Chapter 698
"Everyone, I still won the battle, let's talk more!"

"Chen Xianzhi, don't be so arrogant, it's better to leave Tianwaitian as soon as possible." The elder of the Demon Sect Taishang waved his sleeve robe, and the tall evil spirit in his body had already come out. Yan Luo looked like a child in front of him.

"Let's fight, let's talk—!"

A long whistle sounded.

The surrounding ghost mist rumbled like a black cloud and quickly spread out. The 500-meter giant ghosts, every move, exerted pressure on the formation. In essence, it has surpassed martial arts.

What's more, a six-star evil spirit like Sanmu Yanluo blessed the remaining four five-star strength evil spirits, plus Chen Xianzhi's own attributes, and the five saints opened together, which doubled again on this basis. , plus the power of invincibility, there are a total of sixteen staged big move blessings.

Chen Xian's strength is already terrifying, beyond human power.

"Then fight!"

All five Supreme Elders appeared, and five big ghosts appeared. The elders in the elder group had more than half of their casualties, and less than [-]% of them were able to fight. However, they did not withdraw, but merged into the big formation Among them, resisting Chen Mo.

"Go." The three-eyed Yan Luo waved his big hand, and the four hundred-meter-tall ghosts beside him raised their heads in unison, looked at each other, and rushed up in a flash.

"It's really extraordinary. To be able to rely on a large formation to deal with two big ghosts by one person. I am all five-star strength." Chen Mo was amazed. The large formation with 33 floors in this ghost domain is indeed commendable, but they are too weak up.

That's right, it's too poor and weak, even if it's the Supreme Elder, the power of the third turn is too weak in Chen Mo's eyes now, and the current three-eyed Yan Luo can rank among the strengths of seven stars.

"Give it to me, Broken!"

The footsteps of the three-eyed Yama took a step forward, and every time he ran, he could crush the ground under his feet, but for the current size of the three-eyed Yama, these were just some insignificant dust.

Seeing the huge fists attacking, the elder Taishang didn't think too much, their strength had already been blessed by the entire formation, and he thought he would be able to fight even against a 500-meter-high giant ghost, not to mention There are two other elders who follow him.


Punch to bang.

The Great Elder was immediately horrified. Although he had basically thought of it in the end, when it really happened, he was still so surprised that he couldn't say anything bad.

Sure enough, as the Great Elder Taishang had expected, the three-eyed Yama's fist was heavy, but it only made him take half a step back, while the three-eyed Yama took a big step back.

"You are very strong, but now your strength is limited!" The Great Elder was in high spirits, and he seemed to have regained the feeling of competing with their group of geniuses back then.

"The power of the big formation is really remarkable, but it's not a long-term solution after all!" Chen Mo retreated slowly under the attack of the two grand masters, but Chen Mo was still calm. It is a foreign object, even if it really needs to be consumed, Chen Mo still has twenty or thirty aura empowerments.

"It really needs to be broken!" Chen Mo thought secretly.

You can't be led away by others, not to mention the two elders who were dragged over there gradually began to gain the upper hand, so Chen Mo had to get rid of this big formation, otherwise, if it dragged on for a long time, he would still be caught by them. Dried up alive.

"You really came up with a good idea!"

"During the battle, you still dare to be distracted?" The Great Elder snarled, and the evil ghost went straight to the scarlet ghost eyes on the top of the three-eyed Yama. Scarlet ghost eyes.


The legendary sword is known to grow against the wind under the filling of ghost energy. Thunder Dragon and Ben Lei are held by the two arms of the three-eyed Yan Luo, and four arms grow under the ribs, and the sword transformed by ghost energy appears in those four arms , straightly slashed at the three big ghosts who were besieging them.

With the ghost hand under the blessing of Ghost Sorrow and Fen, Chen Mo directly manipulated the three-eyed Yama to lie on the ground with his whole body. The weapons on the four arms were missing, and the four arms and two hind legs became the weapons for moving. tool.

"What the hell is this? Why is it so weird!" One of the Supreme Elders swallowed. The more this thing looked weirder, the whole evil ghost was lying on the ground and crawling fast. became his enemy.

"You also join the big formation, and I will fight alone!" The elders were also very helpless. They knew that Chen Xianzhi had a ghost domain, so with the big formation, the ghost domain was also targeted, but they didn't expect that there would be such an abnormal movement speed Monsters, they have two legs, after all, they can't run with six legs.

"Destroy the foundation first!" Chen Mo followed the chain and ran down from the [-]th floor at high speed. In the blink of an eye, he had already reached the first floor.

"Ghost Cannon—!"

Ka Ka Ka!
The three-eyed Yama's mouth opened, and a scarlet ghost eye emerged from the huge head. A black ball of light condensed in front of him, and all the ghost energy in his body was drawn out, not even the real energy. Pass.

In the blink of an eye, the entire ball of light has grown to be as big as the three-eyed Yama.

The remaining four elders were all integrated into the formation. The strength of the first elder had completely surpassed Chen Xianzhi, but he was not at all happy, because Chen Xianzhi had created such a terrifying thing.

Although I don't know what the function of that thing is, it doesn't prevent the Great Elder from feeling the terror from that thing.

You know, with his current strength, even the Great Sage can fight, and the ghost controlled by Chen Xianzhi can make such a thing that even the Great Sage feels threatened.

In the blink of an eye, the Great Elder had already rushed to the front, blocking in front of the black ball of light. He had no way to attack Chen Xianzhi, because even if he attacked Chen Xianzhi, the ghost would be sent out. 33 Chongtian is from the Demon Sect Where the foundation lies, it cannot be destroyed.



"It's over!"

When he felt the darkness, the Great Elder only had these two words in his mind, "It's over", that's right, it's over.

The Great Elder felt his eyes go dark!
The diameter of the black light has exceeded 500 meters, and it is still increasing rapidly.

But compared with this terrifying diameter, the extension length in front of it is even more terrifying. The second building was directly pierced, and it was instantly torn apart. Because of the shortest distance, the large piece of land split by the entire second building was directly annihilated.

But none of the heavy-building islands on this straight line survived, and the surrounding ones that were affected also suffered heavy losses.

The formation shattered directly, and all the demon cultivators who had merged into the formation were squeezed out, spitting blood one by one, their faces like golden paper.

Scattered from the sky like celestial maidens scattered flowers...

"It's over, the 33rd Chongtian, the Jiuzhong was wiped out by a bombardment, and the remaining 24th Chongtian is also crumbling!"

That's right, in the eyes of the demon cultivators, this is a cannon, but it's not an ordinary cannon.

(End of this chapter)

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