Reckless through another world

Chapter 687 It's Natural To Kick All The Way Up

Chapter 687 It's Natural To Kick All The Way Up
"Master, let me come." The magic cultivators in the magic gate scrambled to say.

"You are no match for him." Huang Beiyou shook his head slightly, those disciples who were acquired or born, or even celestial beings, were no good.

The aura emitted by the opponent was enough to make them lose their fighting strength. As the master of the first floor, Huang Beiyou had to retreat without a fight, so now he could only bite the bullet.

In the dojo, Chen Mo stood on one side, and Huang Beiyou stood on the other side, with serious expressions.

It was because Chen Mo gave him too much sense of coercion. Just standing in front of the opponent, Huang Beiyou didn't even have the desire to attack, and he couldn't let go of the lingering fear.

"Then let me see what kind of tricks the god-hunting level has!" Huang Beiyou said in a low voice.

Clay figurines are full of anger, not to mention they are demon cultivators, no matter how kind they are, they are also demons. They may pretend to be very kind and become orderly, but it only changes them from chaotic evil to lawful evil. .

Now a young man, a young man with the name of catching gods, would come here to make trouble. As hosts, they naturally had anger that had no place to vent in their hearts.

Huang Beiyou's eyes widened suddenly, and the ghostly air flowed, the black eyeballs suddenly turned completely black, and even the surrounding whites turned black.

In Huang Beiyou's eyes, the surroundings were that kind of faint gray, as if the whole world had turned into black and white, shrouded in a layer of mist.

But when he shifted his gaze to Chen Mo, his eyes widened in horror, and he stared dumbfounded at the huge black shadow [-] meters high in front of him. When he looked at it, he suddenly felt despair.

The thick fear of the black shadow overwhelmed Xi, and his eyes slowly opened. The scarlet light was so dazzling in the gray fog.

No, not just a pair of eyes, but a large scarlet eye.

Less than three breaths,

"Pfft!" Huang Beiyou's eyes widened suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his complexion turned pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and blood flowed out from the corners of his eyes.

"Chen Catching God, you have passed the level." Huang Beiyou said with cupped fists.

"Acceptance." Chen Mo nodded slightly, passed Huang Beiyou and all the disciples of the first heaven, stepped on the iron chain, and walked towards the second heaven.

The iron chains lead straight into the clouds and are covered with slippery green moss and patinaed with patina.

Chen Mo's footsteps are very steady, as light as flying in the sky instead of walking on iron chains.

But Mo Shengnv glanced at Chen Mo's back with a strange expression, and then looked back at Huang Beiyou with dancing eyes. She didn't say anything, but followed.

Second day...

"Chen Xianzhi, the new God Catcher, I thought you would rush up directly, but I didn't expect you to come up in a safe and sound way." Erchongtian's dojo is just connected to the iron chain, and there has long been an uncle in white clothes. The demon cultivator stood in the center of the dojo with his hands behind his back.

There is a smile on the corner of his mouth, which makes people feel like a spring breeze, but after thinking that the other party is a demon cultivator, Chen Mo can't help but worry about those little whites who have just entered the rivers and lakes, because this kind of thick-faced and dark-hearted people are the worst. A class that is easy to deal with.

"Of course, I, Chen Xianzhi, follow the rules the most. There is no rule without rules. Whether it is good rules or bad rules, at least there will be no chaos." Chen Mo said.

"You're so flamboyant, dressed in white." Chen Mo marveled, and said in his heart, most of the demons like black clothes, and he didn't expect to meet such a person.

"Oh, he's a wonderful person, but the one behind you is even more wonderful." The middle-aged uncle's eyes lit up slightly, and he looked at Shengnv Mo behind Chen Xianzhi.

Mo Shengnv's face, which was not in a good mood, suddenly became even worse.

"Huh?" Chen Mo grinned.

Chen Mo smiled awkwardly. Sure enough, no other girl is popular. After all, he is a big bastard, but there is no need for that. There is no need to talk nonsense. After finishing work early, Chen Mo touched his nose and took a step forward to want step forward.

"Let me come." Mo Shengnv's voice was cold, she stretched out her jade hand to stop Chen Mo, stretched her neck, and walked up slowly.

Chen Mo was also happy. The 33rd floor, the top ones are all on the top, and the people below are not really good players, so Chen Mo is not so eager to make a move. Now that Mo Shengnv has spoken, that's just right.



As soon as Chen Mo sat down, the battle was over. Saintess Mo made two punches, one punch to the dantian, and one punch to the chest. The opponent's entire chest sank by two inches. It's still vigorous, but it's also half dead.

"Let's go, next game." Mo Shengnv passed the opponent.

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled helplessly. He told Chen Mo just now that it was not good to have no plan, but now he rushed to the front instead.

triple building

can't say


can't say


ten floor


"Just let the two young juniors kick from the first floor to the [-]th floor in a quarter of an hour?" The magic cultivator on the upper floor was finally anxious. Although the old rules are old rules, but this time they are aggressive, obviously not Good stubble, it's time to walk in front of them in a while.

So even the voice of speaking is full of anger, not only to blame the people below for being useless, but also to annoy Chen Xianzhi for their strength.

"Young man? Hahaha" Another rough-looking Moxiu laughed.

"The undefeated Hades King Chen Xianzhi, the newly promoted God Catcher, is famous for his bravery, moves like thunder, attacks like falling stars, has no defeat in three years, strikes three times horizontally, and bears the great sage. Twelve floors, one blow Definitely win, like falling stars from the wilderness, defeating Cangmang!"

Hearing the words of the brutish man, everyone was stunned, their faces uncertain.

They have naturally heard of Chen Xianzhi's name, but the opponent's rise is too fast, just like his attack method, and the speed of the opponent's rise is also like a meteor, fast and brilliant.

"It's better not to use the word young people to talk about such an unrivaled monster."

"This time, it is obvious that Qin Tianjian is eyeing our Demon Sect. Chen Xianzhi and Mo Wudi are just pawns for testing, but even if it is Qin Tianjian, we have to tell them that we are not easy to mess with!" They are categorical, but few respond. Everyone knows what's going on. If it's really against Qin Tianjian, let alone one Tianwaitian, ten are not enough for others to fight.

"Do you want to hand it over?"

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? If you hand over someone, where will we put the face of our Demon Sect?"

Everyone looked at their noses and noses and their hearts. Anyway, during the battle between good and evil at Tianzhu Peak, they lost their face, and they didn't care about this time. Why should they always show face.

After being silent for a while, one of the old men said, "Let Zuo Dao go. With his strength, he can defeat Chen Xianzhi. After all, the meteor can only shine for a while, but not for a lifetime."

"Turn three, it's a genius rank three, it should be able to suppress Chen Xianzhi!"

(End of this chapter)

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