Chapter 17 Whoops I'm Going
Moreover, Ye Qingqing sadly found that she seemed to have forgotten which house in the town was Song Jinnan's home.

Ye Qingqing looked at An Xia for help, and by chance, An Xia also looked at Ye Qingqing.

"What? You don't know where his home is, do you?" Looking into Ye Qingqing's eyes, An Xia knew that she probably didn't know where Song Jinnan's home was.

It's just that she didn't expect that Ye Qingqing really didn't know.

"I didn't ask." Ye Qingqing was about to cry.She didn't even think of asking Song Jinnan where his house was.

"Oh, I'm going!" An Xia held his forehead in pain, "I'm about to be made to cry by you! How could you not ask?"

"Didn't you also ask?" Ye Qingqing whispered.

"I'm asking! I'm asking about the woolen man! He's not mine, why should I ask him this?" An Xia obviously heard Ye Qingqing's muttering, and her temper rose "cracking".

"Hurry up, call and ask!" It doesn't make much sense to wonder why you didn't ask this question now.

"En!" Ye Qingqing nodded, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and quickly called Song Jinnan.

Song Jinnan was probably busy and answered her call very late.

"Xiao Wu, what's the matter?"

"Well, brother Jinnan, where is your home?" Ye Qingqing asked nervously.

Song Jinnan gave an address, and then asked Ye Qingqing what was wrong.

"It's okay, I'm just going out to play, and then I want to go back. Didn't I take a taxi? The driver asked me for my address, and then, I don't know the address of your home." Ye Qingqing said in a wordy way, but fortunately, Song Jinnan successfully received what she wanted. express meaning.

"Then remember next time." Song Jinnan said briskly.

"Yeah. I got it! Brother Jinnan, I'm going to hang up now!"

"Wait first." Song Jinnan stopped Ye Qingqing from hanging up the phone. "Xiao Wu, please tell grandma, I won't go to dinner tonight, and tell her not to wait for me."

"Ah?" Ye Qingqing's tone was clearly disappointed. "You... what's the matter with you?"

"Well, there is a dinner tonight." In fact, this dinner was just Qiu Yin's suggestion that the film crew have a meal together, and Song Jinnan could go or not.

"Oh, I see. Then I'll hang up the phone first!" Listen carefully, you can hear Ye Qingqing's voice is a bit lost.

"Yes." Ye Qingqing hung up the phone as soon as Song Jinnan finished speaking.

To be honest, Ye Qingqing was looking forward to having dinner at the same table with Song Jinnan.But, she is not someone to him, and she has other things to do, so she has no position to ask him to go home for dinner.

The car was parked on the main road outside as in the morning, Ye Qingqing and An Xia got out of the car and walked into the street.Fortunately for them, they saw Grandma Song walking on the street before walking for a long time. The three of them returned home talking and laughing. Ye Qingqing also told Grandma Song that Song Jinnan would not come back for dinner.

Grandma Song didn't show anything, probably because she was used to Song Jinnan not coming home for dinner.

The first thing Ye Qingqing did when she returned to Song's house was to go back to her room and turn on the computer, and lock the small black room to code.An Xia took a piece of clothing and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Her body was covered in sweat, which made her a little bit unbearable.

Before Ye Qingqing could type a few words, Grandma Song entered the room where Ye Qingqing and the others lived with a plate of pastries.

 La la la ~ five-star praise ~
(End of this chapter)

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