Reckless through another world

Chapter 607 Poisoned wine is good wine

Chapter 607 Poisoned wine is good wine


"It is said that strong wine is the best, but in fact they don't understand wine at all. This wine with Shenchun Muhua fruit is really good wine." Sitting cross-legged by the campfire, the young man poured the wine from the wine gourd in his hand. Another wine gourd.

The young man casually threw the other gourd in his hand to the opposite youth.

"Brother Chen is really in a good mood. He regards this lucky hunt as an outing, and even has a drink." The young man caught the wine gourd thrown by Chen Mo and smiled helplessly.

When the young man raised his hand, he seemed to have discovered the dirt on his sleeve robe, he tightened the sleeve robe in embarrassment, and silently brushed off the dirt and dust on the sleeve robe. Some flair.

This young man is a wonderful person. Chen Mo met him on the way to the capital of the Emperor's court. At that time, he was chased by a group of people. He opened his mouth and called out Chen Mo's name "Chen Xianzhi chief arrester", asking Chen Mo to rescue him. Seeing that the other party is also a big-hearted person, he also helped out.

Now that the blood moon was in the sky, Chen Mo wanted to find out about the situation in the capital of the God Emperor, so he stopped.

That day, after Chen Mo used the evil ghost cage to suppress the guilty ghost, he left without saying goodbye, mainly wanting to get rid of Murong Qiancheng.At the same time, because he had already given up the fight for luck, he didn't stay to say goodbye to them, thinking that it would be better to leave in that dazzling light.

"Gudu!" The young man was not afraid that Chen Mo would poison him. After taking the gourd, he took a sip, and the coolness melted in his mouth. Immediately, his limbs and bones became numb, and he felt a sense of happiness surrounding him. At the same time, there was such a trace of dizziness, and the whole person was in a trance.

"Good wine, mellow and full-bodied, with layers of aftertaste." Su Xuanzhen was full of praise, and glanced at Chen Mo indiscriminately, as if observing Chen Mo's emotions.

"Naturally, it's good wine, but it's a pity that the flowers and fruits of Shenchunmu are highly poisonous. Even heavenly beings will fall to the ground after drinking too much. Otherwise, this wine will be greatly popularized." Chen Mo clicked his tongue, a fetish in this world Many, even many land gods can be brought down.

Su Xuanzhen was stunned for a moment, he said that the name felt familiar to him, and now he remembered it after hearing Chen Mo's explanation, isn't it a highly poisonous thing?If it wasn't because he was okay, he would have scolded his mother, "Who the hell thought of adding poison to alcohol, isn't that harmful?"

"Let's talk about the business, how are the emperors of the gods now?" The corners of Chen Mo's mouth curled up, showing a kind smile. Ever since he walked out of the explosion, Chen Mo felt that the traction on the top of his head was getting stronger and stronger, as if he was urging Chen Mo headed in one direction.

Chen Mo asked someone to inquire and found out that the direction turned out to be the direction of Shendu.

The luck harvested along the way made Chen Mo's body covered with golden light, like a small sun in the dark night, but with more and more luck, Chen Mo's feeling of being called became more and more serious .

"Hey, now the capital of the God Emperor has been smashed into a pot of porridge, and the most important point is that Dazhen and Dasheng have joined forces, so that many people have been driven out and even hunted down." Su Xuanzhen sighed Take a breath.

It was obvious that he belonged to the one who was chased out at the same time. He had already run so far and was chased and intercepted.

"Today's big cadres are like rats crossing the street, being besieged by others." Su Xuanzhen took another sip for himself, and shook his head helplessly. The brothers and sisters around him were all scattered, and now Don't know what their condition is.

"Dazhen will join forces with Dasheng?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, and it is also the same reason. After all, compared with Daqian, Dazhen and Dasheng are slightly weaker, and the combination of the two sides is imperative. But what surprised Chen Mo was that Dagan's situation is so bad now.

Looking at the fire in front of him, the flames were beating, and there was a crackling sound as the firewood burned. Su Xuanzhen held the gourd in both hands, but didn't answer, his eyes stared blankly at the fire in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.

"Where are Zhang Changsheng and the others?" Chen Mo asked.

"Thirteen seats, half of them didn't go to the imperial capital. The little celestial master of the Zhang family went to save people and didn't come back. Today's imperial city only has Xiaodaozi, the little Jiasheng of Guiyuanzong, the elder sister of Shenxiufang, Shushan and Chunyang. Jianzong supports it." Su Xuanzhen snapped his fingers, counting the powers that are currently in charge.

Chen Mo was not there, and the little celestial master went to save people, so that Dagan lacked two top fighters, and the thirteen seats were so few.Chen Mo can understand how miserable they are. After all, no one is backing them up, and it is only when soldiers fight against generals that they lose so badly.

"However, when I was running, I saw Qinglong from Zhenyi Division entering the city. I think the situation should be better with him here." Su Xuanzhen's eyes lit up with a flash of inspiration, and he told Chen Mo his discovery.

"Then why do you still run away?" Chen Mo asked suspiciously.

Although Qinglong looks cold and inhuman, he has strong fighting power and a heavy sense of responsibility. He is also an official member of Dagan. He must protect Dagan's people, and at the same time protect Dagan and his own image .

If Qinglong entered the imperial capital, things might turn around a bit.

"I can't help it, I can't get along anymore." Su Xuanzhen smiled awkwardly, his eyes flickered, as if there was something unspeakable hidden.

But Chen Mo didn't ask too much, it was his private matter after all, and Chen Mo didn't have the heart to gossip, so he didn't ask why Su Xuanzhen wanted to leave the imperial capital.

"Since this is the case, then you and I are different. I want to go to the capital of God." Chen Mo stood up. Although there are many ghosts on the road at night, Chen Mo still plans to travel at night. The throne is really uncertain, after Chen Mo thought about it, he decided to take action to wipe out all the enemies.

"Well, can you take me with you too? This is a mess. If I hang out outside, I might die." Su Xuanzhen rubbed his hands, and looked at Chen Mo expectantly. What he did was shameful, and he needed someone Great backing.

And Chen Xianzhi, who can handle so many martial arts that are too difficult to guess with his own strength, is a good candidate, so Su Xuanzhen wants to get Chen Mo's backer.

"You want me to help you ward off disaster?" The smile on Chen Mo's face froze all of a sudden, he grinned, but there was no smile in his eyes at all, and even a faint sense of danger shrouded Su Xuanzhen's body beside.

"You're blind, I'll give you a drink." Chen Mo snorted coldly, and was about to leave after speaking.Chen Mo is alone, so he doesn't need to be with his younger brother, and he doesn't need someone to wait by his side. Besides, even if he wants to, he must be a stunning beauty.

"Chief arrest, wait, I'll buy my own life." Seeing that Chen Mo's attitude had changed, Su Xuanzhen immediately called out to Chen Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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