Reckless through another world

Chapter 797 The Tree and the Vine

Chapter 797 The Tree and the Vine

"It's nothing. I lived for more than 40 years in my last life. In my next life, I'm already at the pinnacle of this world. It's just that I haven't figured out many problems." Chen Mo laughed.

There is a sense of relief in the smile, and a sense of relief.Compared with before, today's smile is much brighter.

"Is this tree okay? Madam's body is still here after all." Chen Mo asked.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore, since it grows here, it's a good thing." The empress looked at it, but she didn't see any harm.

"I told you a long time ago that it's not the tree, it's the vine. The tree and the vine are separate. Although they are considered as one, I also wonder why the tree didn't give birth to a powerful monster, but the vine gave birth to a powerful monster." Weird." The empress explained, but at the same time she was a little bit puzzled.

It stands to reason that the vines are parasitic on the trees, and the vines have a strange behavior. It is really strange that the tree has not moved.

Of course Chen Mo didn't know, but he felt that it had something to do with his physical body, not to mention the physical body, when he first came in, he discovered that the whole physical body was actually connected with the tree, and the breath was as one.

If the big monster really was born, he would only use his physical body to run amok in the world, maybe his physical body would become a spirit.

Looking at the age of the game warehouse, Chen Mo feels that the age of this thing should be very long, definitely more than three or four years. Although there is no damage or rust, judging the age of an object is not only about these .

If we look at it by falling ash, there was indeed a period of four years.

But the empress also said that there was turmoil four years ago, and after the turmoil, the entire forbidden area was sealed off.

Chen Mo even suspected that the game cabin and the physical body in the game cabin must have existed for more than four years. Maybe they had appeared in the tree before, and they were integrated with the whole tree, so the tree did not appear powerful and strange. Not even an iota of intelligence was born.

But the vine attached to the tree gave birth to such a powerful and strange empress. Although the empress has become a unique type now, the source is after all separated from the vine.

"In this way, the fate between the concubine and the husband will be far away." After hearing Chen Mo's guess, the empress couldn't help sighing, this matter is really inseparable, this tree grows in this kind of ghost land It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world tree. It would be normal for a strange tree to be born, but now it is just an ancient tree without any strange breath.

Even the whole breath is still connected with Chen Mo's physical body in his previous life.

Chen Mo laughed, fate is something that cannot be explained in a few words, if it is not true, it is a fetter that I really don't know, but that's okay.

Chen Mo's original physical body has dissipated, and the empress has long been separated from the vines. The trees and vines now are just simple trees and vines.

"Let's go, now that the forbidden area has been explored, try to close the door after you go back, if you can close it, then close it, if you can't close it, there are other solutions." Chen Mo nodded slightly, waved his big hand, and the game compartment in front of him has been blocked. Chen Mo put it in the mustard bag.

Even if it can't be used, this thing can't stay here, and even this thing shouldn't have appeared in this world in the first place.

Chen Mo still had a thought in holding it, if someone got it, some troubles might happen.

Walked out of the tree hole and looked back.

The ancient bodhi tree is still lush and green, covering this huge ghost world.

Chen Mo's footsteps paused slightly, and so did the Empress' footsteps. Neither of them seemed to have said anything, but they seemed to have said a lot.

Just quietly looking at the giant tree in front of him, after a while, Chen Mo turned around.

Take the Queen's hand.

"Ma'am, it's time for us to go back." Chen Mo smiled, and looked at the empress dotingly. Now he knows what he is, and now he has a deeper understanding of the whole world, and he also understands most of his own life. .

Of course, there is still a tough battle to fight.

If Chen Mo's own ideas come true, then everything will be wiped out in his eyes. If Chen Mo's ideas don't work out, the entire world of Shenzhou can only be like a seriously ill patient, either dragged to death or broken before standing.

It's just that the Heavenly Demon may not give them a chance to break through.

"En." The Empress nodded slightly. Now there are many evil spirits in the forbidden area. I have seen the trees and vines, so it is time to go back. The Empress has already made up her mind about the rest, and there is no need to explore the forbidden area.

After all, there are thousands of evil spirits wandering in the ghost domain in the entire forbidden area. Although some of them have gone out along the door, more still have not come out. How many evil spirits are hidden in this huge ghost domain? Ghost, no one knows.

As for who opened the door, they didn't know, but Chen Mo guessed that it wasn't the evil spirit that opened it, but the person outside the door. When the door was opened, the evil spirit was released.

With the protection of Chen Mo Ghost Domain, the two went in intact and walked out intact.

The huge ghost wall did not stop Chen Mo and the empress who owned the ghost domain. When they reached the door again, the whole door was still open, and the scarlet door had no handles. Chen Mo did not give up and wanted to catch it. through the door.

Even the use of Ghost Domain still has no effect.

"It seems that this door can't be closed." Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

"It's fine if you can't close it." The empress didn't feel much, the door has been open for a long time, if it can't be closed, just leave it like this, the ghosts inside are not easy to come out, and the people outside are not easy to come out. good to come in.

It's just a lot of things on my mind, and I just need to be more careful in the future.

The whole process didn't take half a day. When they came out, the elders of Yunding Tiangong were still waiting outside the door.

"Welcome the Lord and Your Highness to return."

The elders outside the door said in unison, and at the same time, many of them felt relieved, they did not agree with the empress to go in, it would be bad if there was someone good or bad inside.

It's better to let Chen Xianzhi go in alone. Although they don't know Chen Mo's strength yet, since there is Ghost Domain, it's definitely easier to use it by yourself than to run with others.

And even if there is an accident, it will happen. They are more concerned about the life and death of their master, and they don't care about Chen Xianzhi's life or death at all.After all, they were loyal to the Empress, not to Chen Xianzhi.

Even if Chen Mo became the empress's husband and became the so-called highness, they would not switch to Chen Mo's sect. Whether it was the issue of loyalty or other issues, it was determined that they would only use the empress' highest Benefits come first, so you won't have the problem of falling directly into Chen Mo's arms.

Even if the Empress said so, Chen Mo would at most have some authority over them, and it would be extremely difficult to get them to serve her.

Chen Mo didn't think much about it, he just laughed it off, he didn't like power in the first place, before his own strength was strong, he didn't trust others, and power was just for him to deal with the trivial matters, they couldn't intervene in big things, and had to Chen Mo came by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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