Reckless through another world

Chapter 601 The Tribulation Has Arrived

Chapter 601 The Tribulation Has Arrived

"Very good, Chen Xianzhi, I remember you, today either you die or I die." Lin Youping stood up unsteadily, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and spat on the ground, the bloody froth with his teeth covered Lin Youping vomited on the ground, his scarlet ghost eyes were full of fierceness.

Ever since he transplanted his own head into the body of the evil spirit, when had he been so insulted that even his teeth were knocked out, and there were countless wounds on his body, with bright red blood dripping down the lines on his body fell to the ground.

Lin Youping stared in astonishment at the three-eyed Yama, which was more than 40 meters high.

Although body size is not a benchmark for measuring combat power, the sense of coercion conveyed by it is enough to show that Chen Mo's tyranny is able to suppress him in the territory he has carefully built.

Chen Xianzhi had obviously been suppressed by half of his combat power in his territory, but he was still able to match him in his second transformation.

This is unacceptable to Lin Youping.

What made him even more angry was that he was walking with Chen Mo's rhythm unknowingly.

"You are the one who dies. I, live." Chen Mo grinned, his jaw slightly raised, and when he said the word "I", Chen Mo deliberately paused and lengthened the syllable.The expression on the three-eyed Yan Luo's face was so real, and the pair of slightly wide-open ghost eyes were condescending, showing his confidence to the fullest.

The voice was bold and majestic, and there was a chilling intent in it, it seemed that Lin Youping was not taken seriously at all.

"Possessed by evil spirits!"

Lin Youping seemed to be irritated by Chen Mo, he took a step forward, and the red blood in his body evaporated instantly, turning into a steaming scarlet mist that surrounded him.

At the same time, black ghost energy gushed out from the evil ghost's body, intertwined with the scarlet mist, and appeared on Lin Youping's body in a scarlet and black robe, which was solemnly crowned with a ribbon.

This time, Lin Youping was really wrong.

In the hunting ground here, he was madly suppressed by Chen Xianzhi, his consciousness was already tyrannical, if it wasn't because he was a human head, he would have already lost his mind.It was only at this time that the power was released, not only because he wanted to kill Chen Mo, but also because he was no longer worried that the other party would find the head of the real evil spirit.

Because if the other party finds it, find it. He just wants to kill the person in front of him now. He can sense that if he can kill this young man, his strength will be doubled, and even more wonderful things will be obtained.

Violence and greed have blinded Lin Youping's eyes, making him only want to deal with Chen Mo quickly.

"Die to me!" The huge judge, more than 30 meters tall, was covered by a huge crown, surrounded by black mist, and couldn't see the opponent's true face clearly.

More than 30 meters, although it is not as tall as the three-eyed Yama, but the ghost aura that wins over him is even thicker, and the fear and coercion pours down like a tide, and the three-eyed Yama controlled by Chen Mo is like a torrent in front of a waterfall. tough boulder.

"He is strong and he is strong, the breeze blows the hills, he is his side, and the bright moon shines on the river."

The three-eyed Yan Luo held the broken knife in his hand, and Chen Mo held it in his hand. On his left arm up to his shoulder was the evil ghost tattoo of the Jedi Sword Lord. The hand of the Jedi Sword Lord replaced Chen Mo's hand. He stretched out and held the broken bronze knife in his hand.

"Broken knife? Can you cut people to death? You're laughing to death." Lin Youping snorted coldly, and with a wave of his sleeve, the boundless ghostly aura instantly condensed into a black spear with a faint light.

"Condemnation Ghost Spear!"


Lin Youping flipped his wrist, and immediately raised the black spear in his hand, and with a slight flash, he had already arrived in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't panic at all, his right hand was a large knife that killed one third of the blade, and his left hand was a broken bronze knife. The knife was horizontal immediately, and the powerful blade was full of sharpness, and the surrounding buildings had already become decorations , was flattened by Chen Mo.

When Lin Youping threw the spear, all the buildings in front of Lin Youping were swept away, and the ripples released from his body even distorted Chen Mo's ghost domain, regardless of where the opponent was just standing


Although there is no thunder, the sound is like thunder from the sky, although there is no electricity, it is as fast as lightning.

It was too late and then too soon, the black giant spear had already smashed all the remaining half of the enemy, and the broken blade even injured Chen Mo, the master of the sword. Fortunately, the bronze broken knife was not hit by a spear Shattered, but blocked the black spear with the shallow back of the knife.

"Why does everyone recognize the third eye on my forehead? It's not a weakness at all, it's not a weakness!" Chen Mo gave up killing the enemy with only the handle left.


Lin Youping had already come to the black spear, holding the black spear with both arms, and pierced it with a spear. Chen Mo just turned the broken knife in his hand, but the broken knife was just broken knife, it was too short.


A spear pierced the ghost eye on the forehead of Yan Luo with three eyes.

"Hum!" Chen Mo's eyes were bloodshot, as if his naked eyes had been stabbed, and he was blind for a moment, even accompanied by severe pain.

The spear penetrated three inches deep. Chen Mo had already set up a defense, but was still broken by the opponent's spear. It can only be said that he is a murderer who has accumulated for so many years. His strength has long been unknown. In the third form, Chen Mo has been completely suppressed.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.


Chen Mo raised the broken bronze knife in his hand, and cut off the black spear with one knife. The black energy transformed by the ghost energy crazily drilled into the ghost eyes of the three-eyed Yama as if it had come to life. Chen Mo felt his scalp go numb for a while, Afraid that something got into his brain.

That's why Chen Mo was ruthless enough. With a ghostly hand, Chen Mo dug out the eyes like scarlet glass balls on his forehead.

Together with the ghostly aura that wanted to break through the ghost eyes, they were dug out by Chen Mo.A big pit appeared on Sanmu Yanluo's forehead, as if a gem had been inlaid here, but the gem was later dug away.

Chen Mo can empathize with him naturally.

It really hurt, it was a piercing pain, as if Chen Mo really dug his eyes out with his own hands, the pain hit like a tide, but Chen Mo resisted it.

There are very few people in this world who are not afraid of pain, and the rest who can keep silent can bear it.

Chen Mo took the ghost eyes in the shape of glass balls and crushed them into pieces. He didn't know why everyone wanted to goug his eyes, but it didn't make any difference if the eyes were gouged out. There were more than 300 ghost eyes in his body, and if they were broken Well one or two doesn't make any difference.

"Damn, this time I'm going to risk my life." Chen Mo's face was pale.

"One inch is long, one inch is strong, one inch is short, and one inch is dangerous." Just because the bronze knife broke less than a few centimeters, Lin Youping stabbed one eye blind, and the fierceness in Chen Mo's heart was also aroused vividly.


(End of this chapter)

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