Reckless through another world

Chapter 668 Qin Tianjian’s Turtle Shell

Chapter 668 Qin Tianjian’s Turtle Shell
"Then let's go to war!" A sharp voice came from the demon army.

The bursts of sound waves caused ripples in the sky and sea, turning into waves, hitting the reefs and land like real sea tides.


The celestial demon waving its wings flew up in the sky.

The huge portal behind them flickered, and new demons kept coming in.


"It seems that there are also traitors inside the Qin Tianjian, otherwise, the demons would not be able to easily cross the Zhoutian Star Dou formation and directly enter the second-floor sky sea, but who is it?" frowned.

With his hands behind his back, Laojun looked at the demons constantly gathering on the sea, and he flashed a trace of solemnity. Now the top saint of the Qin Tianjian is guarding outside the domain, fighting with the main force of the demons.

As for the three great sages in the Qin Tianjian and the two great saint-level combat powers, four of them went to help cast the emperor, and now the only top saint in the entire Qin Tianjian is Laojun.

Although the other party has only one Great Saint-level demon, Laojun is still a little worried about whether the strength of Zhongqin Tianjian is equal to the other party.

"It looks like we have to deploy some battle powers of the third rank level, but it's a pity that the top batch of catchers are not in the Qin Tianjian."

Although a little worried, but still not afraid, after all, this is Qin Tianjian, their reinforcements are always faster than the demons, and some of the emergency forces can be used first.

"Activate the large formation, prepare the anti-matrix turret." Laojun's calm voice sounded from inside Qin Tianjian.

A series of huge heavy artillery appeared from the base of Qin Tianjian's formation.

"Doctor, let's..." Wei Hui saw the situation outside through the crystal screen made of countless pieces in front of her. She was a little dazed for a while, and even her voice was a little anxious.

I had seen it last time, and this time Weihui could clearly see that the opponent's army was many times stronger than last time, and there was even a celestial demon commander at the level of a great saint. This is really urgent.

"Don't worry, even if twenty of them come to attack the formation, they won't be able to break it." Dr. Qin signaled Weihui to be calm, and the tea in the teacup in his hand didn't have the slightest ripple, even stronger than usual calm.

"Whatever you should do, they beat them." Dr. Qin said, and the researchers in the research institute were all relieved. After all, although they have great brains, they really can't do it when it comes to fighting. Strength is basically piled up by auxiliary means, and improving strength is just for better scientific research.

And as Dr. Qin said, there is no need to worry at all. They watched the opponent's heavy artillery bombard Qin Tianjian's formation one after another, but the formation remained motionless, and the insiders didn't even feel the shaking.

"What a powerful defensive array!"

Not only the insiders were surprised, but the demon was even more surprised. The main gun of the 2000-meter large ship has at least the attack power of a full-strike natural disaster level, and there is a super large ship of 3000 meters in the battleship group of the demon. The attack power of the main gun reaches three turns, and it seems to be tickling someone.

Who will believe this damn thing?

"How could it be so strong?!" Turn [-] Heavenly Demon stared blankly at the big formation that was like a golden wall in front of them, and was terribly taken aback.

"Do you think this world is made of mud?" Another three-turn demon was also surprised, but quickly recovered.

"In the previous fighting spirit world, although some of them had superb fighting power, they didn't have much experience in fighting against spells, talismans and other methods, but in this world..."

"That's right, the big formation on the outer layer of this world stopped two of our main forces, and even we came in through the portal. You can imagine the opponent's methods!" Another great demon Answered the call.

"The weirdest one is the 'ghost' that looks like exoskeleton armor, but also looks like biotechnology."

"That's right, that thing is really weird." Many heavenly demons reached a consensus that even they felt afraid of that thing.

Although the artillery fire was raging outside, even the main battleship they were on was shaking, and even the gate was shattered, but they were not worried at all.

After all, they are heavenly demons who have experienced strong winds and waves.

"Don't worry, let the little celestial demons consume for a while. If they don't come out, we will directly break through their sky sea and enter the inner world. When the time comes, it will be broken into pieces, and the internal and external attacks will break through the opponent in one fell swoop!" The person on the first seat The big demon's voice was calm, and he didn't seem to be worried at all.

It is true, after all, the demons have the means of rebirth, and it is difficult to kill them.It is extremely difficult to find out after possessing a human being. This kind of attack and defense is at a disadvantage for them. Only by combining internal and external, internal troubles, and external attacks can it be easily settled in one fell swoop.

They also used this method when dealing with those worlds.

"I believe that Barbosa and the others should have already prepared for our arrival. No matter how bad they are, they can break through this layer of sky and sea." The leader of the big demon stood up slowly.

"Everyone, if you can devour this world, how much you can plunder depends on your own level!" The big celestial demon glanced around, there were four three-turn celestial demons sitting there, and two if the outer layer commanded the battlefield.

There were ferocious smiles on the faces of many great heavenly demons, and some of them even had naked greed in their eyes.

After ordering these heavenly demons to go out, the big heavenly demon quietly waited for the high-end combat power of Qin Tianjian.

In fact, the high-end combat power of the demons is basically prepared for the high-end combat power of the world they want to devour.

Although they organized a large army, they would not carry out the method of marching in an orderly manner at all, but threw them out all at once, which looked like a mess of loose sand.

The big demon will only open a gate, and then throw a group of small demons into it. As for how they fight, it is up to the commanders under them. They will take a small part of the devoured creatures and souls, and hand over a part to the commander. Submit it to the next level.

Anyway, if you want Heavenly Demons, they don't lack them. They don't care how they fight, as long as they can swallow the world in the end, harvest the souls, and harvest the world.

But relying on this magic sea tactic, they have devoured an unknown number of worlds, but this time they encountered a slightly tricky world.

Cong Xin looked at Chu Kuangge in the formation and smiled contemptuously. He waved his black arms lightly, and the giant skeleton ship under his feet started slowly again, covering the light in the sky.

"It's amazing, this formation doesn't move at all." Whether it was the god arresters of the God Catchment Sect or the armored soldiers of Qin Tianjian, they were still scrambling to find cover, but they didn't expect the opponent's main cannon to hit, and even made the formation tremble. Can't do it.

"There seems to be something wrong with the army of the demons!" The artillery bombardment of both sides, it is obvious that Qin Tianjian is better, and several giant ships of the opponent are shot down one after another.

"No, they didn't want to take the opportunity to go down to the realm!" Among them, the three-turn Almighty stared and exclaimed.

"We can't wait any longer, they are going to the lower bound!"

(End of this chapter)

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