Reckless through another world

Chapter 570 Going down the mountain, responding to robbery

Chapter 570 Going down the mountain, responding to robbery

"I heard that a ruthless character came this time!" A young man with a feather fan and a scarf lay on the grand master's chair and said with a chuckle.

"There are ruthless characters every year, and every ruthless character you predict is not too ruthless." A young man emerged from the magma not far away, with sculptural muscles and a calm face with sharp edges and corners. .

"This time, he is definitely a ruthless character. His name is Chen Xianzhi, he is a chief arrester in purple, and it is said that he is only 19 years old." Lunjin youth said.

"Not bad, but it's just good. My competitors are only Zhang Changsheng and Xiao Daozi. The little monk Foyin is also counted as one, and the little sword fairy from the Shushan Sword Sect is counted as one. Among the remaining four sects, there is no one." What an outstanding character." The young man with a white jade body put on a long robe, with a cold expression on his face, as if he didn't pay too much attention to Chen Mo.

"If you have that time, why don't you collect some information about Dazhen and Dashengren, and see which one is suitable for hunting! I have no interest in opponents who are too weak." escape.

"Both Dazhen and Dasheng should not be underestimated. This battle might not be easy."

Dazhen Dynasty, inside the Bodhi Temple

Tens of thousands of monks were listening to the preaching of the eminent monk on the high platform. Under the huge bodhi tree, no one disturbed him. The leader among them was a young monk in linen clothes who got up.

The little monk got up slowly, passed the monks and walked out slowly.

"Master, junior brother." Seeing the young monk stand up, the rest of the monks wanted to stop the young monk.

The eminent monk who had preached the Tao shook his head slightly, but he didn't stop the young monk from getting up, nor did he stop the young monk from leaving.

"Let him go, since he wants to enter the game, we don't need to stop him." Although the monk said so, his eyes like a deep pool looked at the young monk's back.

After 20 years of practice, mind, Buddha, and martial arts, now that the young monk is about to leave the mountain, he is allowed to leave the mountain.

"Master, I also want to go down the mountain." Another monk stood up.

"Go!" The eminent monk under the bodhi tree did not stop but said softly.

"Master, I also..."

"Go, anyone else who wants to go down the mountain, go!"

"Wow!" Nearly [-]% of the monks stood up and followed the figure of the young monk down the mountain. The Bodhi courtyard was much empty in an instant, but there were still many monks sitting on the seats, and most of the monks did not go down the mountain.

"The great battle for national destiny is about to start. Anyone who wants to go down the mountain, go out. If you don't want to go down the mountain, the Bodhi Temple will close the mountain gate from today, and just wait quietly." The eminent monk's voice under the Bodhi tree is calm, but very penetrating. The sound of Buddha resounds throughout the Bodhi Temple.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The huge golden bell in the Bodhi Temple rang, and the sound waves awakened the monks in the temple. The ancient bell even echoed in the entire mountain range, like the sound of Buddha from ancient times, Cleansing the souls of the people.

As the huge golden bell in the Bodhi Temple resounded, some monks left, and some monks did not.

"Master, us?" In the Jiange of Beiwei Mountain, a young sword fairy looked at his master, and then at the outside world.

"The battle of the national fate, Jiange disciples who want to go down the mountain, please go down the mountain by themselves. From today on, the Jiange will close the mountain gate. The disciples who have entered the world, how to achieve is your own choice." The voice of the sword master of the Jiange spread throughout the entire Beiwei Mountain Range , Wan Jianshan in the Jiange then made a sound of yelling.

A famous sword kept by Jiange disciples flew out from Wanjian Mountain, and there was a scene of Wanjian flying across the sky for a while.

"Get out of the mountain!"


"The coming of the sword and the going of the sword are doomed. The Great Ghost of National Luck is a meat grinder. If he goes down the mountain, his life may be in danger!"

"It's about Dazhen's survival, and our sect will not just sit idly by. Since this is a calamity, let the disciples enter this great calamity. It's a pity that I failed to repay your old man's kindness in preaching and teaching, and the disciple went down the mountain. Already!"

"Go down the mountain!"

"I'm thinking of the younger generation who will work hard for a while, and I hope they can be stronger!"

The same scene also happened in Daqian. The eight peerless sects all sent their outstanding disciples to the capital of the gods. Whether they wanted to gain the glory of the country or other circumstances, the eight great sects also closed their gates.

The same is true for the rest of the first-class sects, sending their disciples to the capital of the gods, and then closing the gates.

All of a sudden, countless people poured into the capital of God from Nineteen Continents. Although there were many fierce fighters, they were all young people from the righteous sect after all, and many of them were newcomers who were ignorant of the world, so there were many people along the way. Wherever he went, he slaughtered bandits and robbers.

And even the demon sects along the way were killed by them. They used to go out alone to practice, but now they go down the mountain together. Although the people of the orthodox sect don't like each other very much, But at least one camp at the same time, when it comes to killing those who commit crimes, they will not hold back at all.

In this period of time, it is indeed a very strange thing that the law and order of the whole Dagan has been raised to another degree.

The same is true for Dasheng, but their management method is different from that of Daqian. Dasheng's management model is based on aristocratic families. There are few sects and many families. The largest family is supported by all the families.

Although they are equally powerful, they have serious polarization. There is no poor family at the top level, and no family at the bottom level.

The aristocratic family controls the power, so many sects have no room to survive, so the geniuses there basically come from the aristocratic family, but it is not known how many crouching dragons and phoenix chicks can be in that place.

"In this great battle, our Dasheng is the weakest. If we can unite with Dazhen, maybe we can steal the country again and carve up Daqian."

"But this time the keynote has been set. Is it to make the emperor who is a big leader become the emperor?"

"Stupid, Qin Tianjian just wants a human emperor, as for who, does it matter?"

"Isn't it important?"

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who the Emperor is. The most important thing is to be able to produce a Emperor. In Qin Tianjian's view, the most promising one is the Daqian Emperor, but why is it not my Dasheng?" emperor?!"


"My lord, do we want to participate in the court's battle to transport ghosts?" Dongfang Ghost Emperor half-kneeled on the ground, looking at the masked Lord Ming who was sitting high on the seat.

"The seeds that have been sown should germinate and bear fruit. We will take advantage of this opportunity to conduct an experiment. At the same time, if we can reap a wave of luck for luck, the research on that matter can also be put on the agenda." Underworld Lord's voice sounded like a synthesized electronic sound, and he couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, nor could he hear his emotional fluctuations.


"Did you find the thing I said?" Hades Lord asked.

"Not yet."

"Go ahead and find it for it."

"Master, what should that be?"

"Seems like a crown!"

(End of this chapter)

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