Chapter 21 One-sided Secret Love
Qing Qing nodded in embarrassment, she instantly felt like a pig, a pig that could never get enough to eat!
"Wait here, I'll make some noodles for you." After saying this, Song Jinnan went to the refrigerator to find ingredients.He didn't forget the food on the ground he saw when he turned on the light. He thought Ye Qingqing was frightened by him and didn't hold the rice bowl steady.He always remembered that Ye Qingqing said that he was very afraid of those things like A Piao.

What Ye Qingqing is now struggling with is whether she should go back to her room to wake An Xia up and ask her to give her medicine.After struggling for a while, Ye Qingqing still decided to take the medicine tomorrow morning, but she still couldn't bear to wake up the sleeping An Xia.

Song Jinnan quickly ordered the noodles, "Hurry up and eat!" After passing a bowl of noodles to Ye Qingqing, Song Jinnan ate his own bowl of noodles.

"Did you...didn't have dinner tonight?" Ye Qingqing asked curiously when Song Jinnan ordered himself a bowl of noodles.

"Eat, but not much." He has never liked eating out, but he often settles meals outside.

"Oh, that's it!" Ye Qingqing stopped talking after she finished speaking, and sucked on the noodles with a "huchihuchi".To be honest, she was still a little surprised that Song Jinnan could make noodles, and how delicious they were.

"Why didn't you take the medicine?" The two were silent for a while, Song Jinnan asked Ye Qingqing, he originally wanted to ask when cooking the noodles, but for some reason he just didn't ask.Now he asked, not out of curiosity, but worried about Ye Qingqing.

"Well, that, I'll take the medicine tomorrow..." Ye Qingqing said vaguely.

After Ye Qingqing said that, Song Jinnan couldn't say anything more, but from the perspective of a friend, he still said: "Well, it's up to you! However, I still suggest that you take the medicine later!"

"Yes." No matter what, Ye Qingqing agreed first.It's not that she doesn't want to take the medicine now, but it's impossible for her to take the medicine herself, and she doesn't want to wake up the sleeping An Xia, so she can only wait until An Xia wakes up tomorrow morning.

Afterwards, the two never spoke again, and the only sound in the kitchen was the sound of sucking noodles. Song Jinnan said to Ye Qingqing who was putting away the bowl, "Go to bed early, it's almost 12 o'clock."

Ye Qingqing nodded silently, then glanced at Song Jinnan, opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Song Jinnan looked at Ye Qingqing who was hesitant to speak and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Qingqing shook her head, "It's okay, you should go to bed early too!" What she actually wanted to say was: Will you sleep with that girl tonight?However, in what capacity should she ask him?friend?They still think that they haven't reached the point where they can say everything.lover?People have people they like, but she is just a one-sided crush.

"En." Song Jinnan nodded lightly, he could see that Ye Qingqing had something to say to him, but what could he do if people didn't want to talk about it?
When Ye Qingqing returned to the room with the safflower oil, she happened to hear An Xia's ravings.

"Where did this damn girl go?"

Ye Qingqing's heart warmed, and she covered An Xia with the quilt that she had kicked off. It's better to be this best friend, who always thinks about herself in her dreams.

Lying on the bed, Ye Qingqing really couldn't fall asleep, she tossed and turned, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

(End of this chapter)

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