Reckless through another world

Chapter 671 Someone wants to steal monsters again?

Chapter 671 Someone wants to steal monsters again?
"Let's shoot!" The three-rank masters in the big formation also rushed out.

"Quickly wipe out the high-level demons and control the field in a large area."

In Qin Tianjian, the Dasheng class is a large echelon, and there are not many in the entire Shenzhou, while the third rank is the second echelon, and the remaining second ranks are another echelon.

Originally, the difference in combat power was caused by the difference in cultivation, and because of the appearance of evil spirits, the stronger ones became stronger, and the weaker ones became weaker.

"It's just for training. We'll take all the rank two and rank three celestial demons, and leave the rest to the newcomers." Among them, a dozen or so rank three masters flew out of the Qin Tianjian and flew towards the army of the demons.

And the second-ranked ghost masters also rushed out, and they needed to firmly grasp the entire battlefield in their own hands.


"Is this the real battlefield?" Tang Shenyue murmured, and the demon in front of her was beheaded by her control of the evil spirit.

The other party seemed to want to stretch out his arm to resist, but the arm was cut off, and the stump and broken arm were flying in front of her eyes, and the blood reduced her face.

"My lord, the real war hasn't started yet. It's just a small fight. Only a battlefield outside the territory can be called a battlefield." An old man followed Tang Shenyue, watching the scene with calm eyes. Among them, this old man is naturally Tang Shenyue's guardian, that is, the bodyguard hired by the Daqian royal family for Tang Shenyue.

"A real battlefield?" Tang Shenyue looked up at the sky. As a member of the royal family, she was not ignorant.

"Old Xue, when it's over, I want to go to the battlefield outside the territory." Tang Shenyue said.

"It's very dangerous, and this old man can't guarantee the safety of the little master."

"Looking at that monster Chen Xianzhi is getting stronger and stronger, it has only been half a year, he is completely different from the man who used to be in the battlefield, if I don't work hard, I will not be able to catch up, I should have fought for my luck if I knew it earlier. " Tang Shenyue smiled bitterly, loneliness and complicated emotions flashed in her eyes.

Although she already knew that Chen Xianzhi would become stronger and stronger, but at that time she had a chance to defeat him.

"Is that the only time I can defeat Chen Mo?"

The old man who guarded the way did not speak, but just glanced at Chen Mo who was fighting, and then shook his head subtly. An overwhelming genius.

Now it is even possible to strike the big sky demon of three ranks horizontally with two ranks.

Tang Shenyue wanted to catch up with that person, it was more difficult than directly contracting a ghost-level evil spirit, because the talent, the more terrifying it was manifested later.

Tang Shenyue is not the only one who has this mentality. Most of the people who have interacted with Chen Mo have this kind of mentality. It's just that some resign themselves to their fate and don't chase after them, and some don't give up.

The theory of talent, although everyone is consciously ignoring it, plays a vital role. There is a huge gap between those who are gifted and those who are not.Maybe there is no talent, and three years of hard work is not as good as a talented person in January.

It is too difficult to achieve great power with mortal blood.

"Cut, I thought I could fight as much as I can. It seems that it's the same in the third round." Chen Mo picked up the body of the big celestial demon just now, and threw it down casually. The experience points he absorbed just now were not that high. So under this kind of double judgment, Chen Mo probably also knows that this demon is a low-level third-rank.

Black and red steam emanated from Chen Mo's body. Chen Mo felt the power in his body gushing out continuously. He controlled Miki Yaluo who was [-] meters away. Chen Mo looked at the other three-turn demons, and some eyes flickered. fear.

"Are you scared? It turns out that the demons are also scared!" Chen Mo grinned, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, bastards, sooner or later I will kill your world and crush their so-called sky demon insects one by one."

"I'm coming!" Cong Xin stopped another angry demon.

"Let's go together and kill this lowly creature!"

The five third-rank celestial demons on the deck all set off and rushed towards Chen Mo. They didn't feel ashamed to besiege Chen Mo at all. Instead, they all came straight to Chen Mo with ferocious faces and powerful pressure.

"Kill!" Chen Mo whispered, and the four evil spirits in his body crawled out of Chen Mo's body. With the strength of the remaining four five-star ghosts, it is more than enough to involve those three-turn demons, and the three-eyed demon that Chen Mo is now controlling Yan Luo has a six-star strength, and the three-turn Heavenly Demon is no match for him!
"Five saints open together, all invincible power!" Chen Mo released the power in his body, which is a kind of power that can make people intoxicated, but although it is powerful, it consumes the true energy and ghost energy in Chen Mo's body. huge.

Chen Mo's strong ghost energy suddenly dropped by more than ten percent, and now it is still burning.

"What's going on?" Chen Mo was taken aback.

But Chen Mo realized in an instant that the five evil spirits were too strong, and the demand for ghost energy was even greater, and it was no longer comparable to the original three-star strength. Gas, but the consumption is still huge.

"I didn't expect that one day I would feel poor because of the ghost energy. I have five evil ghosts inlaid. Are the five evil ghosts all poor households?"

Before Chen Mo could think about it, Cong Xin's attack had arrived.

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

"Wrath-eyed ghost!" Chen Mo rushed up to meet the opponent. Chen Mo couldn't beat the third-rank demon before, but now it's different. With the blessing of the five ghosts, Chen Mo himself has the ability to fight against the third-rank demon. Not to mention the complete state of controlling the three-eyed Yama now.

"Not good!" Cong Xin felt a strong threat. It was a kind of danger. If he took it hard, something would happen. This was his intuition, the intuition of a strong man.

"Do you think I'm afraid, Heavenly Demon God Corpse Method!" Cong Xin shouted, his body grew, and suddenly he became as tall as the three-eyed Yama, but the opponent's body exuded a strong sense of death.


The knife was cut, and the light of the knife was not seen, but one of Cong Xin's arms had been cut off, and the bronze broken knife cut down his shoulder effortlessly.

"So weak?" Just as Chen Mo was about to frown, the other party sneered, and the only remaining big hand dug into the huge eyeball on the forehead of the three-eyed Yan Luo.

At the same time, the arm that was cut off by Chen Mo turned out to be as long as a chain, and was directly wrapped around Chen Mo's knife, trying to climb up the body of the three-eyed Yama along the knife.

"Fuck, come again, the one on top of my head is not a weakness, it's not a weakness." Chen Mo also knows why these people are so obsessed with the eyeballs on his forehead.

But it is really not a weakness, the important thing is said three times.

"Damn it, someone is going to grab my monster!" Chen Mo retreated fiercely, but behind him, he saw the overwhelming army of soldiers and god arresters rushing out of the formation.

"Heaven and Earth Sorrow Together"

"Golden Wheel Sky Saber Destroyed!"

A black sky knife actually split the clouds in the sky, a huge sky knife condensed and appeared, the tip of the knife tore through the sky, the tip of the knife alone was bigger than a small giant ship, it seemed He was held in the hands of the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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