Chapter 666
Chen Mo watched the killing of the five evil spirits calmly, without the slightest disturbance in his heart.

To survive means to devour the lives of others.

This is something that all strong people should know, so whether it is being killed or killing the other party, it is just a peaceful killing.

It doesn't make Chen Mo have any emotional fluctuations.

"I thought I was special with the attribute panel, and it seems that I am not a special person. Now, my feelings have become weaker, and I am no longer as sentimental as before." Chen Mo thought.

Despite the suppression of the attribute panel and the perfect integration, the evil spirits are still affecting Chen Mo's emotions.

The biggest impact was to downplay Chen Mo's emotions, not to mention being able to keep Chen Mo calm all the time, it gradually began to affect other emotions.

There is no bloodlust, no tyranny, not even mania, and all negative feelings are not magnified, but shrunk.

"It seems that we need to find a way to get rid of the influence. I don't want to be a pure killing machine." Chen Mo smiled. The experience bar on the attribute panel is increasing rapidly, but it still can't meet the conditions for Chen Mo to upgrade.

No wonder the influence of the evil spirits. After all, Chen Mo is a master of many ghosts, and the evil spirits in his body are of high quality and strength, so even a natural disaster-level master like Chen Mo can feel the influence.

The primordial spirit sitting in Chen Mo's upper dantian slowly opened his eyes, and those sentimental feelings were swept away immediately, and the whole person entered a calmer state.

Yuanshen can not only resist the erosion of evil spirits, but also can make Wu Xiu concentrate and become more rational, but it will not deprive individuals of emotions.

In Chen Mo's view, although the erosion of the primordial spirit and the evil spirit are two different things, they seem to have similarities. They both make people calmer, but the evil spirit is obviously going to be more extreme.

"It's unbelievable that Mr. Chen arrested one person, and one person..." The people in Mingyue City were shocked when they saw the five evil spirits clearing the field, even more shocked than seeing a general God-hunting powerhouse .

After all, Chen Mo is a multi-ghost driver that they have never seen before, and it is said that he is the only special case.

"As expected of the unrivaled genius of this generation, the undefeated king of hell, Chen Xianzhi!" Tingzhu-level Hongyi had also obtained Chen Mo's personal information from the God Catchment Gate.

When he got the information, he was shocked. The chief arrester in front of him actually pushed everyone of his generation.

When he was promoted to Tingzhu, one person attacked 36 people of the same level on the battlefield alone, and in the last battle, he blocked all the challengers by himself in front of the seat.

Although this person has not yet won the title of Catching God, but this time Tingzhu Hongyi understands why Chen Mo said that ordinary Catching God is no longer his opponent.

Now even the setter Tianma is not Chen Mo's one-sided enemy.

Today's Chen Xianzhi has overwhelmed most of the catchers.

The gloomy black clouds in the sky seemed to fall from the sky at any time, and there were also tiny meteorites falling from the sky, but they didn't come towards Mingyue City.

On the battlefield filled with black gunpowder smoke, the screams seemed to gradually disappear, and what remained was the sound of the earth being crushed and dust shaking.

Scarlet embers, burning with faint black smoke, cast a layer of haze on the originally bright world.

"The portal of the space node." Chen Moling stepped on the air, the blood in his body was like an oven, all the demons who wanted to get close to him were burned by the oven, and they couldn't even get close to Chen Mo.

The space portal is very large, at least 50 meters high, and cast from unknown materials. This kind of space portal is very similar to the one used by the dead beasts back then.

There was a faint ripple in the space door.

"It seems that the dead beast opened the back door for the celestial demons. It's like luring wolves into the house." Chen Mo sneered. The celestial demons outside the territory are the enemies of all worlds. Lighting lanterns in the toilet, looking for death.

"Break me!"

The ghost energy in Chen Mo's body gushed out crazily, with the true energy of the natural disaster level self-closing exercise as the core, the driving force became even stronger.

Chen Mo made a move with the gesture of palming a knife, a soaring black knife light burst out from Chen Mo's palm, the momentum was huge, the knife light had already crushed the black clouds above Chen Mo's head in an instant, the sky that seemed a bit gloomy suddenly opened up A gap was opened, and the sun's rays from the sky shone down.


It seemed that he felt the threat of Chen Mo's sword light, or some powerful demon appeared inside. There was a roar, and a huge arm stretched out from the door, and directly grabbed Chen Mo's figure.

The powerful coercion is even more desperate than the one-legged one that Chen Mo faced, and the tyrannical aura shocked all the ghosts around him.

Chen Mo was not influenced by the other party, the joke was just an arm that straddled it, and it dared to be fierce!

"Chop!" Chen Mo let out a long roar, and the light of the saber fell suddenly.

As if the sky had been cut open by Chen Mo, a light nearly a kilometer long flashed in the sky.

Everything around was involved in this knife.


A knife!

Not only the huge portal was cut open by Chen Mo, even the big hand of the heavenly demon was cut off by Chen Mo with three fingers.

"Who is it!!!" The roar came as bursts of sound waves.

Chen Mo didn't move, his robe fluttered but his expression remained unchanged, but Chen Mo also had a serious look on his face, after all, his knife only chopped off the opponent's three fingers.

The sky demon on the opposite side is definitely three times.

However, the opponent seems unable to cross the border, and his strength has also been weakened.

Even if the opponent came across the border, Chen Mo was not afraid at all. Now he probably knows the strength of his combat power. The general three-turn is not his opponent. As for those masters, or figures of the Great Sage level, they have never fought. In the end who is easy to fight, I really don't know.


"Yes, it's flat!"

Everyone in Mingyue City only saw the light of the sword soaring into the sky flicker for a moment, and then the light became brighter. They only felt their eyes go blank, and then the Valley of the Beastmasters in front of them disappeared.


"Gudu!" The owner of the pair of eyes in the darkness made a swallowing sound, and even his voice trembled. The fighting power Chen Mo showed was simply unbelievable, like a god and demon reborn.

What's more, Chen Mo also released five such evil spirits.

"How to do?"

"Why don't we run first, this space node is obviously useless."

"Run first."

"Let's go, that person is terrible, you must notify the organization."

Although they discussed about escaping, they did not act rashly. After all, Chen Mo's scarlet ghost eyes were like searchlights, scanning the entire battlefield back and forth, and they had no chance to leave even if they wanted to.

Maybe when you leave, you will be discovered by Chen Mo instead.

(End of this chapter)

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