Chapter 784

The great sage is supreme.

Due to the blockade of the Great Formation in the Shenzhou World, the strength of the entire body has now come to an end.

Chen Mo never thought that his combat power was invincible. He believed that he was invincible in the world, and he was not far from death. Even if someone could kill him, it would not be considered invincible.

What's more, there are many people who can kill him, not only outside the territory, even in the world of Shenzhou, there are people who can kill him.

Even an imp can kill it if one is not careful enough.

So every time he made a shot, Chen Mo went all out.Even now that he has become a master of the Great Saint level, Chen Mo just feels that he is standing on the other side of the river. He has not actually crossed the river in front of him.

Chen Mo didn't know why he compared his realm to a river, as if he was really standing on the other side of the river now.

No, Chen Mo, who came back to his senses, found that he was really standing by the river bank now.

There is a calm river in front of you, the ground is dark black, even the sky is dark red, and the river in front of you is light yellow.

Very peaceful.

And Chen Mo himself stood on this side of the river.

Chen Mo lowered his head slightly, there was no way in front of him, and if he took another step forward, he would walk into the river.

Looking into the distance, Chen Mo couldn't see what was on the other side of the river. It seemed that there was a shadow, which was reflected with the help of the faint light in the sky. It was quietly reflected on the river, forming a black shadow.

Silent and distorted.

It was very calm in itself, but there was a strange horror in this calmness.

Chen Mo looked down, the light yellow river water was very clear, just reflected Chen Mo's figure.It also formed a faint shadow, but this shadow was too fine, even clear.

Chen Mo could see the robe on his body, his face, and the hair on top of his head.

Shadow's face was slightly pale, his scarlet eyes were sarcasm, and even the corner of his mouth had a hint of sneer, as if he was mocking Chen Mo.

The corners of Reflection's mouth gradually tilted, even reaching to the base of the ears, forming a jagged mouth.

The shadow gradually left the river on the other side, and it got out of the river, as if it wanted to bite off Chen Mo's head.

It has already opened its mouth to the maximum, covering Chen Mo's head, and even its eyes have a strange smile of success.

"My shadow, how dare you laugh at the master." Chen Mo grinned.

Stretching out his arm and grasping it, the shadow reflected in front of his eyes suddenly showed a terrified expression.

"As my shadow of Chen Xianzhi, how dare you be afraid?!"

Chen Mo shook his head indifferently, his voice was flat, as if he was talking about something that should have been like this.

Who is Chen Xianzhi?
You can die, but you can't lose. You can die in battle, but you can't show fear, and you can't kneel cowardly and beg for mercy.

Therefore, if this ghost wants to be his shadow, he should know who Chen Xianzhi is.

Ferocious blood and tears flowed from the reflected shadow's eyes, and it even danced wildly, trying to get out of Chen Mo's control.

But no matter how it struggled, the young man in front of him just grasped it, and didn't move any more.

It seems that with the grip of the person in front of him, the whole river has stopped.

Even the dirty things in the river frantically wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape no matter what, and they couldn't even move.

It doesn't understand, it's just looking for a chance to climb back.

But it seems to have found the wrong person. The young man in front of him is too scary.

No, it's not scary, it's scary.

No one can be so calm when facing the long river on the other side.

Those who seek the Tao will directly pass through the water, and may be swallowed or even replaced by the dirty things in the river.

But the greater possibility is to be drowned by the long river on the other side and become a bound ghost.

Those who are not determined will panic and even regress.

Regression not only means the regression of cultivation, but also the regression of Dao Xin. If there is a crack in Dao Xin, it will be difficult to move forward for a lifetime.

And the person in front of him was too terrifying, he just stood there quietly, and the formed reflection gave birth to consciousness and became a dirty thing in the river, and even suppressed this large area, and there was a faint shadow on the other side. He looked at each other from a distance.


The shadow reflected in front of him was shattered, replaced by a pale black shadow, his whole body was so black that he couldn't see clearly, only a pair of scarlet ghost eyes could be seen.

At the same time, a crack appeared on Shadow's forehead, and a scarlet eyeball appeared.

Chen Mo quietly looked into the distance.

Nothing was said.

This is his martial arts, his martial arts has come to an end, he has come to the end of this river, if he wants to go further, he must either cross the river and reach the other side, or just stand here honestly and keep his great saint level. of cultivation.

Chen Mo looked back.

Behind him is a series of footprints.

Those are the footprints he has walked all the way since he embarked on the road of martial arts, every footprint is very clear, even deep.

Chen Mo seemed to be able to see a faint phantom on every footprint, maybe it was him in the past, maybe it was other dirty things that crawled out of the long river on the other side.

But who cares.

For Chen Mo, it is either going forward or going backwards.

Of course, if you go backwards, the fog in front of you should be shrouded again.

"It's really fascinating. I didn't expect that there would be no obstacles when I became a great sage, but it would appear after I became a great sage." Chen Mo laughed, his expression was very indifferent.

Speaking of which, the so-called other shore is too insidious, and even took advantage of it at the moment when Wu Xiu became a great sage, that is, when he was most relaxed.

Chen Mo took a step forward, and Chen Mo had already stepped on the other side of the long river.


A black ghost hand stretched out from the river and grabbed Chen Mo's ankle.

But Chen Mo was unmoved at all, didn't even look at the other party, and continued to walk forward, the river under his feet rippled a little bit.

Chen Mo himself has no tendency to sink as if walking on a mirror.

In just a few breaths of time, countless ghost hands have already grabbed Chen Mo's ankle.

But Chen Mo's figure didn't change at all, his shadow was in front of him, and Chen Mo's footsteps stepped on his shadow accurately, walking straight forward, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, and there was not even the slightest skew or deviation from the target.

Chen Mo is now walking slowly on the water like a saint, and more and more dirty things are gathering at Chen Mo's feet.

Most of them are lonely ghosts, and some of them fell when they were sanctified. Most of them are ghosts born from here, but they all expect to be able to walk out of here, so they look forward to every The sanctified who can come here.

Because every extra bit they have more opportunities, just like now.

From the first ghost that grabbed Chen Mo's feet, there have been thousands of ghosts that grabbed Chen Mo's ankles.

(End of this chapter)

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