Chapter 599

"This is my hunting ground, and you are all my prey. I'm sorry. Although you are involved, I can't let you go after all. I just want to kill you to vent my resentment and anger." Lin Youping smiled up.

"If you don't talk speculatively, then you can only fight again." Chen Mo moved his shoulders, and Chen Mo held two broken knives, one big and one small, all in his hands.

"I can still hold on, you guys look for opportunities to find his weaknesses." Chen Mo sent his true energy to Foyin and Murong Qiancheng. Evil ghosts have a law of killing, so they will naturally be subdued by the law. Although Chen Mo guessed that it was a judge , the law of homicide is a conviction.

As long as there is half a ounce of guilt in the emotion, it will be hit by the wave.

But Chen Mo didn't dare to verify it. Anyone who did something bad would feel guilty. People like Chen Mo who didn't do anything wrong and only wanted to hunt monsters to become stronger were rare.

But when it comes to letting those quarantined people in, Chen Mo feels that it will increase Lin Youping's combat power.

"Could it be to persuade him with words and make him feel guilty?" Chen Mo doubted for a moment in his heart. If this is the case, it will be very difficult. He is quite good at scolding people, touching people. , he is really not very good at it, but fortunately there are two other people who are good at it.

Foyin himself is a Buddhist disciple, and he will definitely speak the Dharma.And Murong Qiancheng is a member of a top family, if he is not good at talking, he will definitely not be convincing, so Chen Mo entrusted these two tasks to Foyin and Murong.

"You don't need to trouble Mr. Chen, I already know his weakness." Murong Qiancheng smiled sweetly.

"Huh?" Chen Mo was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that Murong Qiancheng didn't know Lin Youping's weakness, so he deliberately asked him to delay the time. Unexpectedly, Murong Qiancheng already knew about Lin Youping's weakness. , Could it be that it was played for the blind.

"My actor-level acting skills have not been fully utilized?" Chen Mo thought to himself, while touching his chin, he looked at Murong Qiancheng.

"As early as you took out the half of the fragmented volume, X knew that you had discovered the weakness of X." Lin Youping was honest, and there was no look of surprise, after all, after seeing Murong Qiancheng get the half of the fragment, When he rolled, he knew something was going to happen.

This incomplete book is very weird, he has already rummaged through it, all the knowledge has been recorded in his mind, this book has also been destroyed by him countless times, every time after it is destroyed, it appears again in the his side.

Even if it was burnt to scum, it would reappear by his side. In desperation, Lin Youping could only throw this fragmented scroll into the library to eat ashes, and hid it in the secret cabinet of the library. Unless the agency is found, others will not be able to enter.

Unexpectedly, it was still dug out by someone. It would be fine for ordinary people. Unexpectedly, it was this woman whose wisdom made Lin Youping feel difficult.

"Of course, since this book records how to behead your head, it also records how to subdue the evil spirits. It's just that you didn't destroy it, but hid it. It's really stupid." Murong Qiancheng's eyes It's like watching idiots.

Lin Youping noticed the look in the other party's eyes, but he didn't say much. It's okay to let the other party hold this kind of weird thing. Anyway, he will take it back with his hands after a while, and he doesn't plan to hide it in the secret pavilion afterwards. I hit it, I plan to find a place to bury it.

"Isn't it the head of the original evil spirit? But do you know where the original evil spirit's head is? Without the evil spirit's head, you would not be able to kill me." Lin Youping himself held the mentality of playing with cats and mice. These are just his prey, even the three of Chen Mo are just stronger prey.

"And I will slowly drag you to death one by one." Lin Youping showed a joyful expression on his face, and the black ghostly aura from his body slowly gushed out, surrounding him.

The calm expression on Murong Qiancheng's face also changed slightly. She searched around, but couldn't find the severed head of the evil spirit in the Lin Mansion. She originally thought that Lin Youping's arrogance didn't bother to hide it, but she didn't expect this Ghosts are also afraid of death, so the plan to lure Lin Youping to speak out must have run aground.

"We still have to fight. Go find the evil ghost's head. I'll fight him a few more times. The fight just now wasn't fun. It's time for the real thing." Chen Mo's face showed an excited look. Chen Mo's own recovery ability Just strong, the pain can't make him afraid.

Besides, where to find such an unbeatable opponent, Chen Mo even thought that he might be able to be promoted to a rank-one land immortal through this time. can not fight.

Seeing that Lin Youping was in high spirits again, Chen Mo was happier than Lin Youping.

"Not bad, not bad, that's good. I thought I missed my kill, but now it seems that there is still a chance." Chen Mo muttered, he thought that this time Murong Qiancheng would directly make the ending Well, I didn't expect that there would be another village.

Chen Mo's style of writing is to support his own self-respect. If he walks on the edge of a knife, he might overturn if he is not sure, but others don't know Chen Mo's careful thinking.

"Earth Immortal Killing Tribulation, can you respond?" Chen Mo naturally felt that Lin Youping was good, but it was only good. If it weren't for his strength being greatly suppressed, and the opponent's immortality and quick recovery, Chen Mo would have He beat Lin Youping to death.

"It's past three o'clock in the afternoon. The me I am now is not the me I was yesterday." Lin Youping didn't expect that Chen Mo would dare to bark his teeth at him. He thought he had convinced Chen Mo, but he didn't expect this young man to be so persistent.

When Lin Youping looked at Chen Mo, he instinctively froze for a moment. Not only was there no fear in Chen Mo's eyes, but there was a wave of excitement on the contrary, and there was even a small surprise that the scheme had succeeded.

"???" A question arose in Lin Youping's heart.

"Kill!" Chen Mo yelled, Huang Quan threw Foyin and Murong Qiancheng out, and he wanted to use this improper Lin Youping to be promoted to a land god.

"Benefactor Chen!" The moment Foyin was thrown out by the ghost domain, he hurriedly exclaimed, wanting to enter the ghost domain again.

"Don't shout, little monk, you still can't see that this is Chen Xianzhi's plan?" Murong Qiancheng had already understood when Chen Mo's cultivation at the peak of heaven and man exploded, and surprise flashed in her eyes. It's over.

They were just here to accompany Chen Xianzhi, and Chen Xianzhi clearly wanted to use Lin Youping to become a land god.

"Madman!" Murong Qiancheng said in a low voice bitterly, isn't he just a lunatic, everyone is afraid of killing, this guy is really a bully, he raises monsters to become his own killing.

This motherfucker is simply insane!
Moreover, if Chen Xianzhi died in Lin Youping's hands, Murong Qiancheng was worried that Lin Youping would become a stronger thing. Chen Mo had five evil ghosts in his body, and his blood was as thick as a holy body. He was simply the best kind of ghost. The best nourishment for things.

"Amitabha." After hearing Murong Qiancheng's words, Foyin suddenly realized that he seemed to need to re-examine Chen Xianzhi.

(End of this chapter)

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