Chapter 660



"Let's get started. The most critical point about the Human Emperor's plan is over, and it's time to choose the emperor who will do it."


"As for Chen Xianzhi, since Laojun came into contact with that child, let Laojun take care of it. After all, Shenzhou relies on us old guys. A child with many ghost drivers cannot bear such a heavy burden." The great sage at the head spoke.

As he said that, the great sage paused again: "However, Laojun will also ask the other party if he is willing to cooperate with Dr. Qin's research."

"I understand." Laojun nodded.

Although they don't want to force a child to do something, it would be great if they can research something. Now that the child is still wary of Qin Tianjian, they can only let Laojun get in touch with him first.

If it's an ordinary child, such as Li Shou or Qi Min who became an embryonic soldier, just take them away.

But Chen Mo is obviously different from those two people, not to mention that Chen Mo's own combat power is already unknown, and there is an empress watching over him beside him.

Don't say it's a trick to avoid the mouse, it's always a stick in the throat, and it's too disrespectful to the great sages.But after all, you can't use strong methods. If you fight together, with the fighting power of the Empress and the Great Saint, at least one Great Saint will be defeated.

Shenzhou, which was originally troubled, if two more great sages die, maybe the Heavenly Demon will take advantage of the loopholes.

"That underworld organization seems to have a large number of talents. Let the people below go to the underworld to test their opinions. If they can't be used by Shenzhou, then they will be wiped out." Another big man who has been holding his sleeves Saint said something.

"Alright, at this time, we still need to concentrate our strength."

The meeting of the Great Sages of Qin Tianjian was very short, and after the tone of the whole plan was set, their projections gradually disappeared.

Most of the great saints are guarding Zhou Tianxingdou's war department, and there are only two great saints guarding the Qin Tianjian besides the sword-carrying old gentleman.

The remaining two great sages did not say much but left directly.

Laojun naturally has no objection, this has already been decided long ago, they need to concentrate the ghost transporting power of the entire Shenzhou, and create a powerful emperor who can gather the power of the people of Shenzhou.

Only in this way will they have a chance to fight against the incoming sky demon.


"Your Majesty, have you really made up your mind?" In the Daqian Imperial Palace, sitting on the seat below was Daqian's prime minister Zhang Fengxiu.

Zhang Fengxiu now has a serious face, his eyes are full of solemnity, even his body is slightly stiff, he is no longer as indifferent as before, without the calmness in which everything is under control.

Emperor Renzhi sat on the emperor's chair, with his arms on the side, nodded slightly, with a smile on his face.

"What should come will eventually come, this is the path I chose."

When an emperor seldom smiles, he seldom even shows the joy, anger, sorrow and joy on his face. The expressions on his face are mostly indifferent and calm, because they can't let others perceive their mood, and they want to protect the emperor's dignity. dignity.

But this time, Emperor Renzhi smiled happily.

"Prime Minister, the plan is successful. I will become the emperor of the Shenzhou world. This is my wish. Now that I have a foot in the door, I have already decided." The cognitive emperor looked at Zhang Fengxiu with eyes mixed with joy.

The prime minister seemed to be old too, his hair had turned grizzled, and although the purple python robe on his body was majestic, it also looked a little bigger, and the spine that used to be able to shelter from wind and rain was gradually bending a little bit now.

"Your Majesty knows that the Emperor's lifespan is fixed, and ghosts and gods are hard to change." Zhang Fengxiu sighed.

As a veteran of the two dynasties, the current emperor can be regarded as the one he looks to be on the throne. If he becomes a human emperor, he will bear the pressure of all the races in Shenzhou, and his lifespan will not be long.

Emperor Renzhi smiled lightly.

"What does the prime minister think I'm doing all this for? It's just that I'm not reconciled. If nothing happens, my lifespan will come to an end in the next year. If I become emperor now, I can live for another few decades."

"I once promised the emperor that I would let the emperor see the prosperous world under my rule. If I leave too early..."

The emperor's eyes were a little absent-minded, as if he was recalling something again. Ripples appeared in his calm eyes, and he looked towards the gate of the palace. Under the radiance, the white dust in the beams of light danced along with it.

Emperor Renzhi seemed to be a little dazed looking at those, so he didn't say any more. Of course, this is enough.

The remaining matters belong to the emperor's family affairs, which are considered secrets and are not easy to tell the courtiers.

Zhang Fengxiu was slightly taken aback, and now it suddenly dawned on him why Emperor Renzhi would rather lose the northern border to plan this matter, because he wanted to continue his life.

Zhang Fengxiu knew that the time to recognize the emperor was short, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

But it was still successful after all, as long as he became the emperor, his lifespan would be a hundred times stronger in decades than it is in one year now.

"Minister, congratulations to His Majesty, congratulations to Dagan!" Zhang Fengxiu got up and saluted with both hands.

"Hahaha, the prime minister doesn't need to be too polite, but I also want to thank the prime minister for his plan." Emperor Renzhi laughed loudly. After laughing wildly, Emperor Renzhi also restrained his smile. Steady, there can be no slack.

Zhang Fengxiu got up slowly, saluted and said, "Now that the Holy One has accomplished a great cause, I should also retire."

Emperor Renzhi shook his body and was silent for a long time before Emperor Renzhi asked, "Has the Prime Minister decided to go?"

"The old minister should go too, and let the juniors stand out." Zhang Fengxiu was very free and easy. Now that he finally succeeded, Zhang Fengxiu was also relieved, showing a rare look of relief.

"Since I became an official, I have been sleepy all day long, afraid of losing the grace of the saint. Now that many years have passed, the sage has been able to take charge alone. Old fellows like the old minister should give way. Zhou Tianxing of the Qin Tianjian lacks a star king. , the old minister thinks he can do it."

Zhang Fengxiu smiled.

Speaking of the first-class lifespan of the land gods for thousands of years, even if Zhang Fengxiu died in the prime minister's position, it doesn't matter, but he is indeed tired.

"Since the Prime Minister has decided to go, the court will meet tomorrow..." Emperor Renzhi nodded slightly, and did not want to keep him.


Zhang Fengxiu walked out of the imperial city.

"Is the master going back to the house?" Zhang Laifu, the housekeeper, asked.

"Don't go back yet, go to the common people to ask for a bowl of tea." Zhang Fengxiu shook his head slightly, and his whole spirit seemed to be much better.


"Are you also here to find me to beg for bones?" The Emperor Zhizhi looked down at General Jiang Qi with a gloomy face.

Jiang Qi was stunned for a moment, then saluted and said, "Why did Your Majesty say that?"

"It's nothing. Several old guys asked for bones just now. I thought you were too." Emperor Renzhi felt dizzy for a while. Just a moment ago, two prime ministers left, a minister of the Ministry of Rites left, and a minister of Dali Temple also left. Please resign, now that General Jiang is here, Emperor Renzhi has a temper no matter how good he is.

(End of this chapter)

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