Reckless through another world

Chapter 708 Do you know how much it cost me

Chapter 708 Do you know how much it cost me
"Mustard bag?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows.

Chen Mo didn't think there was anything in his mustard bag that attracted the other party. If there were, there should be only two things. One was the scarlet coffin board, and the other was the unknown crown-like thing.

Chen Mo can see through all the other things, only these two things Chen Mo doesn't know their usefulness, even the attribute panel can't be identified.

As for taking it to the Qin Tianjian for appraisal, this coffin board is fine, but Chen Mo doesn't want to take out that weird crown-like thing.

This thing gave Chen Mo the feeling that it was alive, and when Chen Mo took it out last time, it seemed to be pierced into his scalp, which was already weird enough, so it was even more terrifying.

"That's right, it's the mustard bag. As long as Chen Chushen hands over the mustard bag, the two of you can leave at any time, otherwise..." The elegant old man in black and gold robe nodded slightly, and took a step forward. Overwhelming and overwhelming, it generally comes from a horizontal pressure.

Chen Mo suddenly felt the blood in his chest surge up, and his already seriously injured body was even worse.

The tumbling qi and blood surged up, and Chen Mo suddenly felt a surge of sweetness in his throat, even his face turned pale, but Chen Mo didn't spit out the blood, but swallowed it back.

Just finished a big battle with the devil, even against the whole world.

Chen Mo's current body is already half disabled, otherwise he would not be affected by the coercion released by the other party, even though the other party is also a powerful person in the third turn, and even he is only one step away from the Great Sage.

There was an extra shadow in front of Chen Mo, and when he looked up, Mo Wudi actually stood in front of Chen Mo, and the damage Chen Mo suffered was reduced by a large part.

Chen Mo grinned, and slowly stood up straight.
"Spiritual energy empowerment." A huge vortex of spiritual energy formed around and poured into Chen Mo's body. The wounds in Chen Mo's body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his face showed a not-so-changing blush.

"Forcibly suppress the injury?" The old man glanced at Chen Mo, but didn't stop him, even slightly disdainful.

Under normal circumstances, it is indeed feasible to forcibly suppress one's own injuries, but for a seriously injured person like Chen Mo, forcibly suppressing his injuries is obviously because he thinks that he is not dying fast enough, and he doesn't even need to do anything, as long as he waits quietly, Chen Mo will die suddenly.

"Saint Mo, you may not be the opponent of this old thing, let me do it."

Chen Mo put his hand on Mo Wudi's shoulder, causing the two of them to switch positions, with Chen Mo standing at the front, and Mo Wudi taking Chen Mo's original position.

If it was an ordinary three-rank, it would be handed over to Mo Wudi, but the old thing in front of him was obviously not an ordinary three-rank.

Although the old man restrained his aura, Chen Mo could almost feel that this old man was definitely stronger than the Supreme Elder of Tianwaitian, even more than one or two times stronger.

"Your state." Mo Wudi looked calm. Mo Wudi became calmer at this time. He had even arranged several sets of countermeasures in his mind, including everything that could be used, but he still felt that he was not sure.

"Death in a while." Chen Mo shook his head and replied.

Even if he was seriously injured, surrounded by pain, and there was tearing pain in his body, none of these could hinder Chen Mo.

Chen Mo wanted to kill the person in front of him, not because he coveted the things in Chen Mo's mustard bag, but because the old man killed the person Chen Mo released. This is an unforgivable evil for Chen Mo.

"Hand over, or die, please Chen Chushen decides." The old man in the black and gold robe stood there very indifferently, neither of these two people paid much attention to them.

If it was Chen Xianzhi in his heyday, the old man would really be apprehensive, but how could Chen Xianzhi, who was exhausted in this kind of battle and held his breath, could be his opponent? It was just him playing tricks on the two of them.

Because he just likes the look of despair that appears on those people's faces after giving people hope and then extinguishing it.

So perfect, so perfect.

The old man couldn't wait to see the unbelievable expression of this ghost driver, a peerless genius, when he was dying.

"You shouldn't kill people!" Chen Mo shook his head and said such a sentence without thinking.

"Bang!" The ground under his feet was lowered by two inches, and a sweeping air wave burst out from the cracked ground, and Chen Mo's figure had disappeared from the spot.


The old man's slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened, and the light hidden deep in his eyes radiated out, the black air in his body was transpiring, and a huge evil ghost phantom appeared on his body, like a huge law of heaven and earth.

Blue-faced fangs, ferocious ghost horns, scarlet ghost eyes, blue-black skin with dots of lines, and two long swords held in the arms of the evil ghost, faintly visible in the ghost fog.

"Eyes can be deceiving." A hoarse voice sounded.

The old man with the bark face immediately became vigilant. He heard the sound, but the sound was obviously coming from all directions, which also showed that Chen Mo would attack from all directions, so he couldn't help being unvigilant.

But on the other side, Saintess Mo's eyes widened.

In Mo Shengnv's eyes, Chen Mo just walked over in a leisurely manner, and walked in front of the old man, but the old man didn't seem to realize that Chen Mo had walked in front of him.

The old man just looked around vigilantly, and the evil spirit in his body also appeared on his body, looking around.

But today's Sanmu Yanluo is no longer what it used to be, not to mention that after getting familiar with some of Tianwaitian's authority, Sanmuyanluo's ghost domain has increased by a large part, and even changed qualitatively, so even with ghost eyes Up several steps.

Chen Mo held the thick-backed broken bronze knife in his hand, and measured the old man's neck.

Chen Mo frowned slightly. He couldn't use bronze to break the knife. The flow of ghost energy would definitely be discovered, and the other party would react at that time, and he couldn't do it by surprise, so Chen Mo pulled Ben Lei out. He measured the old man's neck.


Ben Lei went straight to the old man's neck, there was no ghost energy, no real energy, just the blessing of pure strength, because of this, it was safer and would not be noticed, and Chen Mo's strength was enough to knock the old man's body away. Head cut off.



There was a crisp sound, and half of the bright blue light flashed past.Burst out.

Chen Mo's body retreated sharply, out of the range of the opponent's attack, looking at Ben Lei, whose hand was cut off, Chen Mo was a little dazed.

"Do you know how much merit this knife has cost me!" Chen Mo looked at the half of Ben Lei in his hand, his voice suddenly became low, and a scarlet light flashed in his eyes.

Without the blessing of true energy and ghost energy, even legendary knives would not appear to be so tyrannical.

But it is still at the legendary level. It can only be said that the timing of the opponent's grasp is too good and too coincidental!
Of course, the opponent's weapon is also powerful enough, otherwise it would be impossible to cut Ben Lei to both ends with one move.

 If you owe more, make it up during the day

(End of this chapter)

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