Reckless through another world

Chapter 546 Is it right? Just ask and you will know

Chapter 546 Is it right, just ask

Unexplainable feeling, Chen Mo felt that the person in front of Zhang Laodao's body was not human.

Although everything seems to be very normal, there is always a strange feeling filling Chen Mo's body.

Just as Chen Mo was about to use the attribute panel's identification, the other party looked over. A pair of calm eyes were like two black abyss black holes, which could suck people in. There was a faint horror in the calm face.

"Is he really the Great Sage of True Martial Arts?" Chen Mo asked something that no one expected.

The original laughter and joy stopped abruptly, like a duck that was calling was pinched by the neck, and the sound disappeared in an instant.

Time and space seemed to be frozen, and the expressions on everyone's faces hadn't had time to restrain themselves.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere became very subtle, and the quiet needle drop could be heard around.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then they all had such a point of view in their hearts: "The one who came back... is really the Great Sage of True Martial Arts?"

Because of Chen Mo's reminder, and there are no stupid people here.

In the past, everyone ignored this problem. They always felt that if they returned, they would be successful. There was no need to dig into the root of the problem. In the end, they were actually afraid. Those who were afraid to come back with Zhang Junheng's physical body... were not human beings.

Therefore, while everyone was hesitating, some of them quietly took two steps back, as if they had entered a state of alert, and even the expression on their faces changed, questioning the origin of the Great Sage Zhenwu.

The person in charge of Zhang Junheng's body looked around. Although the aura on his body was still changing, it had basically stabilized, and it had stabilized to the third rank.

"Which one has doubts, stand up and speak." The voice of Zhenwu Dasheng came into Chen Mo's ears, and a palpitating sense of fear rose from the bottom of his heart.

"It's me!" Without the slightest timidity, Chen Mo squeezed away the person in front of him and took two steps forward.

Whether it is confidence in his own strength or confidence in the old master, Chen Mo will not feel that his life is in danger.

"Are you a ghost?" Chen Mo looked at Emperor Zhenwu a lot, looking at this man with the appearance of Zhang Junheng, Chen Mo didn't hesitate, but asked directly.


As if facing that giant leg that reached the sky again, the heavy oppression hit Chen Mo's body fiercely, knocking Chen Mo staggering.

Chen Mo's phoenix eyes suddenly opened, and the skin of his body was instantly covered by the ghost armor, and black ghost energy gushed out from the gaps in the thick armor.

The bloody red dyed Chen Mo's binoculars red, and the scarlet blood mist drifted from both sides of the corners of his eyes.

He tried his best to support the powerful coercion that enveloped him, but he remained motionless. What others couldn't see was the phantom of five evil ghosts emerging behind Chen Mo. For a while, Chen Mo was like a demon king.

Chen Mo could feel that an invisible big hand pinched him, and his whole body was backlogged and oppressed by this air pressure, as if it would burst at any moment.

"Junior, are you questioning me?!" The voice of the Great Sage Zhenwu was very flat, and no emotion could be heard.

"The coercion of the third turn is not enough to scare me, Dasheng, you haven't answered the boy's question." Chen Mo grinned, and a few drops of black-red liquid fell in front of him. Feel the warmth above the mouth.

"Wow!" The blood gushed out like a spring, and instantly wet Chen Mo's clothes. Chen Mo subconsciously wanted to wipe it off, but his body was very difficult to move.

Grinning, blood gushed out of Chen Mo's mouth, his clean white teeth were all stained red with blood, and the viscous blood seemed to have a little bit of flesh.

Chen Mo likes the refreshing feeling of solving problems on the spot.

Although he tried his best to support him, if he wanted to kill Chen Mo just by coercion, maybe other great sages in their heyday could do it, but this new one with unstable aura would definitely not work.

Chen Mo could even hear the wailing of his own bones, but these didn't affect Chen Mo. Although his body was a little bent, Chen Mo didn't give in at all.

It’s okay if the one released is really the ancient sage, but if it’s not the ancient sage, but an evil ghost, or some other unknown ghost, then it’s the best way to hide in the high-end human combat power. Terrible.

"Great Sage Zhenwu, although you are a senior, this benefactor of Chen Xian is for the good of Shenzhou after all, so please reveal your identity." The monk of Leiyin Zen Sect took a step forward, and the golden zhenqi gushed out from his body , turned into an illusory golden bell and shrouded Chen Mo's side.

Chen Mo suddenly felt that the pressure was greatly reduced. The current pressure is enough to make Chen Mo stand up and move his body. The tears inside his body have healed perfectly, and even the broken bones have all healed.

"Thank you, Senior Shi Woxing." Chen Mo saluted, and then looked at Zhenwu Dasheng who was not far away.

Chen Mo raised his sleeve and wiped the blood from his nose and mouth.

"This person is really a wonderful person!" Zhang Changsheng's eyes were shining brightly. Although Chen Mo looked reckless, he clicked the question all at once, pointing out this dangerous loophole. If Chen Mo didn't click, Zhang Changsheng would too. Make a point.

After all, such a threat cannot be left behind, and it is better not to have other ghosts occupying Zhang Junheng's body.

Who knows what is obtained through the so-called longevity ghost channel, maybe it is a person, maybe it is a ghost, or maybe it is some other unknown terrifying existence that lingers in the nether world and refuses to leave.

"That's right, although this young hero is a bit reckless, he is still doing it for the sake of the land of Shenzhou. I also ask the Great Sage Zhenwu to reveal his identity. Are you an evil ghost?" The second person who spoke was Gui Yuanzong's people.

One after another, people from the eight major sects all spoke up, and all became alert.

Although the old celestial master didn't say much, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the old celestial master was also waiting for the self-certification of the true martial artist.

"What the hell, aren't you!" Chen Mo murmured in his heart, and looked up at the sky, "It's time to come, I've sent messages for so long, and with the personality of those old people, they shouldn't be late It's been too long."

The person who controlled Zhang Junheng had a dull expression on his face, but anyone could see that his expression was very ugly.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and a huge ship smashed the clouds in the sky.

Chen Mo looked up, "It's finally here."

Looking at the banner of Qin Tianjian on the giant ship, everyone knew which side had come to Longhu Mountain.

On the tall mast of the giant ship, an armored soldier in black armor held the mast with one hand, covered his eyebrows with the other hand and looked out. The black fur on his neck and the hood on his helmet fluttered in the wind.


Bursts of roaring horns sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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