Reckless through another world

Chapter 605 Maybe I Was Played By A Ghost

Chapter 605 Maybe I Was Played By A Ghost
The appearance of the evil ghost is different from what Chen Mo remembered.

The head of this evil spirit turned out to be that of a young man, his face was as white as jade, although his eyes were closed, there was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Just looking at this head, it feels lifelike, but when you look at it carefully, you will find that this bookish evil ghost's head has a strong sense of death, that kind of indifferent horror, It made Chen Mo's back feel cold.

The book of Wanmin is very large, and there are countless people's names recorded in it, but more of them are handprints, some black, some red, densely covered on this cloth.

"It's really ruthless. The book of Wanmin not only gathers the fortune of the country, but also the spirit of the people. It uses this kind of thing to wrap and isolate the evil spirits, so that they will be suppressed forever." Chen Mo was amazed, this method is simply insidious , even vicious.

But the effect is really not to be said. So many comprehensive reasons made Lin Youping's plan succeed. After he cut off the head of the evil spirit, he was able to occupy the magpie's nest without being taken back by the evil spirit.

Chen Mo took out the evil ghost's head and held it in his hands, trying to connect it to the tall and straight body of the evil ghost again.

Lin Youping was dead, but the evil ghost's body didn't fall down, but stood there. The cross-section was thick black, I don't know what material it was made of, and the black ghost aura surrounded the body.

"Wait a minute, are we really going to take this evil spirit's head back?" Murong Qiancheng stopped Chen Mo's movements, she always felt uneasy and a little uneasy.

Although I don't know what I'm worried about.

Murong Qiancheng looked at the head of the evil spirit in front of him. It was a handsome man with his eyes closed, but he looked weird no matter what.

"If you don't take it back, the souls of the people gathered around here will never be liberated. His head is the eye of the formation. If you don't take it back, it will always be connected to the entire formation." Chen Mo gave Murong Qiancheng a strange look. , with a strange look in his eyes, most of the whole plot was promoted by Murong Qiancheng, and now that it was about to make a final move, Murong Qiancheng hesitated.

"It's strange for a woman. After all the foreplay, now she's about to break in, yet she hesitates." Chen Mo muttered in his heart.

Although he didn't know what Murong Qiancheng was thinking, Chen Mo still said it briefly.

Chen Mo felt it from the head of this evil ghost. The head of the evil ghost is not only the core of Lin Youping's "Blood Spring", but also the core of the entire formation. If the evil ghost is not released, there is no way to destroy this huge formation. destroy.

There is no guarantee that there will be no more Lin Youping in the future.Although the probability is very low, if you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of it.In case someone wants to walk Lin Youping's old path again, these are simply a godsend opportunity, as long as he cuts off his head and puts it on the body of the evil spirit.

Even all the preparations have been done, all you need to do is get on your seat.So not only to save so many wronged souls, but also to prevent the latecomers from following Lin Youping's old path, but also to put the head of the whole evil spirit back.

Moreover, the only person who can take the head of an evil ghost is Chen Mo. Others can pick it up, but they will be targeted by ghosts.

"But I always feel something is wrong with my body." Murong Qiancheng looked at the faint smile on the ghost's face, and the strange feeling in his body became even more.
"No, it's not this." With Murong Qiancheng's expression on his face, she took out the fragmented scroll that was only half a book left from her sleeve robe, and she found out where the strange feeling came from, it wasn't the head of the evil spirit, It's not the big formation, but this half of the scroll.

"What's the matter, I was taken aback." Chen Mo asked.

He had already taken out his head just now, and when he heard Murong Qiancheng's exclamation, he let go of his hand in shock, but the fear in his heart was greatly amplified by holding this thing. As soon as he shouted, no matter who he was, he would be frightened and let go.

"No, my concubine just found out that this thing is very strange, and I contacted the book that Lin Youping said before he died. However, there is still fear in his eyes."

"In the end, after he died, although he struggled, he finally felt relieved and relaxed. There is really a problem with this thing." Murong Qiancheng felt his scalp go numb.

"It may even be that this ghost was beheaded voluntarily and abetted Lin Youping in this way. Otherwise, there are many innocent people in the world, and he can definitely find someone else instead of Lin Youping." Murong Qiancheng said more and more It feels like the fucking truth.

What I said just now are all deceptive things, so vulnerable in the face of such truth, Murong Qiancheng can't think about it anymore, and even wants to throw away half of the book in his hand.

But thinking of the plan, Murong Qiancheng hesitated again, if they don't liberate this large formation, their plan will not be completed.Murong Qiancheng also came to this place because of a plan, otherwise, even luck would not be able to attract her.

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is." Although Chen Mo's tone was relaxed, his outstretched hand hesitated a lot. If it was really as Murong Qiancheng guessed, then he would be in serious trouble. Maybe he would put this ghost's head back. In an instant, the three of them were about to die.

"If you don't put the head of the evil ghost back, how can you get luck?" Chen Mo muttered with a frown. He came here for luck. I'm a little upset.

However, Chen Mo believed more and more in Murong Qiancheng's theory of evil spirits. In fact, the biggest beneficiaries were not them, but this evil spirit.

As for saying that this is a way of throwing rats, this is not Chen Mo's style. Lin Youping, who is one with man and ghost, has been beaten by Chen Mo. Now that he has become a land god, even if this evil ghost wakes up, he can still be beaten up.

"Amitabha, this little monk also thinks something is wrong. How about this, the two go first, and this little monk stays, and puts the head of the evil ghost on his body? Originally, this little monk came here to transcend this completely dead person, and he was there , although the little monk has a wicked body, the danger will be less." Foyin said aloud.

"It's better for me, you can't do it, I am strong in battle, clean, and fast, and I really want this ghost." Chen Mo waved his hand, and the most important thing is that Chen Mo wants this ghost .

"If you want it too, let's compete fairly." Chen Mo looked at Foyin and Murong Qiancheng.

"Amitabha, I don't want it." Foyin shook his head foolishly.

"Give me another [-]% of the national fortune, and this ghost will sell you." Murong Qiancheng glanced at Foyin like a fool, and then stretched out his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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