Reckless through another world

Chapter 544 What a Big Black Pot

Chapter 544 What a Big Black Pot
With the collapse of Shou Gui and the dissipation of the boundless ghost energy, the god catchers and door god catchers who had feigned death also woke up and sent back messages to Qin Tianjian.

Chen Mo was a little surprised by Qin Tianjian's reaction, he just responded without further interference, as if he already knew about the plan of Tianshi Mansion.

Knowing that, let it go, even the god catchers who came to support were here to capture those mutated monsters, instead of cooperating to deal with such a huge change.

"It's intriguing, but it's normal. Qin Tianjian remains neutral and doesn't interfere with the competition between the secular world." Chen Mo spread his hands, "Besides, it has something to do with the Peerless Sect, maybe it has something to do with Hades and Demon Sect. "

"The sky is clear!" The quacks raised their heads and looked at the sky. They all had the feeling of being alive after a catastrophe.

With the gradual suppression of the mutated monsters, the originally chaotic dojo also began to restore order.

The sun is setting, mixed with red and yellow sunset glow, it seems that the whole sky has been lowered a lot.

The people in Tianshi Mansion are maintaining order.


The silent cries of losing their loved ones, they hugged the remains of their loved ones and cried bitterly...

The joy of gaining new life...

The sound of cursing, the sound of rummaging through the ruins, the sound of painful wailing...

People's sorrows and joys are not connected, everyone is a subject, and the surrounding relationship is the satellite city that spreads out. Because of the connection, emotions are generated, and then there are different joys and sorrows. Although there is sympathy, there is no sympathy. any way.

People always say that the furthest distance in this world is not the distance between life and death, but in Chen Mo's view, the furthest distance is the distance between life and death.


Why do people call them gone after death? Because, after death, everything has nothing to do with them. All the things in the past have disappeared, life and death are separated, no matter how difficult it is to speak, no matter how difficult it is to see each other.

This time, the people who suffered the most losses were the quacks who came to watch the ceremony. Basically, their staff has been reduced by more than [-]%. It was the evil ghost of Noroko who was the warding ghost who woke up from the body.

The Peerless Sect lost few people, and their elders were enough to protect their safety.

The rest of the quacks were not so lucky, death counted, most of them were seriously injured, and almost everyone had minor injuries.

"Heaven and Heaven, if I don't avenge this, I swear I won't be a human being!" One of the old men was holding his young granddaughter, half of the child's body had been gnawed off, and he was already dead. The remaining half of the pale face, even a man with a heart of stone, couldn't bear to turn his head away.

"Tianwaitian was born and caused such a catastrophe, let's go to Tianzhu Mountain to slaughter demons!" Another roared.

"That's right, Demon Slayer!"


"I really think this time is very strange." This rational voice was buried in the angry roar of the sea of ​​people. The responsibility is all pushed to Momen.

Tianwaitian, even if they don't want to take the blame, there is nothing they can do. These people on the righteous path have already been irritated by their rationality. They need an outlet to vent their anger and grief.

Maybe bloodthirsty is the nature of the soul, and revenge just adds another reason to bloodlust.

What's more, if you want them to listen to Momen's defense, it's better to let the sow climb a tree.

It has to be said that Hades' move is extremely ingenious, Shen Guangxiu's identity, coupled with Shen Guangxiu's mutation, under the eyes of everyone, all the evidence is against the Demon Sect.Now that the yellow mud has fallen into the crotch, it is either shit or shit.

Hearing the righteous indignation of the people around him, the faces of the hidden masters of the magic sect were all ashen.

They have always been the ones who schemed against others, but now it is good that they have been blamed for such a big scapegoat when they first appeared.

"Mother Xipi, don't be caught by me!" One of the gloomy middle-aged people, when Shen Guangxiu came to the stage, he felt that something was going to happen. rising.

Sure enough, as he expected, after Shen Guangxiu took the stage, he blew his own identity, and then mutated into a monster.

The entire incident that had nothing to do with their magic sect, now makes them bear the infamy of Tianwaitian.

"What should the elders do now?"

"Gather people and evacuate the Celestial Master Talisman. If you walk fast, you can save your life. If you walk slowly, you will lose your life." Another old man said through sound transmission with true energy.

They will naturally admit what they do, but if they don't do it, let them admit it, this is simply deceiving people too much.

"Check it out for me, check it out hard for me, what kind of force is plotting against us like this!"


Seeing the ghost energy gradually dissipating, Chen Mo didn't ask the old master any more questions, and whether he asked or not had nothing to do with him.

The old heavenly master replied that he just felt that he had borrowed Chen Mo's power to tell him what he could tell him.

"I can't say whether what you did was right or wrong, but it has nothing to do with me." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, looking at the unclosed black crack in front of him, Chen Mo didn't go forward again.

"Hehe, my friend's words are good, but it has nothing to do with you. It's just that, as a martial artist in my generation, there are many things that need to be protected."

"People are not scary, ghosts are not scary, and this world is not scary. The scary thing is that people like me who have been deeply involved in the world have lost the ability to think."

"We are not afraid of going the wrong way, but we are afraid and stagnant." The old Tianshi looked at the black cracks in front of him, and the wrinkles on his face piled up, showing a smile.

Practice one way, sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. It is the same as others. The progress of others is the retrogression of oneself. If the courage to take a step is lost, then a person becomes a symbol, not a living flesh and blood body.

Even though he is so old, it is not difficult to see that the old Tianshi was a handsome guy when he was young. Although he is old, he is still gentle and refined, giving people the illusion of a kind elder.

"Old Taoist Zhang, can you still come back?" Chen Mo looked at the crack, and the Ghostbusters didn't want to discuss this issue any more. It was too heavy and not suitable for him. He just had to do his part well.

Even if it is to save the world, everyone must work together, not just relying on the strength of one person to save the world.

If one can really rely on one person, then that person is no longer a human being, but a god.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Since the fasting ceremony is over, this junior should bid farewell, and I'm going to return tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Chen Mo clasped his fists together, as if he had come to bid farewell.

"Since the old Tianshi still has things to deal with, the juniors won't bother." Seeing the people who were talking about coming one by one, Chen Mo didn't plan to stay here anymore.


With the consent of the old master, Chen Mo looked back at the black crack. Although the crack was slowly closing, Chen Mo didn't have any interest.

The malice emanating from the black crack is not serious, but it is also very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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