Chapter 564
"This is Chen Xianzhi!" Laojun looked at Chen Mo on the crystal screen with a smile on his face.

"Sure enough!" Chu Kuangge hugged his shoulders and nodded slightly. He felt that even if he faced Chen Mo now, he might not be able to win.

"Damn it, Laojun is an old thief. This kind of person should belong to the research institute, not the so-called death on the battlefield. If he dies in battle, it will be everyone's loss, Shenzhou's loss, even his own. It is already the key to fighting against the Heavenly Demon, and he is the best candidate for the beheading operation!" Qin Lao was furious for a while.

He really believed Laojun's nonsense.

What the hell is Hades posting notices, full of nonsense!
"Idiots, a group of idiots, if Chen Xianzhi can be mass-produced, what kind of goddamn demons are scum!"


The black giant blade in Chen Mo's hand turned into a cloud of black air and smashed down heavily.

Zhongjun Mountain was cut ten meters away with a single knife before it could barely stop. The raging black air turned into mist and dissipated in Chen Mo's hands.

"It's just an exhibition match!" Chen Mo held it empty, and another killing weapon condensed with black ghost energy appeared in Chen Mo's hands. The one just now couldn't bear Chen Mo's strength, and it was also intentional by Chen Mo. After all, it was an exhibition match. Chen Mo didn't want to hurt people's lives.

This time it is his promotion path, rather it is that the big bosses of all parties want to take a real look at Chen Mo, to see Chen Mo's many evil spirits, to understand Chen Mo's combat effectiveness, to see Chen Mo's heart, and to see Chen Mo's character. Yes, but in terms of add-ons.

Otherwise, why didn't Gao Wenyuan stop Chen Mo's actions, why did he let Chen Mo one-on-one, just let Chen Mo pass by according to the rules.

So even if Chen Mo didn't suggest it, the God Catcher who played the black face would still say something, and maybe even go to the field to try Chen Mo's fighting power in person.

Zhong Junshan thought that he would be knocked down with a knife, but he didn't expect that the light of the waterfall like Mount Tai would dissipate in front of him. Although it also scattered his handprints, it didn't hurt him at all.

"Chen Xianzhi, you underestimate me!" Zhong Junshan let out a long roar, his body climbed up, and the giant spirit and evil spirit suddenly rose to 20 meters. It turned into bursts of strong wind and blew in the dojo.

"Come back!" Chen Mo made a voice with trembling ghost energy.

The four evil ghosts who were fighting with the gods escaped one after another and poured into Chen Mo's body.

"The three of you come together!" Chen Mo said calmly, with the influx of evil spirits, the body of the three-eyed Yama also grew, and the most miraculous thing, the body of the three-eyed Yama was covered with armor, Scales grew, and four arms grew from under his ribs.

"The devil is wearing armor?"

"This is the King of Hades on the battlefield, what the hell was that just now!"

"Yes, yes, I am familiar with this trick. I was pushed horizontally by his form at that time!"


"Ruthless man, it turns out that Chen Xianzhi is the same Chen Xianzhi who pushed 35 god arresters!"

At the same time, the number of people watching Chen Mo's promotion match is increasing rapidly. The big screen in the review hall is full of people. They are all invited by friends. If Ziyi's promotion is basically confirmed, basically They will use the water mirror to broadcast live, and use it to make the newly-promoted chief arrester Ziyi famous.

Originally, Chen Mo was well-known, but this time, Chen Mo's popularity has obviously increased to a higher level.

Huge screens of flowers in mirrors, flowers in water, and moons were mobilized urgently and placed in the God Catch Hall.

"As expected of Brother Chen." Bai Zhanye sighed, he didn't know the meaning of the battlefield back then, but now he is an outsider, Chen Xianzhi has already reached the chief arrester in purple clothes, but he still stays in the court column, the gap between the strengths of the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

"It's him!" Tang Shenyue looked at the screen.

For a moment, all the gods who used to be on the battlefield were moved with emotion. Chen Xianzhi was worthy of the title of leader. It has only been more than half a year, and Chen Mo is about to be promoted to Ziyi.

"Everyone, don't let me down!" The voice rolled out, like the sound of thunder, sweeping out.

"Chen Xianzhi, Lizi is arrogant!"

For a long time, Chen Mo didn't show his full strength. Now it's just right, and it's time to show his sharpness. Now that he has fully used his combat power, he just happened to be on the road to invincibility!


"Hit the Heavenly Mansion and destroy all the skeletons, fall into the green front and disperse the sea of ​​Qi!" The body of the three-eyed Yama came up, with the long knife in his right hand blocking the road, and the broken knife in his left hand hitting the sea of ​​Qi.

"Not good!" Zhong Junshan said inwardly, the real energy in his body surged along with the ghost energy.

"Tiger Roaring Golden Bell Cover!"

A spinning golden bell appeared beside Zhong Junshan, as if it wanted to take off Chen Mo's strength.


It's a pity that Chen Mo's martial arts realm is profound, even though the opponent's true energy and ghost energy are strong, but at this stage, the fight is still the foundation and realm, Chen Mo's understanding of martial arts has already surpassed ordinary people.

Just imagine who can really practice martial arts and Taoism just to become a strong player in the game?

Chen Xianzhi can do it!

Many people think that Chen Mo relied on the system panel all the way, relied on the evil intentions he brought, and relied on some so-called foresight, but a strong person is a strong person, even if he has nothing, just give him a normal life. With his talent, he can still be No.1 in that field.

Even though it's just an ordinary talent, Chen Mo still has great courage to face evil spirits, he can still contract evil spirits, and he can still walk up step by step. This time may be prolonged and distant, but he will never stand still. forward.

The cowardly have nowhere to hide: only the brave survive.

Chen Mo's perseverance, strong psychology, and tempering are all achieved step by step by himself. This is Chen Xianzhi!

A real powerhouse!

The other two breaths obviously didn't want Chen Mo to deal with Chong Junshan so quickly.

"You don't know anything about me, and you don't know anything about my power!" Chen Mo screamed, his body soared, 30 meters, 40 meters, and even the big hatchet in his hand was blessed by the ghost energy 40 meters.


The surroundings of the dojo were cut to pieces by Chen Mo, and a demon-like figure stood proudly in the ruins.

With a height of 40 meters, he surpassed all the buildings, showing his figure in the eyes of everyone, and the big hatchet in his hand was lifted by Chen Mo.

"Heaven and Earth Sorrow Together"

"First style"

The white clouds in the sky were instantly dyed black, covering the sun in the sky, the wind was surging, and the black sky hung upside down. Chen Mo raised the long knife in his hand, and a thick black mist poured from the sky.

"It's dark?" Youshen catches Nana to himself.

"God and ghost, destroy together!"

"Okay, okay, don't fight any more!" Gao Wenyuan hurriedly stopped him. If Chen Mo's knife was cut off, the dojo would be useless, and the whole area would have to be rebuilt.

After all, when he was in the sea of ​​sky, Chen Mo's sword light had left a deep impression on many people.

"Whoosh, boom!"

The black knife in Chen Mo's hand dissipated, and the black curtain in the sky exploded. With the sunshine, the sky and the earth began to slowly become clear.

"Accepted!" Chen Mo smiled and cupped his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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