Chapter 799

"You are here, and you are stepping into the Great Sage." Underworld Lord's voice is very flat, the whole voice is like the sound of a machine without any emotion, without the slightest ups and downs, just conveying his own meaning .

A pair of scarlet eyes emerged from under the black devil's mask.

These eyes are very strange, it seems that they are not the eyes of human beings, but more like the eyes of evil spirits, without the slightest emotion, just watching His Highness Chen Mo quietly.

Chen Mo also looked at each other.

The Lord of the Underworld sat on the throne, and he was completely covered by a large robe. There were blood-colored patterns on the black robe, and his long black hair was neatly tied. However, the face of the other party was covered by a black ghost mask. covered up.

Now Chen Mo has confirmed that the Underworld Lord he saw last time is not the Underworld Lord's body, but just a substitute of the Underworld Lord. Although it is filled with the Underworld Lord's consciousness, it should be an evil ghost in essence.

As for whether the current one is the main body of the Lord of the Underworld, Chen Mo can't see clearly.

It's really strange, with the strength of the three-eyed Yan Luo Qixing, he can't see through what is hidden under the black evil ghost mask in front of him, and he can't see through the details of the person in front of him.

However, Chen Mo felt that the person in front of him should not be a human being. Although the other person's body did not exude much fear and coercion, it did not have much human aura. Instead of being human, it seemed more like a ghost.

"Your territory is really hard to find." Chen Mo grinned, the smile on his face was quite calm.

As Chen Mo said, he looked around the hall. Fortunately, the invitation to the underworld in his hand was still there and was not discarded by Chen Mo, so Chen Mo found the location of the underworld by following the vine.

Hades, like other forces, has placed its territory in the ghost domain.

It's just that Chen Mo can feel that other people's control over his territory is not so strong, and Hades has really studied the entire ghost domain thoroughly, and even controlled the entire ghost domain.

And when he first came in, he was discovered by the people of the underworld, so Chen Mo said that the underworld has a strong control over the ghost domain, unlike Tianwaitian, who found out that foreign enemies invaded only after an accident.

The person who greeted Chen Mo was an old acquaintance, and Chen Mo was not in the mood to trouble him, and his attitude was also very low, Chen Mo felt that it was meaningless.

"So what if the great sage is gone, today's blockade, this is the end."

What Chen Mo said was also plain. Regardless of whether the opponent is a human or a ghost, Chen Mo is confident that he can take over the opponent's tricks. After all, his strength has reached the peak of the world. Among the same ranks, Chen Mo naturally has his own arrogance.

And what about the Great Sage, in the end, it wasn't the strength of the evil spirits that he was fighting for. Chen Mo used the cultivation of the Great Sage to control the evil spirits with the strength of seven stars.
The world has been sealed off, and human beings can't produce many powerful martial artists.Not to mention the evil spirits, they rely on killing people.

Although Daqian has a large population of 20 billion people, many people die every day, but if he wants to support a powerful evil spirit, fill in all 20 billion. Chen Mo feels that it is at most an eight-star strength, and he will definitely not be able to go to nine stars. Nine stars need at least all the populations of the three countries combined.

So wild ghosts are suitable.

Although wild ghosts are suitable, they are also stronger, more fierce, and harder to provoke. Chen Mo does not believe that Hades can control evil ghosts with eight-star strength, let alone nine-star ghosts.

Chen Mo felt that there should be only one ghost with nine-star strength in the whole world, that is, the terrifying existence that created the world of Shenzhou.

"Do you really think this is the end?" Underworld Lord sneered.

Not to mention, although the voice sounded like a machine at other times, when the other party sneered, he could unexpectedly hear the sarcasm.

"Is it the end? Whether it's Zhou Tian Xing Dou or the Long River on the other side, I have been there. I have my own judgment. I didn't come to explore the way forward with you."

"One thing, find out the powerful evil spirit that created the world of Shenzhou."

"If you want to win the Heavenly Demon World, you can only have a chance if you own that evil ghost." Chen Mo stretched out a finger and said.

As he spoke, Chen Mo took out the crown from the mustard bag.

The crown appeared on Chen Mo's palm, and the scarlet eyes of the underworld master on the seat all focused on it at once, and there were waves in his originally calm eyes.

It's just a pity that the other party's pair of ghost eyes really can't see much, and they can't see much of the other party's expression, which is a bit regrettable.

"I've already shown my sincerity. Doesn't the Lord of the Underworld dare to meet him in real life?" Chen Mo played with the crown in his hand. Such an ordinary thing was really as powerful as the Lord of the Underworld said, and Chen Mo himself have no idea.

However, there are too few records in this area. Chen Mo has searched all over the scripture storage pavilion of Qin Tianjian, but he can't find any records about this thing, so he can only cooperate with the Lord of the Underworld.

Of course, as Chen Mo said, he has shown such great sincerity, isn't the Underworld Lord still willing to meet in real body?

To be honest, Chen Mo is quite curious about the real body of Lord Underworld.

After asking, Chen Mo was not in a hurry, but waited quietly, and took out two mint leaves from the sachet by the way.

"Hahaha." Underworld Lord laughed loudly.

"Click, click, click." A rhythmic rhythm came to mind on the armrest beside the seat.

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, how could the other party imitate him? This habit of him was developed from a young age, and he would subconsciously do this action when he was thinking. Although he can control it now, Chen Mo has no intention of controlling it.

"The real body has long since disappeared, and now every avatar can be regarded as the real body. Since you want to see me, then you should see me." The voice of the master of the underworld gradually faded from there. Sexual voices echoed.

As he spoke, Lord Hades raised his arms, clasped his five fingers on the mask covering his face, and looked at Chen Mo quietly with his scarlet eyes.


The sound was very subtle, it seemed that the mechanism of the mask had been opened, and the mask on the face of the Lord of the Underworld began to slowly come off.

With the fall of the arm, the entire black ghost mask also slowly fell.

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes were quite helpless.

The person sitting high on the seat is exactly the same as him, and it is exactly the same as him now, not the same face as his previous life. If it is the same face as his previous life, Chen Mo might be shocked.

But just like his current face, it will only make Chen Mo think that the other party is deliberately teasing him.

"Hey, hey, that's boring. I can't stand doing this all the time." Chen Mo's voice was full of dissatisfaction. He had seen so many evil spirits, and many of them imitated him.

When Qi Zuozhuang saw one who imitated him, he chopped him down with a knife, and there was an imitator in the Evil Ghost Inn, who was nailed to a tree trunk with that nail, and there was also one in the underground passage of the lost country, Now there are people imitating him again.

Chen Mo really wanted to ask these ghosts whether they were annoying or not, they were not annoying, Chen Mo himself was annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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