Reckless through another world

Chapter 559 The Research of Qin Tianjian

Chapter 559 The Research of Qin Tianjian
Chen Mo didn't know Laojun's later state at all, but Chen Mo didn't immerse himself in it for long. Since the other party chose to trust him, Chen Mo also felt that he should trust Laojun.

"It's time to take back everything I need." Chen Mo raised his head, the sun was shining brightly, the sun passed through the gaps between his fingers, and shone on Chen Mo's face, with a smile on his face, he walked calmly towards the gate of the gods. assessment department.

"He's back?" Elder Qin raised his eyebrows, listening to Yuan Ge's report beside him, and at the same time looking at the Great Sage Zhenwu behind the glass wall, with an imperceptible hint of joy in his voice.

The research department of Qin Tianjian is very spectacular. The tall buildings across the mountains and the underground corridors extend in all directions. The interior is very spacious and bright. It is made of white steel. The operating system must be advanced.

Rows of data are displayed on the crystal panel, and the rapid skimming makes people dazzled.

And Elder Qin was wearing a fully armed white protective suit. After hearing what Yuan Ge said, Elder Qin took off the crystal mask, revealing his old face, and staring directly at the Great Sage of True Martial Arts inside the crystal glass wall with his deep eyes. .

"I'm back." Yuan Ge saluted.

"It's good to be back, take your time, don't be so eager." Old Qin said with a smile, nodding his head slightly.

Elder Qin's complexion was very plain, he didn't seem to care about Chen Mo's return, his chin was smooth, there was only a little stubble but no beard, his hair was tied up meticulously, tied up with a crown, not letting a single strand of it fall.

Although his expression was indifferent, Yuan Ge could see that Mr. Qin did not let go of this matter because of it. If there was a chance, he would still persuade Chen Mo to participate.

After all, Zhang Laodao's primordial spirit is still in their hands, and most of this world is only the Qin Tianjian who can bring Zhang Laodao back to life.

Without staying in front of the crystal glass wall for a long time, Mr. Qin stepped into another laboratory.

The corridor is a long white road with no end in sight. The ground is paved with grid-shaped bricks of the same size. The ceiling is made of white refined steel with a white chandelier. The surroundings are divided one by one. A very average small room with a transparent crystal glass wall at the front of the room.

Divided into distinct grid-like compartments, there are mutated monsters.

Most of them are mutant monsters captured from Longhu Mountain this time. When they saw someone coming, some were slapping the crystal glass frantically, and some were sitting in the corner and watching coldly. Some were crazy and not indifferent. screaming, collapsing, shouting, and even grinning with fangs bared.

"Please, let me out, I'm really not a monster, I'm not a monster!" One of the monsters that looked like a ghoul cried bitterly. His body had changed from being thin to very tall. , the upper and lower lips had grown dead with the surrounding skin, forming a smooth incision, and the fangs in the mouth formed a bow shape.

Because there was no upper and lower mouth skin, the mucus in his mouth flowed from the gaps between his teeth. Because of the arrival of Mr. Qin and the others, he rushed to the glass wall, slapped the glass wall, and called for help.

The bluish-white skin is different from the ghouls with subjective ideology formed after eating human flesh. They were mutated and injected with unknown things, so they turned into this ghostly appearance.

And on the right side of his cell is a crystal panel inlaid on the glass, on which his name and detailed information are displayed: [D-23 Ghoul]

"Don't waste your efforts, they won't release us." Hearing the movement in the compartment next to him, the monster in the other compartment spoke.

Compared to this D-shaped ghoul, the other monster is much more indifferent.

"How long can the sane state last?" Dr. Han took out the crystal panel in his hand, which displayed rows of data.

"The higher the cultivation level, the shorter the sane state lasts. This is very strange." Standing beside Dr. Han, Shangguan Ziyun seemed to be very curious about these new species.

"Because the higher the cultivation base, the closer to the way of heaven, and the more things you can see, because of those incomprehensible fears, which lead to madness, but the role of the soul in it is negligible, because the mutation of the body leads to the emergence of consciousness. Huge difference." Qin Lao explained.

To put it bluntly, this is about the relationship between consciousness and matter. As for the ultimate fear, these researchers have never seen it, so they can't draw conclusions, and need to study these new monsters.

And regarding the ultimate fear, it was also Mr. Qin's own speculation.

"Is it possible that the mutation of the soul caused the mutation of the physical body?" Dr. Han boldly put forward another hypothesis.

"You mean that consciousness determines matter? Interesting!" Qin Lao nodded slightly with his hands behind his back. Han Shengzhong's point of view was not unfounded, but because the three monsters with celestial cultivation died, Qin Tianjian had no choice. Observe the state of the other party's primordial spirit.

"Xiaohui, what do you think?" Elder Qin seemed to pay more attention to this young man.

"The mutations of these people are similar to those of celestial demons, but celestial demons seem to preserve their consciousness more completely, and celestial demons also have the characteristics of celestial demon insects." Another young female researcher in a protective robe said. .

If Chen Mo were here, he would most likely recognize him. It was Wei Hui who used to formulate tactics against Chen Mo on the battlefield. Now she has left God's Catchment and joined the research department of Qin Tianjian, and her status is not small .

"That's right, it's indeed similar to Tianmo's side." Qin Lao said admiringly, among the dozens of researchers following him, Wei Hui is the one Qin Lao is more optimistic about.

Although Han Shengzhong and Shangguan Ziyun also studied under Mr. Qin for a period of time, it's just that their specialization direction is different from Mr. Qin's.

Han Shengzhong mainly deals with equipment, which can also be said to be equipment technology, which has a major impact on the main construction of Qin Tianjian, and the same is true for foreign wars. The heavy weapons on the giant ship are basically updated by this person. .

And Shangguan Ziyun is more like an assistant, analyzing the personal status of the gods and the status of the evil spirits in real time.

As the leader of Qin Tianjian's scientific research staff, Mr. Qin has many research directions, basically focusing on biotechnology. Of course, he will also coordinate some huge plans, such as this time the plan to recall the ancient great sage, there are also Qin Tianjian participated in it.

This time so many scientific researchers gathered together, in fact, they mainly discussed Chen Mo's problem. Some of them believed that it should be controlled, another part advocated Huairou, and some were neutral. Although they came up with a big plan, but Elder Qin didn't take it, so the matter was delayed again and again.

After the meeting was over, Elder Qin took Wei Hui back to the place where the Great Sage Zhenwu was in control.

Inside the crystal glass wall, the Great Sage Zhenwu is in the form of withered bones. The golden skeleton body shines brightly. He sits on the back of the skeleton Xuanwu, and countless pipes are inserted into his body. Although he is in the form of withered bones, his flesh and blood are re-condensing. However, it just condensed a little before it turned into fly ash and dissipated in the air.

On the other side, Zhang Junheng's primordial spirit is connected to a huge water tank by a thin tube.

"Which data has a problem? Or is there an error in which energy connection, the algorithm..."

Seeing that Elder Qin was immersed in research again, Yuan Ge who was guarding here did not speak, but retreated slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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