, trying to escape from the gourd.

"It's such a strong fear and coercion." The scarlet ghost eyes on Chen Mo's forehead opened, and the ferocious fear and coercion gushed out from Chen Mo's body.

"Impossible!" Zhong Jian's body trembled, and his eyes were full of unbelievable suppression. He turned to an immortal one by one, and it would be miserable to control an evil spirit of this level in his body. The person in front of him was obviously just a celestial Human beings possessed double or even more fear and coercion than him.

"Nothing is impossible." Chen Mo smiled very gently, his eyes gradually filled with scarlet, but his eyes were very clear, like... a ghost.

That kind of ghost without emotion, whose eyes are as clear as pools of blood.

"Evil ghosts with long-range attacks are difficult to deal with, but today, let me, Chen Xianzhi, teach you a lesson!" Chen Mo is very interested in gourd ghosts, but he has no intention of killing people to seize treasures. First, it is unnecessary, and second. I just don't like this type of ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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