Reckless through another world

Chapter 693 The Elegant and Easy-going Chen Xianzhi is Really Rare

Chapter 693 The Elegant and Easy-going Chen Xianzhi is Really Rare
"Has the Demon Sect's clothes softened?" Mo Shengnv raised her head in surprise.

There are eight large floating islands in the sky that I have not been to.

It's just that what surprised Mo Shengnu even more was that the big ghost controlled by Chen Mo pierced all the No.20's six layers with one blow, and even knocked off a corner of the No.27 layer. The large floating island is on another straight line, and it may be able to penetrate even more.

"Most of the god emperor's chances fell on Chen Xianzhi." Mo Shengnv muttered, she underestimated the god emperor's chance, and also underestimated Chen Mo's digestion ability. The Chen Xianzhi at that time and the current Chen Xianzhi are the same Mud farewell.

At that time, he did have the combat power of one battle and three turns, but it was only a few moves. After the three axes were finished, he was going to fight desperately.

But now it's different, Chen Xianzhi's combat power has been completely stabilized at the third rank, and he is still the strongest among the third ranks.

"It seems that we can talk about it." Chen Mo grinned, and the ghost energy outside his body began to dissipate in a large area, and surged back into his body again. Yan Luo's body came out.

With the surge of black clouds, all the ghost energy was absorbed, and the three-eyed Yama also returned to Chen Mo's body.

"Let's go." Chen Moluo said beside Mo Shengnv.

The dojo is already in a mess, and most of the entire huge formation is shattered, and even the surrounding Demon Sect members are unable to come here because of the excessive coercion during the third round, which is considered to be free for Chen Mo A place to walk.

"There seems to be something wrong with the number of paths in the Demon Sect." Mo Shengnv walked to Chen Mo's side and sent a voice transmission to Chen Mo, with a look of doubt flashing across her face.

"Are you talking about their martial arts style or the way they act?"

"The number of martial arts methods." Mo Shengnv nodded slightly, she vaguely thought of an idea, and after seeing the blood demon landlord, this idea was unstoppable.

"His martial arts methods are very similar to those of Xue Yihou. I guess that many people from Tianwaitian must have joined that killer organization, or Tianwaitian himself was the founder." Chen Mo said quite casually.

Chen Mo was not surprised. After all, there are traces of any martial arts method. Although the number of martial arts can be used as one likes after crossing the Earth Immortal, there are differences between what you are familiar with and what you are not familiar with. But it's big.

"However, it has nothing to do with us. The situation in Jianghu is what Qin Tianjian said they are." Chen Mo said, hugging his shoulders, chewing mint leaves, and looking up at the sky.

"That's true." Mo Shengnv laughed dumbly. Although Qin Tianjian has always said that the general trend of the world is to let nature take its course, any thought of interfering will naturally change the world, but Qin Tianjian obviously wants to see To a wild arena, not human intervention.

Along the way, there are many attention rituals, but the more you go up, the less magic cultivators you see, and the space above is getting bigger and bigger.

After all, those who can reach the upper third level are basically the powerful elders of the Demon Sect, or the newly promoted geniuses of the Demon Sect, otherwise they will not even be able to touch the upper third level.

"Chen Xianzhi?" On the mountain palace not far away, a young man sitting on the roof of the palace looked at Chen Mo with his chin in his hand.

"This one is recognized as the strongest in our time." The space fluctuated slightly, and another young man in a splendid robe appeared on the roof.

"Chen Xianshang is here?"

"He came up, and he came up after defeating the blood demon landlord. It seems that those elders have nothing to do."


"Good tea, Mao Feng from Tianwaitian is a must." Chen Mo stretched out his thumb, put the tea cup in his hand on the table beside him, and looked at the dozen or so elders of the Demon Sect on the opposite side.

"Since it is to entertain Chen Tunshen, it is natural to choose a good Mao Feng." The old Momen Su who was in charge said, with a smile on his face.

The rest of the people also breathed a sigh of relief. Although Chen Xianzhi looked young, he was so easy-going in dealing with things, which made everyone feel a lot more relaxed. After all, not all of them came from the time when they were young and frivolous.

The Saintess Mo on the side didn't interrupt at all, just being a bastard quietly. Since Chen Xianzhi was able to talk, it was natural for Chen Xianzhi to talk, and Saintess Mo would take over when she collapsed.

However, Shengnv Mo felt that Chen Xianzhi should be able to grasp the propriety. After all, he is the one who can fight fake matches. Although his ideas may be different, he is not a fool after all.

However, if Saintess Mo knew that these elders of the Momen thought that Chen Xianzhi was easy to talk, they might laugh out loud.Chen Xianzhi is really easy to talk to in ordinary times, but if they fight, it will be a disaster.

"Don't say too many polite words. This time, I am here under the order of the Heavenly Superintendent to investigate Guang Qisheng's close dealings with the extraterrestrial demons." Chen Mo cupped his hands towards the sky.

"I don't want to make things difficult for Momen if I move my mouth at the top and break my legs at the bottom. The smoother things are, the easier it is for everyone to do."

"Didn't everyone say that the world is a worldly affair? Then let's all sit down and have a good talk. The great crime of adultery with the demons is beyond the sky!" Chen Mo grinned.

As he spoke, Chen Mo reached out and took out two mint leaves from the sachet, put them in his mouth, chewed them a few times, and gave everyone a kind look. Bookish.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a scholar, but although this scholar is handsome, his figure is a bit burly.

Mo Shengnv, who was at the side, just took a sip of tea, but she couldn't spit it out, and looked at Chen Xianzhi with a strange expression.

"Chen Chashen is right, it's just that..." Mr. Su, who was in charge, looked a little weird, and then he and the people around him looked at each other, but they didn't continue.

"It's just what's wrong?" Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the flickering look in the black eyes was well restrained, quietly waiting for the old Momen Su to continue talking.

"Let's bring people up and talk about it."

"Go, bring Guang Qisheng up."

There was a bad premonition in Chen Mo's heart, and he glanced at the Stable Mo Shengnv sitting beside him.

It just so happened that Saintess Mo also looked over, and the two exchanged glances, both of them saw surprise in their eyes, as if this matter was about to change.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a Xuansu robe was carried into the lobby, and the two people beside him hurriedly left.

"Plop." With a sound, the middle-aged man in Xuansu robe was thrown to the ground, but he didn't get up, but lay on the ground and crawled on the ground.

Chen Mo's face has completely turned iron blue.

Blood-red steam drifted out from the corners of Chen Mo's eyes, forming two faint red lights.


(End of this chapter)

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