Reckless through another world

Chapter 721 I am the only one who can kill me Chen Xianzhi

Chapter 721 I am the only one who can kill me Chen Xianzhi

"Well, sure enough, Qin Tianjian is right that you have an alternative plan. I underestimated you, Chen Xianzhi." Yuan Ge put down the teacup in his hand, looked into Chen Mo's eyes, and his voice seemed to be filled with relief and concern. Relax.

Yuan Ge thought that as long as he came and told Chen Xianzhi, Chen Xianzhi would probably do it, because they all did it.

It's just that they haven't reached the state of universal enemy and invincible, so even if they don't want to, they will be beheaded by the Jianghu people created in their dreams. After all, poisoning, traps, ambushes, army formations and crowd tactics are very important It is a disaster for human beings.

But Chen Xianzhi was different. He actually relied on his own comprehension to come up with this kind of breathing method, which can directly absorb power from the outside world to improve his own combat effectiveness. Chen Xianzhi, who was already strong, was even stronger now.

Just because he is strong, he is suspicious.No, it should be said that it is because of doubt that it is stronger.Although suspicion is a double-edged sword, it works very well in Chen Xianzhi's hands.

Fortunately, Qin Tianjian has a backup plan.

If you can't convince Chen Xianzhi, then you can only defeat Chen Xianzhi.

"Backup plan? Do you want to send me back by force?" Chen Mo showed an interested smile on his face.

Since entering the dream, everyone's physique is the same in the balance law of evil spirits. The one who wants to defeat the opponent is skill, but Chen Mo himself has a big weapon of breathing. Does Yuan Ge want to defeat him as an ordinary person? he?

That was too far-fetched.

"That's right. Let's fight, Chen Xianzhi, I will personally cut off your head and bring you back!" Yuan Ge stood up.


The air flow was sucked into the mouth like two long dragons. Yuan Ge's chest was heaving and falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. The heart was like a small furnace. Through the body, a fist-sized light could be seen, and the scarlet qi and blood spread in all directions. go out.

The Qi and blood in Yuan Ge's body boiled, the steam all over his body became hotter, and his strength doubled. It was even more terrifying than when Chen Mo saw it at first.

"Is this the method of breathing? It's so terrifying." Yuan Ge's half-scarlet eyes were filled with amazement.

No wonder Chen Xianzhi is known as a heavenly genius. In such an end-of-life world, he created something like the breathing method, which can turn an ordinary person into an enemy of thousands of people. Although it is useless to Shenzhou, the principle can be used for reference. local.

"Hahaha, okay, I'm just worried that no one will come to test the exercises!" Chen Mo laughed loudly, this is completely a big knife in front of Guan Gong, and he used the breathing method to fight Chen Mo in front of Chen Mo, the ancestor of the breathing method.

"Go ahead!"

Rao is very thick-skinned, Yuan Ge still blushes, it is unfair to use other people's skills to fight against others, but there is no way, who knows that Chen Xianzhi will not listen to persuasion.

Yuan Ge came to persuade Chen Mo to leave.

Chen Mo said, "I won't listen to advice!"

If you don't listen to persuasion, there is no other way but to fight. If you want to fight, you have to bring your physical level to the same level. Otherwise, Chen Xianzhi can crush them with his physical fitness alone.


Chen Mo's eyes became cold all of a sudden, and the steam in his body was slowly released, and scarlet lines began to appear on his body, which were burns caused by the flow of Qi and blood.



The floor of the building under his feet suddenly shattered, Chen Mo's body had already rushed out, and the long knife in his hand was unsheathed brazenly, without the blessing of true energy, without the blessing of inner energy, without the blessing of ghost energy, relying entirely on an indomitable momentum, using It is the most fundamental power of the physical body.


When the swords collided, Chen Mo's body turned over, like a dragon going out to sea to attack with wide opening and closing moves, very powerful.

It's just that Chen Mo found a problem.

The breathing method used by Yuan Ge is actually more gentle than his, more suitable for long battles, and even more advanced.

"Be careful!"

The broad sword held by Yuan Singer almost hit Chen Mo's wrist with a slap, but this move directly opened a hole in Chen Mo's chest, and blood flowed out.

"Qin Tianjian has optimized my breathing method?"

Chen Mo didn't back down at all. The moment the opponent succeeded, he pressed up directly regardless of the injury, and pressed the long knife in his hand on Yuan Ge's shoulder.

With the surge of qi and blood, the strength of Yuan Ge's body actually overwhelmed that of Chen Mo, and he made a counterattack.


The wing of the building was smashed open instantly, and Chen Mo himself was smashed into the ruins.

"That's right! The breathing method optimized by Qin Tianjian is even more powerful."


There was an explosion, and the doors of several wing rooms of the building were pierced, and the people on the building were running back and forth, crying, the sound of flames burning, the sound of ruins collapsing, and the sound of beams falling down. , Shouts mixed together.

"Nine times!"

Chen Mo's voice was calm, his breathing became longer, his body's blood began to burn greatly, his semi-scarlet eyes completely turned scarlet, and blood flowed out from the corners of Chen Mo's mouth.

"The peak value is ten times, and ten times is the strongest acceptance ability known to human beings, and my body itself has been strengthened, even if Yuan Ge's breathing method is stronger, it can only be made bigger than ten times. "

"Then the winner can only be determined within five breaths!" Chen Mo stood on the other side of the top corner of the building, the blood in his body seemed to form a raging flame, burning around Chen Mo.

"Going to extremes?" Yuan Ge standing at the other end had a flash of admiration in his eyes.

Chen Xianzhi's fighting consciousness is still that strong, he must have seen that he can't fight for a long time, because his breathing method is rougher, which can't support him to fight for a long time.

The breathing method on Yuange's side has been improved by Qin Tianjian, and it is already in a relatively mature state, which can fully support Yuange's long-term battle.

So the longer the delay, the more unfavorable it is for Chen Xianzhi.

"Who fought there?"

"Isn't that the blood knife maniac Chen Heigou? Who is the other person who can force Chen Heigou into such a mess?"

"Is that still a person? The roof of the building was cut in half with a knife."


"Five breaths determine the outcome!"

"Push me ten times!"

Chen Mo let out a low growl, and the blood valve in his body was immediately opened, and his heart was beating like an engine. If there was a heart rate test, Chen Mo's heart beat at least four or five times a second.


Steam evaporated from Chen Mo's skin.



Yuan Ge couldn't avoid the battle, because the opponent was too strong, and avoiding the battle would be self-destruction.


The bombardment of the purely shattered flesh and the shocking ripples caused the entire building to collapse. The 300-meter-long building was riddled with holes after several breaths of fighting.

"I know it, I don't know why, I, Chen Xianzhi, is the one who created the breathing method!" Chen Mo grinned, his eyes had burst, and the consequences of the red vision had not been eliminated, but after five breaths, Chen Mo also Finally, Yuan Ge was beheaded.

"Kill, kill the blood knife maniac, and dominate the martial arts world!"

"Blood drinker!"

"The blood knife maniac has inhuman skills!"


Numerous martial arts people who watched the battle rushed forward.

Chen Mo cut several times, and no one could even walk in front of Chen Mo.

Nine times the physique created a myth among mortals.

I don't know how many people have been killed, Jiang Di's corpses have already come up, and the remaining two or three cats, big and small, are also scared out of their wits.


"Since we've reached this point, it's meaningless." Chen Mo laughed loudly. There is a great horror between life and death. Knife.

Everything is a knife in hand!

"I put my powerful secret here, come and get it if you want to become stronger."

"In this world, I am the only one who can kill Chen Xianzhi!" Chen Mo raised the blood drinker in his hand, and with a flash of the knife, his head was thrown up. With the collapse of the building, Chen Mo's headless body slowly Sink to the bottom of the river.

(End of this chapter)

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