Reckless through another world

Chapter 609 is returned to you.

Chapter 609 is returned to you.

"What is this?" Chen Mo looked at the box. The only thing that made Chen Mo feel valuable was the things in this box. After shaking it, Chen Mo found that there should be everything in it.

"How to open this thing?" Chen Mo looked at Su Xuanzhen, the only thing that Chen Mo could see was this thing, and the black light entrenched in it made Chen Mo feel a little bit of fear, either the box was not simple, or It's not easy to put things inside.

In any case, it is profitable, but you have to figure out what the box itself or what is reasonably contained in it.

"I don't know about this." Su Xuanzhen took the box that Chen Mo threw over. Although he didn't study it carefully because of time constraints when he got it, he also tried to open it, but all ended in failure.

"In this case, we can only break the seal violently." Chen Mo took the bronze box back from Su Xuanzhen's hand.

"No way, if there is any treasure in it, if it is broken, it will be damaged." Su Xuanzhen was a little frightened, after all, if there was a treasure inside this thing, wouldn't it be released, but it would be broken, Absolutely the intestines can regret it.

"It's okay, you picked it up for nothing anyway, if you lose it's mine, if you win it's yours, how about it?" Chen Mo looked at Su Xuanzhen, Chen Mo felt that this thing should be able to be opened, otherwise, why bother to make a box.

Besides, what kind of treasure can a box be, there is a treasure inside, and a treasure that will break if it is dropped is useless.

Su Xuanzhen hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to follow Chen Mo's suggestion to break the seal violently.

"Okay, if you break the seal violently, let's break the seal violently!" Su Xuanzhen gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, now he could only pray that there would be something that could impress Chen Mo.

Chen Mo grasped the two ends of the box with both hands, and exerted his arms fiercely. The veins in both arms were exposed immediately. Chen Mo even gushed out his true energy, and the steaming white mist evaporated from Chen Mo's pores. Yelled "Gimme it!"

Then nothing happened.

It's not that the louder the sound, the stronger the output. Chen Mo was shocked to find that even with his strength, he couldn't open the bronze box.

"This..." Su Xuanzhen watched Chen Mo operate for a while, but the bronze box remained motionless, even the paint didn't fall off a bit. Su Xuanzhen wanted to laugh, but the atmosphere was a bit dignified now. If he laughed, Chen Mo would think that It was he who was laughing at him, maybe Chen Mo, who became angry from embarrassment, would behead him and go to the Holy Sect to receive the reward.

So Su Xuanzhen decided that it would be better to just stay aside honestly.

"It seems that you can't open it with brute force, so you can only use a weapon." Chen Mo looked at it carefully. I don't know how it was installed.

But since it couldn't be torn apart, Chen Mo decided to split it with a weapon.

"Isn't it too reckless to split, just in case..." Su Xuanzhen also breathed a sigh of relief, but turned his heart up again, and glanced at the bronze knife on Chen Mo's waist.

"I'm afraid of a bird, didn't I say that I will bear the responsibility if I lose the bet?" Chen Mo pulled out the bronze broken knife at his waist.

"No, actually..." Su Xuanzhen didn't say much, and he hesitated to say that it was not good. In fact, he was not afraid that Chen Mo would lose the bet. Embarrassed.

But seeing Chen Mo's insistence on this, Su Xuanzhen didn't say much. Anyway, the final result can only remain the same, neither better nor worse.

The big deal is to pay an extra box.

"Glaring Ghost Cut!"

Su Xuanzhen didn't even see Chen Mo's debut, nor did he feel it. What followed was that huge coercion like a sharp heavenly knife, like a heavenly knife descending from the sky, cutting down all the wilds.

The black ghost energy was released from Chen Mo's hand. At this moment, the bronze broken knife in his hand seemed to be held not only by Chen Mo, but also by the Jedi Sword Lord, or by the six-armed warrior, or even by the five evil spirits in his body. Ghost and Chen Mo held the knife together.


The light of the knife flashed in front of Chen Mo's eyes, and the knife was drawn out and closed in an instant.

"Clang! Buzz buzz"

The box in front of me is still intact, as if nothing happened just now.

"It's over, I knew it was the result." Su Xuanzhen closed his eyes, and he said that Chen Mo couldn't cut him. Now it's over. How confident he was when he drew the knife just now, but now he is slapped in the face.

Su Xuanzhen quietly put away Chen Mo's tattered things, ready to run away at any time.

"What are you doing?" Chen Mo glanced back at Su Xuanzhen, then walked to the box.

Chen Mo gently picked up a corner of the box.

The box was easily opened by Chen Mo, a flat cut in the middle appeared in front of the eyes of the two of them, and after Chen Mo took away half of the box in his hand, something in the remaining box was exposed.

"What is this?" Chen Mo took out the thing inside, it looked like a big seal, the whole was cast in black, unlike gold and jade, it was cold to the touch, and there was even a sense of fear and coercion.

But to Chen Mo's surprise, there is a huge force of national fortune entrenched on it.

"噗!" A black light shot up into the sky, straight into the sky, but disappeared in less than two breaths.

"What is this thing?" Chen Mo was a little surprised. This thing seemed to be like the legendary jade seal. After Chen Mo turned it over, there was a written word on it: "Ordered by the sky, longevity will last forever"

"Sure enough, it's the jade seal. Could it be the jade seal passed down by the emperor's court? The strength of this luck is beyond words." Chen Mo played with the jade seal that was as big as two fists and as big as a casserole in his hand. The black jade seal was scarlet. The font looks so scary even at a glance.

On the other hand, Su Xuanzhen, who was looking at the black jade seal in Chen Mo's hand, had a complexion like the moonlight, which was constantly changing, as if he knew what was in Chen Mo's hand.

"Chief arrest, can I not give you this thing?" Su Xuanzhen asked, and he even gradually started to be on guard.

"Okay, didn't I say that, I opened all yours and broke mine. Although you snatched this, it was originally yours." Chen Mo casually threw the black jade seal to Su Xuanzhen. Chen Mo, who changed Su Xuanzhen's face, also saw it.

Since the other party didn't want to pay for his life, Chen Mo didn't intend to grab it. He wouldn't break his own principles for such a thing. That's how Chen Mo's Dao Heart was.

"Give it back to me?" Su Xuanzhen was a little dazed, even ordinary people would keep such a treasure for themselves, let alone a martial artist, but Chen Mo's strength is still so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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