Chapter 100 Something Shady
An Xia was carried on Wen Lixi's shoulders, she was as upset as she was.Wen Lixi was punched and kicked.

"What the hell! Wen Lixi, you must be mentally ill! Put me down."

"Wen Lixi, put me down!!!"

An Xia really felt that she was going crazy. No matter what she said about him or how she beat him, Wen Lixi seemed to be unable to hear or feel, and had no reaction at all.This made her very uncomfortable, feeling like she was talking to herself like a madman.

One or two people passing by cast curious glances at them, especially An Xia.They were very curious about what kind of person Wen Lixi, who was very cold to everyone, could be carried on his shoulders without any complaints.

Soon, Wen Lixi discovered a pattern.An Xia was quiet only when there were people around, and she would definitely yell at him when he left.

"Wen Lixi, you bastard, stinky rascal, dead slut, let me down!"

Before An Xia finished speaking, Wen Lixi slapped An Xia's ass with a "slap". An Xia's whole body froze instantly, her face became even redder, and her phoenix eyes widened.

"If you want others to misunderstand that there is some shameful relationship between us, you can continue to quarrel, and I have no objection."

Sure enough, after An Xia heard this, she stopped arguing, or rather, she hadn't recovered from Wen Lixi's slap on her butt just now.By the time An Xia realized it, they were already in the car.

An Xia looked angrily at Wen Lixi who was sitting in the driver's seat: "Wen Lixi, you are a bastard! You stinky bastard! will die!"

An Xia was very angry by Wen Lixi, her chest heaved violently.

She has grown up to such an age, and she has never been spanked by that man... Ass, but today, she was spanked by a man who is considered a stranger. How can she go out to meet people in the future?
Wen Lixi listened quietly to An Xia's words, a trace of teasing flashed across his handsome face, but soon, An Xia didn't see it at all.

"Since you all said that I am a bastard and a rogue, if I don't confirm this name, am I sorry for the name you gave me?" Wen Lixi approached Ann while talking. summer.

An Xia could only keep stepping back: "You...I...I warn you, don't mess around..."

Seeing the handsome face getting closer and closer to her, An Xia felt more and more uneasy, her entire back was pressed against the car door, and there was nowhere to retreat.

There was a smile on the corner of Wen Lixi's mouth, and his body suddenly approached An Xia, his face was only a few centimeters away from being close to An Xia's.

An Xia was taken aback and turned her head: "Wen Lixi, you lunatic! What are you going to do?"

"What are you doing?" Wen Lixi tilted her head, as if she was thinking seriously, she suddenly pinched An Xia's chin with her hands, making her look directly into his eyes, and slightly parted her thin lips, "Guess!"

An Xia was furious, and burst into a foul language: "If I could guess it, would I still ask you?"

Wen Lixi didn't speak, just looked at An Xia with a smile.An Xia was stunned for a moment, she seemed to seldom see this man smile, he always had a straight face, with a paralyzed look on his face.

Just when An Xia was immersed in Wen Lixi's beauty, Wen Lixi suddenly leaned into her ear and said a word to her.

An Xia's eyes widened instantly, unexpectedly!did not expect!Seeing that Wen Lixi looks like a human being, but his bones are extremely cheap.

(End of this chapter)

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