Reckless through another world

Chapter 695 Laugh Out Loud

Chapter 695 Laugh Out Loud
Chen Mo grinned, scarlet steam gushed out from his body, steaming around Chen Mo, a pair of black eyes had completely turned into blood, like bloody rubies, without any impurities.

Because Chen Xianzhi himself is a pure person, it was like this before, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future.

"What an arrogant boy, you are so arrogant, you may not be able to get out of the gate of the devil's door!"

"You are so bold, I praise you a few times, but you don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and you want to challenge all of us with your own body. Chen Xianzhi, today, the undefeated King of Hades is about to become the King of Hades!"

"Since you want to seek death so much, we will fulfill you too!"


"Hmph! If you want to fight, I will accompany you." The angry elders of the Demon Sect branded their names on the life and death certificate with a wave of their hands without using a pen.

The signatures of the life and death certificates are various, but the elders of these demon sects have already signed their names.

There were those who sneered, those who were angry, those who were indifferent, and all kinds of expressions... They didn't hide the expressions on their faces at all. They looked at Chen Xianzhi as if they were looking at a dead person.

Of course, in their eyes, Chen Mo is already a dead person, even if Chen Xianzhi is the catcher, there is no way to make things right today.

In their view, the law does not blame the public anyway, so could Qin Tianjian wipe out their demon sect elders in one go?
Even if Qin Tianjian really wanted to do this, the Demon Lord would not agree.

For a while, most of the dozen or so elders stood up, and those who didn't stand up were just waiting quietly.

"Chen Xianzhi, you..." Mo Shengnv stared at the indifferent Chen Xianzhi with a dumbfounded expression. She even forgot to use her true energy to transmit sound, but asked directly, which shows how surprised Mo Shengnv was.

This is the first time Saintess Mo has seen this kind of provocation in other people's hometown.

Since forming a partner with Chen Xianzhi, in a short period of time, Mo Shengnv felt that the Jianghu she knew before and the Jianghu where Chen Xianzhi lived were two completely different Jianghu.

"Take him, don't let him die." Chen Mo grabbed Guang Qisheng by the collar at the back of his neck, and casually threw Guang Qisheng to Mo Shengnv.

"I don't have time to protect you. Now, I'll kill you all!" Chen Mo glanced at Mo Shengnv and replied casually, and then faced the dozen or so elders of the Demon Sect, many of whom were strong in the third round , a total of sixteen people, of which very few are at the second rank, and the rest are above the third rank.

"I've been waiting for a long time!" Chen Mo waved his hand, and all the subsequent life and death certificates were collected by Chen Mo.

As Chen Mo said, as long as he is not beaten to death, the certificate of life and death will not be issued, so they can only go all out.

"You!" One of the skinny-looking elders suddenly opened his squinted eyes, and was about to rush forward.

Not only this skinny elder, but the rest of the elders of the Demon Sect didn't have the magnanimity that a sect should have at all. Chen Mo said to let them go together, and they really did go together.

"War!" Chen Mo stepped forward, and the scarlet steam in his body was released suddenly.

"not good!"


"Go back!"

The explosion was imminent.


The [-]-storey hall suddenly exploded, the hurricane swept through, the earth surged, and broken rocks and broken wood flew freely...

All the elders of the demon sect have all walked out of the hall. Although they saw it at close range, the center of the explosion did not affect them, but they were only affected by the aftermath.

The bun on the top of the head of the slow-moving elder of the Demon Sect was blown away, and the whole person was disheveled, with a gray face and a livid face, staring at the center of the explosion.

Seeing the building materials passing by them quickly, their robes fluttering with the strong wind, the tyrannical fear and coercion extended from the ruins, but their faces were mostly indifferent.

Chen Xianzhi was indeed very bold, he compressed his blood and ghost energy, and produced a violent explosion accompanied by unparalleled fear and coercion.

Not to mention that the entire hall was blown away, even the surrounding formations were shattered by Chen Mo.

Li Siye frowned, and only then did he realize that Chen Mo was so bold that he put himself in such a dangerous situation in order to avoid the siege.

"Where are you looking?"

A flat voice sounded behind Li Siye.

Li Siye was startled, his back felt cold, he didn't expect that someone would approach him quietly, it was his back.Without the slightest hesitation, it seemed that he was already ready to go, and the ghost energy in his body covered his whole body in an instant.

A terrifying evil ghost crawled out half of his body from his back, and the sharp ghost claws clawed at Chen Mo.

Obviously, Chen Mo's speed was faster, the long sword was out of its sheath, and the Thunder Dragon and Ben Lei Hengdao were held in his hands with both hands. There was a squeak, although it was one sound, but it was two swords.

Li Siye felt the cold behind him, and the clothes behind him were already soaked with blood, and the gushing blood splashed on the sky.

"It's broken!" Li Siye thought inwardly, but for the present plan, he could only defend with all his strength and widen the battle space between the two. It would be even better if someone could help.

But Li Siye heaved a sigh of relief, someone had already seen it and appeared beside Chen Mo.

"Hey!" Chen Mo grinned, his body flickered slightly, the ghost domain's teleportation speed was no worse than teleportation, how could he be caught by these people, just now was just a warm-up, and started a conversation with the old man in charge Just a joke.

"Want to besiege me?" Chen Mo grinned, standing on the top of a mountain that was as tall and straight as a huge prism, and looked at the demon sect elders surrounding him with a sneer.

Now even without ghost eyes, Yuanshen's investigation alone can project everything around him into Chen Mo's mind, and with the blessing of ghost domain and ghost eyes, Chen Mo's perception ability can be called terrifying.

"Chen Xianzhi, if you have the ability to go head-to-head, what kind of skill is hiding? Aren't you going to challenge all of us?"

"That's right, you look like a clown now, jumping around."

"Ah, hahaha, it really is a clown, he can only hide and hide. As for the so-called Invincible Hades, don't use this name anymore, shame on you!"


"Bah, the undefeated King of Hades, the strongest ghost emissary in history, is nothing more than a runaway dog ​​who has been kicked out."

The sixteen elders of the Demon Sect, among them there are several landlords who are on the third level, all of them want to provoke Chen Xianzhi and them to fight against them. After all, young people have thin skins, let alone such geniuses. , will definitely be stimulated.



Chen Mo laughed wantonly, standing proudly on the pillar peak, with his black hair scattered behind his head, flying in the strong wind, the whole world seemed to echo Chen Mo's laughter again, that tall and arrogant body The shape is firmly engraved in the eyes of everyone.

The voice mocking Chen Xianzhi gradually became quieter.

"Is that Chen Xianzhi?"


"The undefeated king of hell, Chen Xianzhi!" the demon cultivators who watched the battle exclaimed.

The scarlet in Chen Mo's body surged neatly, accompanied by the strong wind, like an elongated cloak, forming a haughty figure on the top of the pillar peak.

The demon cultivators who looked at Chen Xianzhi below had strange expressions in their eyes, as if they were all infected by Chen Mo's arrogance and heroism.


Black ghostly aura gushes out from Chen Mo's body, a scarlet flashes in the ghostly fog, half of the sky on the pillar peak is covered by the black ghostly fog, and at the same time as the scarlet flashes, a large piece of scarlet appears , a huge evil spirit with a height of [-] meters is looming in the ghost fog.

(End of this chapter)

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