Reckless through another world

Chapter 681 Actually spent 1 yuan to watch a firework show

Chapter 681 I actually paid [-] yuan to watch a firework show


Chen Mo sat up all of a sudden, and Chen Mo conveniently took away the cheat book stuck to his face.

"What's wrong?" Chen Mo asked with a voice transmission.

"Chief arrest, the sun is already high, where are you? There is still a fake match waiting for you, and the Luo family has come to find you." Lu Suyao asked in a low voice.

Chen Mo could imagine her appearance, she must have avoided people, hid inside, and whispered while covering his sound transmission token with his hand.

"Oh, I remembered, but it wasn't a fake match, it was called a friendly match. Send me the position, and I'll be there soon." Chen Mo remembered, as if he had promised the Luo family to play a fake match, and it just so happened today.

It can only be blamed that the Sutra Pavilion is too stable, and of course Chen Mo himself is self-relaxing. He feels sleepy when he reads the book, and falls asleep with the cheat book on his back after releasing the evil spirits to be vigilant.


"Hehe, what a big battle!" Chen Mo, who came to the venue, was stunned for a moment. Although he smiled, he is indeed a big family that can use 500 million meritorious service to invite people to fake matches. Even the scale of the fake match is quite high. , and the number of viewers is countless.

However, Chen Mo was more concerned about how much the tickets were sold by the ticket inspector at the door?
"Boss arrester, you are finally here." Seeing Chen Xianzhi, Lu Suyao immediately found the backbone, all anxiety and nervousness were swept away, and she greeted her happily.

"No rush, let's talk about it first." Chen Mo nodded slightly.

Lu Suyao didn't say much, anyway, as long as the person has already arrived, there will definitely be no problem at such a short distance.

"Chief arrest, here are evil spirits and meritorious deeds." Lu Suyao handed over the token and the golden star cage to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo took it over, took out the token containing 500 million meritorious deeds, and then threw the remaining token and the golden star cage to Lu Suyao, with an indifferent smile on his face, "Take it, the rest Everything you place is yours, so it’s a bonus.”

"Chief arrest, I..." Lu Suyao hurriedly held two things in her hands.

"Okay, don't be a mother-in-law, just like a bitch."

"Pfft!" Lu Suyao was stunned for a moment, and then broke into a smile, she was so touched, she was broken into this state abruptly by Chen Mo.

Seeing Chen Mo walking in the front with figure-of-eight steps, Lu Suyao also relaxed a lot, less nervous, and attracted by the excitement around her.

"Boss, why a bigger gambling table? These are very small, and they are all small." Lu Suyao looked at the surrounding small gambling boards with some surprise.

"A big gamble needs to be manipulated by hard power, that is, the people above will decide the winner after they stop betting, and the Luo family is not a fool, they know they can't win, and because of this factor alone, they can't win." At the opening of the market, if someone bets the sky, wouldn't it be a huge loss." Chen Mo glanced at it, and the matter was clear.

Although the Luo family is a Great Saint family, there are other Great Saint families, even stronger families. If someone makes a bet, will the banker give it or not?
"I heard that this time is because of the battle between the young master of the Luo family and a chief arrester in purple clothes from the God Catcher Sect for the position of God Catcher?"

"How did I hear that there was a conflict between the two sides and a life-and-death struggle?"

"Not at all, the Luo family is a big family after all, they don't even want any face."

"Who do you buy wins?"

"No, I heard that there will be a multi-ghost driver this time, so I'm here..."


The noisy voices from all around came to Chen Mo's ears, and there were all kinds of words, even gossip, and Chen Mo couldn't listen anymore.

"Boss, they seem to be here for you."

"I heard it too. It seems that Luo's tickets are not cheap." Chen Mo just smiled lightly.

"Won't the chief arrester be angry? The Luo family clearly has ulterior motives."

"The grievances between me and the Luo family were over when they brought out Ergui and the 200 million meritorious service, that is to say. Now this is the second thing. They did this to save face. And we are just taking people's money to eliminate disasters for others."

"I, Chen Xianzhi, am a scholar. I have professional ethics and tolerance. I am what I should be." Chen Mo waved his hand, and he made a clear distinction. The time has come, and now is indeed another matter.

Time passed quickly, and Luo Poji was already waiting for Chen Xianzhi in the venue, but even though he had already said hello, Luo Poji was still very nervous. It would kill him, and he would have to lie down for a year or so, and that would be a big loss.

"Oh, it's blowing now, and the seat of God Catcher that was agreed to fly away, and the cowhide blows out, and it won't come back."

Just as Luo Poji was frowning, Chen Xianzhi had already walked onto the wide arena.

"Brother Chen." Luo Poji smiled and cupped his fists, and then sent a voice transmission to Chen Mo, "Mr. Chen, wait a minute, use whatever moves are powerful, preferably ones that are powerful but less powerful." It's the kind that explodes with a bang, okay?"

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded in response, and the fearful evil spirits on his body dissipated, but they didn't target Luo Poji in the ring, but spread them out, targeting everyone in the arena.

People who are closer to Chen Mo can also feel the majestic sense of fear. It is a feeling of facing the infinite darkness, and there are clearly terrifying evil spirits hidden in the darkness. At this time, everyone knows the horror of Chen Xianzhi.

"Young Master Luo is able to keep his expression unchanged under such fear and coercion, how strong!"

"Yeah, just the escaping fear and coercion made me tremble!"

"Boom!" Chen Mo moved suddenly, the ground under his feet shattered suddenly, the earth waves rolled, and his figure was like a ray of light. Chen Mo had already rushed to Luo Poji's body, and his fist as big as a sandbag smashed it with soaring power. past.

"It's over." Luo Poji's heart skipped a beat, Chen Xianzhi still didn't want to let him go.

"Boom!" The fist did hit him, but Luo Poji didn't notice the scene where he flew upside down in his imagination. The powerful energy penetrated his body, and the column of air penetrating his body completely The impact reached the surrounding formations.

There was a rumbling sound, and cracks appeared in the formation.

"Be careful, I'm going to take off." Luo Poji smiled inwardly, thinking to himself.

Explosion ghost


soaring black dragon


roaring ghost


If it is counted as special effects, it is definitely a perfect special effect, and it is absolutely real. The well-known director Chen Xianzhi completely burned 500 million meritorious funds to make special effects. The scene of the explosion can be felt even if you are there.

"Oh, I didn't see it, Chen Xianzhi let go of the sky and the sea." A nobleman sighed slightly, shook his folding fan, turned and left.

"It's an obvious act, aren't you shameless?!" A strong man widened his eyes like copper bells.

"He has meritorious service, so he can afford it, and if you have the ability, go and invite Chen Xianzhi!"

"I want a refund!"

"This, this, this!" Mo Wudi, the saintess of the Holy Sect, pointed at Chen Mo in the field with her bright eyes wide open, without saying a word for a long time.

Of course, these are all masters, so it can be seen that those heavenly beings or Yizhuan are all watching with great interest.

By the time everyone came back to their senses, the battle was already over, and it ended with Chen Xianzhi's victory.

They didn't even see anyone. They held the tickets worth tens of thousands of merits in their hands, and they didn't react in a daze. Finally, someone said weakly, "Co-author, I have [-] merits, and I watched a firework show?"

"Don't tell me, it's really... my mother"

"Damn it, refund the ticket!"

"This is unbearable, I must refund the ticket!"



(End of this chapter)

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