Chapter 2 Tear for men

"I see." On the other end of the phone, Song Jinnan's magnetic voice came from the phone, "You come back first!"

"Yes." The man hung up the phone and drove away.

In City A, where they were unfamiliar, An Xia and Ye Qingqing went to find a restaurant under the sun.

Just entering the restaurant, Ye Qingqing moaned comfortably.An Xia was even more forthright, calling "comfortable".

The two smiled knowingly, did not notice the surrounding environment, and found a place to sit down.As soon as I sat down, the originally quiet and elegant restaurant was suddenly broken by a sharp female voice.

Not far from where An Xia and Ye Qingqing were sitting, a woman stood and raised a glass of water, and poured it on a woman they couldn't see.

Ye Qingqing and An Xia looked at each other, both of them were confused.Afterwards, the two looked at the woman in a tacit understanding. There were also some people watching the theater at the surrounding dining tables, but Ye Qingqing looked at them as if they knew what was going on.

The person who was splashed with water by the woman quickly stood up, she slapped the table with both hands, and cursed the standing woman as a "slut".

"Bitch, why are you pouring water on me?" Not to be outdone, the woman picked up the water glass in front of her and wanted to splash it, a woman who poured her own water.

The woman who splashed water first stopped the hand of the woman who wanted to splash her own water, "Generally, people who say others are sluts, usually she herself is a slut." The woman ruthlessly shook off the hand she was holding.

Ye Qingqing and An Xia hadn't recovered from this dramatic incident when they heard the word "ka" spoken loudly.

Although Ye Qingqing was a bit slow in her reaction, she was not stupid and soon understood what was going on.

An Xia is much smarter than Ye Qingqing, she propped her chin with her hands, and said to Ye Qingqing: "I thought this was some kind of tearful scene, but they are filming a scene with feelings!" An Xia said with a serious look on her face. pity.

"Hearing your tone, it seems that you really want them to tear you apart." Ye Qingqing also imitated An Xia's example, resting her chin with her hand, watching the two women who used to be hostile, but now there are two women talking and laughing .

An Xia gave Ye Qingqing a white look, "Of course, I like to watch scenes where women tear each other out, especially for men!"

Ye Qingqing didn't speak, and continued to look at the staff who didn't know which crew was filming here.Seriously, it was the first time for her to watch people filming in real life!

After shooting one clip, the crew quickly started shooting the second clip.It was still a play of two women, and the actors quickly entered the play after they stood up in their respective positions.

Ye Qingqing quietly waited for them to act, but what was waiting was a staff member.

Ye Qingqing looked up at the staff with a dazed expression.

"Miss, can you please look at our actors with a slightly confused expression?" the staff member said politely.

Ye Qingqing was still in a daze. She looked at the staff and then at An Xia, her eyes seemed to be asking for help.

An Xia's brain couldn't turn the corner for a while, and he didn't understand what was going on. For a while, none of the three people said anything, just deadlocked like this.But the director never called the start, and the two actors couldn't act.

In the end, it was the boss of the crew who came out of the mountain and came before Ye Qingqing and the others.

Ye Qingqing didn't move her eyes from his face after seeing the face of the visitor clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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