Chapter 691

"Kicked all the way up?" When Laojun got this information, he couldn't help but feel that Chen Mo's skillful man was bold.

Looking at the crystal panel in front of him with a strange face, he didn't pay much attention to it, but there was one thing that Lao Jun was concerned about. The owner of Jade Blood Villa, who was also the hidden stake of their Qin Tianjian, died unexpectedly .

No matter how you look at it, it wasn't Chen Mo's heavy hand. After all, Chen Mo didn't kill anyone. Knowing that the owner of Bixue Mountain Villa is a hidden stake, it is even more impossible to kill anyone.

"It seems that someone is going to target Xianzhi!" Laojun said, no matter how you look at this matter, it feels like someone has targeted it, maybe it was framed by someone.

If this matter is serious, it is killing colleagues, but if it is small, it is also a dereliction of duty.

So Laojun sent someone to investigate. Although this matter is mysterious, the person who made the move must have left clues. As long as you have enough patience, you can still find it out. Now the main energy is still on the outside world. control.

"I hope that the Momen and his party can solve it as soon as possible." The old man sighed. Now Shenzhou is undergoing integration. Although the power is increasing every moment, Shenzhou is also at its weakest now. Defend.


"How much does it weigh?"

"No.20 is fivefold."

"So fast, less than an hour!"

"That's right, that's why I beat Chen Xianzhi to reach 33 weights in one day, half of his net worth."

"I bet him up to [-] weights. I heard that the landlord has made a move. Even if he can't beat him, after the wheel battle, even if he loses, he will eventually exhaust Chen Xianzhi to death."

"I don't think Chen Xianzhi is just relying on the strength of the evil spirit. Give me such an evil spirit, and I can do it!"

"That's right, judging by his appearance, he can't go far."

After experiencing the initial surprise, the demon cultivators who were rushing to each other directly opened the gamble, betting on how many floors Chen Xianzhi could rush to, and even some Bibi who didn't even let their master go, beating his master to be defeated both.

Of course, there is no shortage of jealous monsters, and I can blame myself.

Although there are a large number of people who are optimistic about Chen Xianzhi, there are still a large number of people who are not optimistic about Chen Xianzhi.

Even though they knew that Chen Xianzhi was powerful and able to fight, they felt that Chen Xianzhi would definitely lose in this high-intensity wheel battle.

Losing is just a matter of time. As for whether they can see their demon master in the end, a large number of demon cultivators think it is impossible.

"I can't tell, Chen Xianzhi, you are so popular?" Mo Shengnv said with a smile, with a hint of ridicule in her words.

"I hope that the Demon Sect can hand over people with interest." Chen Mo did not respond. To him, these are just false names. After all, he wants to dig out the spies hidden in the Demon Sect, or maybe, the Demon Sect itself He has already secretly surrendered to the demon.

"Don't take it lightly. Although the Demon Sect is declining now, there are still strong people." Chen Mo will not despise the Demon Sect just because of a heretic, although to them, the heretics are only a group of geniuses in the past. The batch was led by Chen Xianzhi.

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Saintess Mo nodded slightly. It was indeed the case, and in Saintess Mo's view, it cannot be ruled out that the Demon Sect has surrendered to the Heavenly Demon. This suspicion alone is enough to keep them extremely careful.

"It has long been heard that the undefeated king of hell, Chen Xianzhi, can strike three times horizontally and carry the great sage with all his strength, so I came to learn from you." A man in blood clothes appeared in front of Chen Mo, and put down the hood on his head, revealing a middle-aged man's face. face.

He can't be called handsome in appearance, but he is still handsome, and his coercion has reached rank three.

"Be careful, the other party is the landlord of the blood demon lineage, a master of the upper third level, with a third-rank cultivation base, and the strength of a demon is not weak." Mo Wudi reminded in a low voice.

Although it was smooth sailing along the way, Mo Wudi didn't want Chen Xianzhi to capsize in the gutter.

"Looks like I've finally come to master." Chen Mo nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, the landlord of the lower third level is only the first rank, and even the middle third level is only the second rank.

Chen Momo is sure to win with one move.

Even some heretics who disrupted Chen Mo's footsteps only allowed Chen Mo to make less than two moves, and even Chen Mo's own combat power was not aroused.

To be honest, Chen Mo was quite disappointed, no wonder the Demon Sect would block the eight peerless sects of the orthodox way, the strength of the Demon Sect is indeed too weak.

Now that the owner of the upper third level has appeared, Chen Mo feels that he should use some strength, and no matter how good or evil it is, the Demon Sect is also a very good combat power, and it should have a place in resisting the demons in the future. If it is too weak, it is not good.

"I'm Chen Xianzhi." Chen Mo arched his hands, a smile appeared on his face, grinning, and the scarlet ghost mist suddenly drifted away from the corners of his eyes.

"The owner of the blood demon lineage made a move?"

"What odds?"

"Chen Xianzhi wins one to one, and the blood demon landlord wins one to two."

"My God, it's not possible, the odds are so low?"

The martial arts practitioners of the Demon Sect stared blankly at the odds on the big list, and rubbed their eyes, but no matter how much they rubbed, it was not a dream, and the odds were still one to two, and the odds of betting on Chen Xianzhi's winning The odds were only one to one, but the bet against Chen Xianzhi turned out to be one to ten.

"I don't believe it. The Blood Demon Lord is one of the top five masters in our Tianwaitian. How could it be such an odds?" Most of the Demon Sect disciples shook their heads. The previous odds had already made them feel It's unbelievable, now this is simply looking at it.

"Fatty, aren't you afraid to annoy the blood old devil? You dare to let out such odds." The middle-aged man next to the fatty almost spit out a sip of tea, looking like he had seen a ghost. To the odds on the big list.

"It's already very restrained. I wanted to adjust it to one to five. I was afraid that the old blood demon would turn his face, so I changed it. You also know Chen Xianzhi's strength. Although the leftists have a superficial control over evil spirits, they are also in the last batch. An astonishing existence among geniuses, and a rank three cultivation base."

"Although he himself conceded defeat, it's not difficult to see Chen Xianzhi's own strength. At this time, I don't dare to adjust too much." The fat man in brocade clothes, smiling and squinting, said.The fat man is not small, sitting down like a hill.

"We just want to apprehend Guang Qisheng. If senior can be accommodating, we don't need to do it." Chen Mo said.

"Win the old man, everything is easy to talk about, otherwise, please go back the same way." The blood demon landlord snorted coldly and shook his head. No matter what, Chen Mo has already come to this place, and they will have to split up after all. Win or lose.

"It seems that I still need to move on." Chen Mo sighed.

"Please!" Chen Mo made a gesture of invitation, the ghost energy in his body slowly escaped, and the figure of the three-eyed Yama appeared. Chen Mo stood on top of the three-eyed Yama, hugged his shoulders, and looked at the blood demon opposite. Landlord.

(End of this chapter)

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