Reckless through another world

Chapter 710 I, Chen Xianzhi, said it!

Chapter 710 I, Chen Xianzhi, said it!

It's just that when it rushed in front of the old man, the beam of light scattered in all directions as if blocked.

A full count of interest passed.

The beam of light in front of him has disappeared, and Jade Blood Villa has been razed to the ground by the fighting of the evil spirits.

Of course, the main attack was Sanmu Yanluo. Although Shentu evil spirit was powerful, he was always on the defensive side. Chen Mo didn't give him a chance to attack, and almost all the attacks were firmly in Chen Mo's hands.

Moreover, with the three-eyed Yan Luo's beam of light in front of the ghost cannon, it is unrealistic to even want a flying dragon to charge up with his face on his face.

"So ruthless?" Mo Wudi exclaimed. She had seen Chen Mo's fighting power. The powerful beam of light that could penetrate the nine-story building outside the sky made her even more amazed, but she didn't expect that it was Chen Mo's endurance. powerful.

After fighting with Tianwaitian, he fought fiercely with the Demon Lord, and now he came out to fight another powerful person.

It can no longer be described as long-lasting, it is as solid as a rock, with a body like dark iron, and a waist made of iron.

But at the same time, Saintess Mo became more and more angry. Chen Xianzhi only got such a huge promotion by defeating her.

Although she gained a lot, she was one of the group who left the stage early after all. Even though she had controlled the god emperor's luck ghost, she had a lot of luck, but because she lost, she was also deprived of a lot.

"Something is coming."

Mo Shengnv narrowed her eyes slightly, although for a while the more she thought about it, the more she suffered, and the more she took a step back, the more angry she became, but now is obviously not the time to be angry with herself, besides this bark-faced old man, there are other things coming up.

I don't know if it's a human, a ghost, or something else.

The holy ghost behind Mo Shengnv's body slowly emerged as a tall phantom. The ghost was shrouded in hazy gray veil, and it didn't look so real, but the fear and coercion it released should not be underestimated at all. .

"Little girl, it's best not to join the battlefield, even if you are very strong." A pleasant voice sounded.

Mo Shengnv looked up, and a little girl who looked only eight or nine years old was sitting on the ruined wall beside her, gnawing a peach the size of an adult's fist in her hand, looking at the three-eyed Yama in the battlefield with her big round eyes. .

"Little girl?" Mo Shengnv frowned slightly, and looked up and down the little loli who was not far away, "If it's a little girl, you are it."

Mo Shengnv replied, and the dangerous breath escaped from her body.

Little Lolita glanced at Mo Shengnv, then tilted her head to look at Chen Mo, her eyes were full of excitement, and she couldn't help but marvel, "Chen Xianzhi is already so strong, even stronger than me, and it's only been more than a year? "

"Could this be the unscientific situation Mr. Mingzhu said?" Little Loli scratched her head, doubts flashed in her eyes, but she was turned aside by the peach in her hand, took a big bite, and muttered I don't know what was said.

Mo Shengnv took half a step back slightly, and cast her eyes on Chen Mo's side.

Chen Mo looked at the opposite person solemnly. It was not a human being, but a huge evil spirit, but it was only a human being who drove the evil spirit.

The huge evil spirit in front of me is wearing a white mask, the mask is not as big as the evil spirit's face, it only covers [-]% or [-]% of the face, revealing a small black border around the face, the white mask is surrounded by black evil spirits skin.

Even the mask is very weird, with a pointed nose, and the corners of the mouth are half-smile, half-cry.

A pair of scarlet ghost eyes protruded from the white mask, but the pair of ghost eyes seemed a little smaller, which seemed a little uncoordinated.

"Who is coming?" Chen Mo asked, the four evil spirits blocking the route all took a step forward, and the three-eyed Yama stood calmly on the spot.

But ghost cannons can be condensed at any time, and Chen Mo still has a lot in stock, even if there is another one, he is not afraid.

"Guo Yulei!" The trembling ghost energy formed these three words.

Chen Mo grinned, "Shen Tu Yu Lei, the Eastern Ghost Emperor? You are from the underworld, right?"

Although Chen Mo was asking a question, it was obviously in an affirmative tone.

"Chen Chushen has a good opinion, we are indeed the ghost emperors of the underworld, and Zhao Shentu and I are the ghost emperors of the East." Guo Yulei bowed and said with a salute, and he saluted Chen Mo.

Although the etiquette is thoughtful, Chen Mo didn't feel any respect, but instead felt the taste of ridicule. .

God is pitiful, he did show respect, and Chen Mo's fighting power alone is enough to make them respect.

Although Guo Yulei caught the blow just now, he still felt powerful.

Not only is it powerful, it is simply unbearably strong. In the world, there will be such a blow from an evil ghost. If it is issued by the evil ghost itself, with an infinite supply of ghost energy, even the great sage can be consumed by him .

Of course, there is no doubt about Chen Xianzhi's strength, and his battery life is even more powerful.

"The offensive is like a wild star falling like a broken bamboo, hitting three turns horizontally, and carrying the great sage with all his strength, he really deserves his reputation!" Guo Yulei sighed in his heart, the more he sighed, the more fearful he became, because he didn't know how many times Chen Xianzhi could shoot that kind of beam of light.

Chen Mo has also met a few ghost emperor-level figures in the underworld, but he never thought that the so-called ghost emperor is actually composed of two people, two people are two ghosts, forming a ghost emperor.

"That is to say, the so-called ghost emperors of five directions are actually ten people?" Chen Mo raised his eyebrows. If they all have this kind of combat power, then the power of Hades is enough to be discussed.

But Chen Mo feels that it shouldn't be. At least the ghost emperor Chen Mo saw in Longhu Mountain before was not so strong. Both the bark-faced Zhao Shentu and Guo Yulei were very strong, stronger than the ghost emperor he had seen in Longhu Mountain. powerful.

Chen Mo was very calm from the beginning to the end. Chen Mo felt that even if the so-called Lord of the Underworld appeared in front of him, Chen Mo could still remain calm.

Because no matter how much power a warrior uses, he must maintain a calm face without changing his face. Only in this way can his opponent be afraid of his own power.

Using all available factors to defeat the opponent is the psychological quality that a fighter should possess.

"The strongest catcher, Chen Xianzhi, really deserves his reputation. However, please ask Chen catcher to raise his ghost hand. Shentu can't die now." The evil ghost in the white mask said tremblingly, his voice was obviously not as strong as he expressed. calm.

"Joke!" Chen Mo's complexion turned gloomy all of a sudden, in Chen Mo's little vengeance notebook, this bark-faced old man was already a mortal man.

Ji Wuchang, Chen Mo was able to let him go, not only because he recognized his strength, but also because Ji Wuchang didn't do anything that made Chen Mo feel sick.

It doesn't matter if you target Chen Mo, after all, it is normal for the enemy to want to target the opponent.

"If you want to fight, you can fight, and if you don't want to fight, just say you don't want to fight. Your underworld is so majestic."

"It's true that Shentu did something wrong. Even if Catcher escapes, he will be punished by Lord Hades when he returns to Hades." Guo Yulei nodded slightly, "It's just that he can't die now!" Guo Yulei sighed.

Who would have imagined that such a powerful God Catcher would only be for a few ants who died in Jade Blood Villa.

Although lamenting that they are ants, Guo Yulei didn't say it out. Knowing it and saying it are two completely different effects.

"He, he is doomed today, even the Underworld Lord can't save him, I, Chen Xianzhi, said so!"

The black ball in front of Yan Luo's blood mouth with three eyes expanded instantly.

 Recently, the upstairs was renovated, and the noisy Lingshan had no energy all day. I was really drunk. The children's shoes who chased here should know that something happened at Lingshan's home a few days ago. I just adjusted my mentality, and it was buzzing in my ears again, tired I fell asleep at eight or nine o'clock.

  I will pay back my debts, but I have a bad time. Even if I go to an Internet cafe to write during the day, I will pay back my debts.

(End of this chapter)

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