658 Dangerous man

While the five evil spirits are strengthening, Chen Mo's own cultivation is also increasing. Because of the gift from the evil spirits, Chen Mo's physical strength has far surpassed that of ordinary natural disaster martial artists. The three-turn martial arts.

Even the Great Sage of True Martial Arts summoned by Longhu Mountain, Chen Mo himself felt that he had a chance to fight.

"It's not over yet, it can still be stronger!" Chen Mo opened his eyes suddenly, and looked up. Although most of the golden light of luck above his head has dissipated, judging from the national luck that Chen Mo himself plundered, even if it disappeared a lot Part, the remaining small part is enough to strengthen all five evil spirits again.

"Stronger!" Chen Mo whispered.

Black ghost energy gushed out from his body, covering his body. The black ghost armor gradually covered him, and the tide of spiritual energy around him did not stagnate in the slightest, but became even more turbulent.

The original wave of aura was like the calm before the storm.


Chen Mo landed on the round platform, and cracks appeared under his feet. It wasn't that Chen Mo wanted to do something to the teleportation formation platform, but that Chen Mo still couldn't control his own power.

Although most of it was used to increase the strength of the evil ghost, and a small part was used to improve the cultivation base, but the feedback from the evil ghost was too great, and it strengthened Chen Mo's own strength by an unknown number of times.

Everyone felt as if there was an earthquake around them, and some of them even jumped up and grabbed their crowns casually.

"The current Chen Xianzhi is even more dangerous." Qinglong and the others looked at Chen Mo with obviously different gazes. They were still looking at him at the same level. After all, they were all young people, but now Chen Mo was just standing there, but he gave people an unusual sense of terror. sense of danger.

It was like facing an extremely powerful and terrifying evil spirit.

Chen Mo straightened his body, the scarlet lines on his body flashed past, and with Chen Mo's actions, he regained his composure.

Chen Mo took out the robe from the mustard bag and put it on again.

The transformation just now not only transformed his body, but the purple robes of the God Catchment were already in tatters because of the teleportation, and Chen Mo simply threw them away. From just now, he was naked.

Just now, the Holy Light of National Destiny helped to block it, and the one who came down had a dark priest like ghost aura, but now the aura is restrained, and a robe is needed to cover the body.

"This young man seems to be in serious trouble." One of the great sages on the teleportation platform who controls the field has a dignified voice, and Chen Mo's breath gives them a very uncontrollable sense of danger. Although it is very light, but They are martial arts at the Saint level.

The Great Sage rank is the ceiling of combat power in the entire Shenzhou world. Everything that can make them feel dangerous is powerful, and Chen Mo himself has just reached the peak of natural disasters.

That can only show that most of Chen Mo's income has been transformed into the fighting power of his own evil spirits, and that kind of high-strength evil spirits will have this kind of aura.

"The ghost driver still has his reasons. Even if we intervene now, it's not necessarily the case." Another great sage sighed.

Chen Mo gained too much from the Divine Emperor's Ghost Realm this time, to the point that he trained the evil spirits into something that even the Great Sage would feel dangerous.

Chen Mo looked down at the shattered formation platform under his feet, and thought in his heart, "I won't make you pay?"

After waiting for a while, no one came to make him pay. Chen Mo planned to leave first. After all, his task has been completed now, and the rest will be handed over to Qin Tianjian, and they don't need to intervene.

"Aren't you leaving?" Chen Mo looked at these people who hadn't left, and there were quite a few acquaintances among them, so he couldn't help but smile.


Black ghost aura gushed out from the corner of Chen Mo's mouth, and Danfeng's black and white eyes also turned blood red, scarlet mist drifted from the corner of Chen Mo's eyes.

Everyone who was seen by Chen Mo shuddered suddenly. It was because Chen Mo's aura was so strong that they felt horrified even at a glance.

Everyone retreated one after another, and gave way to Chen Mo on a plank road.

"Mother, is this mother so powerful?"

"It feels terrible!"

"Where has Chen Xianzhi's strength reached? Why is it so dangerous?"


The discussion suddenly became noisy.

Chen Mo immediately understood that it was the evil spirit in his body that had been raised, but the coercion all over his body could not be retracted freely, which made everyone feel terrified.

"Mr. Chen, how about going back with us? And there will be a celebration banquet." Qinglong asked to stay, not only because Chen Mo helped Dagan win the victory, but also because he wanted to take Chen Mo for a ride, maybe he could pull him back A pull relationship.

"No need, someone has already come to pick me up. I'm used to being alone, so I won't attend the celebration banquet." Chen Mo just nodded, showing a kind smile, and then, under the attention of everyone, stepped on the Walked out along the crystal plank road.

Chen Mo just simply dislikes the troublesome participation. If there is that time, it is better to practice hard for a few days. In the past, the strength was low and he could not choose. Now that he is free, he can do whatever he wants.

Of course, even if Chen Mo doesn't participate, the emperor will not treat Chen Mo badly, and Yi Ying's contribution will not be in vain.

"Since this matter is over, our Chunyang Sword Sect will also leave." Seeing Chen Mo leave, the eldest disciple of Chunyang Sword Sect also clasped their hands and said.

"Our Shenxiu Square has few people, so we won't participate."

"And Shushan is also..."

"Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, I will bid farewell first."

"I'm going to find Senior Brother Xiao Daozi."

"That, our little celestial master..."



Following Chen Mo's departure, most of the people who gathered here for a while requested to leave. Among them, when the people from the eight peerless sects left, a large part of them disappeared immediately, and some of them were the god arresters. , they all left too.

Most of the remaining first-rate, second-rate or even third-rate sect disciples, some disciples from aristocratic families, and the other part are casual cultivators within the Dagan. They looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one left.

They are not only for the national fortune, but also partly for the rewards of the big cadres. If they take away their things, there will be no place to take them.

It's not like Chen Mo, even if he leaves, his things will be indispensable, maybe it will be doubled because of the opponent's own combat power and contribution.

Qinglong wasn't surprised either. If Chen Xianzhi didn't come, there would be a large number of disciples from the sect who wouldn't come. This was already expected.

And the eight peerless sects have already done their best, and the celebration banquet is just a mere celebration, and their martial arts don't need to care about it.


The catch token on Chen Mo's waist rang.

(End of this chapter)

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