Chapter 620
Chen Xianzhi moved, and Yan Luo with three eyes bent his legs and ejected like a spring.


The momentum soared into the sky, and even the surrounding ground sank three feet, and the place where the three-eyed Yama stood on his feet seemed to be hit by a meteorite, forming two huge pits in embarrassment, and at the same time, the ground dragon turned over. intention.


The invisible air wave spread violently.

Following Chen Mo's actions, the four evil spirits behind Chen Mo also attacked, and Nuo Da's ghost domain was fixed on top of Chen Mo's head. They followed Chen Mo and acted as guards.

In the already dark sky, a huge shadow appeared.

"President Chen's arrest is unparalleled in the world!" Now the people in Huangquan were no longer worried. No matter what, Chen Mo's action was equivalent to giving everyone a shot in the arm. They now have the confidence to believe that Chen Mo can rush out.

"Bodhi Vajra Palm!"

Bursts of Buddha's voice are mighty.

A big palm supporting the sky was formed in the sky, and in the black cloud, a bone bodhisattva appeared. It was the lanthanum cassock monk who was driving the bone bodhisattva. The eyes of the bone bodhisattva were like calm pools of blood, without the slightest emotion.

Just like the bone bodhisattva itself, with a heart of bones, all emotions are suppressed.


The ghost energy in Chen Mo's body suddenly spewed out, and the wind, cloud and thunder moved, and the boundless energy gathered beside Chen Mo, and the body of the three-eyed Yan Luo was like half of a big bow, and suddenly pulled away.

It really is "will hold the eagle bow like a full moon, look northwest, and shoot Sirius!"

"Spiral Hell!"

The sound is like a bell, and the movement is like thunder.

A black ball of light instantly formed on Sanmu Yanluo's huge fist, expanding rapidly like a black hole, sucking in all the surrounding air and dust into it and crushing it.


Bombarded out!

The three-eyed Yan Luo fist that Chen Mo sent out, the black sphere suddenly turned into a beam of light piercing the sky, and went straight to the huge Yin palm.


A series of black light balls turned into black streamers, bombarding layer by layer, even the palm technique that covered Chen Mo's head with this move was pierced and defeated.

Chen Mo fished Huang Quan behind him, his figure and Bone Bodhisattva slapped each other quickly, and then rushed towards the gate of the city.

Zhao Huangchao and others have already blocked Chen Mo's way out, even though Chen Mo's current momentum is scary.

But they didn't shrink back, they had already counted on being able to drag Chen Mo down, and even Chen Mo had become even bigger now, following their wish.

It's just that Chen Mo's bravery was beyond their expectations. Those genius ghost emissaries, including many big ghosts with a height of more than ten meters, were not Chen Mo's all-in-one enemy, and they were rushed to the city by Chen Mo. the door.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

Chen Mo was like a pair of scissors, he cut a hole in the cloth made up of these ghost emissaries, and then cut through it.

The evil ghosts on the left and right quickly cleaned up the enemies around them. Even if there was a long-range attack, it would be blocked by the shield wall of the Lord of the Northern Darkness.

Except for a very few who can get close to Chen Mo's surroundings, the rest of the ghost envoys are not even qualified to be close to Chen Mo.

"Yan Wang Chen Xianzhi, you are worthy of being the king of Hades! He really deserves to be a 'king'!" Jue Shenji said in admiration, clapping his palms.

He didn't end, but watched quietly, but as one of the audience, he was still surprised by Chen Mo's fighting power.

Moreover, many people ignored the fact that Chen Mo could summon multiple evil spirits, and instead paid attention to Chen Mo's own combat power, while Jue Shenji discovered the strength of the four evil spirits guarding Chen Mo's side.

Each of them can compete with the thirteen seats. Of course, the first three seats may be worse, but the rest of them may just be the same as the evil spirits guarding Chen Mo. The strength of the evil spirits in the movie is not so high.

"This is Chen Xianzhi?!"

Not only Jue Shenji is paying attention to Chen Mo, many people are paying attention to Chen Mo, the rest of the seats in Dazheng, the rest of Dashengzhong, and even the spies in Daqian.

"Fighting?!" Xiao Daozi stood up, Dagan's residence was not small, after all, thousands of people came in this time.

"Let's fight?" The senior brother of Chunyang Sword Sect stood up. Although it was a question, his actions undoubtedly showed his attitude.

"I think we can fight!" Shushan's eldest disciple put away his thoughts of arguing with Chunyang, and then stood up, and the other chief arrester in purple also stood up. Zhen and Dasheng.

"Fate is in my own hands, and now life is all we have, and we need people like us to light the way forward!" Another young chief arrester in purple clothes had a serious face and firm words in his words. No need to question it.

"Chen Xianzhi, the master of many ghosts, the King of Hades, a figure at the level of a demon king who can defeat ten thousand with one enemy, and there are even rumors that he is also the son of luck in the entire Shenzhou."

"Battle of the sky and the sea, killing tens of thousands of enemies, and killing the six demons of the first turn..."

The Holy Maiden of the Supreme Holy Sect looked at the crystal panel in her hand, which displayed Chen Mo's information, and there was also a photo of Chen Mo's photo on her head. In the photo, Chen Mo squinted and smiled, looking like a sunny boy.

"Saint, do we want to make a move?" The person beside him wiped his neck.

The Saintess of the Supreme Holy Sect wore a veil to cover her face, and her platinum veil skirt was even better than Dongxue in previous years.

The saint sat quietly on the seat, just sitting quietly, but the people around did not even dare to breathe, for fear of disturbing the saint's thinking and being affected by it.

"Saint, the person holding the jade seal has been found."

When everyone had their own ghosts, someone walked in to report.

"Then let's put Chen Xianzhi's matter aside for now. The jade seal is important. If you get the jade seal, you can open the real capital of the emperor." The Holy Maiden of the Holy Sect stood up slowly, as if Chen Mo herself was just a small problem. It is far inferior to the so-called jade seal.


"The water of the great river comes up from the sky."

Zhao Huangchao was worthy of being the eldest disciple of Tingtaohai Pavilion, so he naturally had two talents.

The tidal ghost in Zhao Huangchao's body came from the mist. The whole ghost looked like a human, but it had a head like an octopus. The scarlet ghost eyes were full of spirits, and the twisted tentacles stirred the surrounding ghosts into gas For the black river.

With the black ghost hand waving out, Chen Mo suddenly felt the pressure around him double, and the ghost aura around him also became like a quagmire, as if his whole body was in a swamp, the more he struggled, the more uncomfortable he felt.

"No, no, these people are also very fierce, even more fierce than each other, I am tied up, trying to kill them, it is difficult!"

"Now we can only resort to 36 tactics of Doomsday Hurricane."

Behind him is Bone Bodhisattva, in front are Zhao Huangchao, Xiao Sheng and Wu Zongxian, and there are even some genius ghost masters who can rush through the defense line of the four evil spirits and rush to Chen Mo. If they are dragged for a long time, Chen Mo really has It may be piled up here.

(End of this chapter)

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