The love story of a big director and a small editor

Chapter 29 Be careful next time, don't fall again

Chapter 29 Be careful next time, don't fall again
Ye Qingqing felt more and more uncomfortable when she heard Song Jinnan's laughter above her head.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Qingqing said this very loudly, attracting the eyes of Qiu Yin who was watching TV.

"I'm not laughing at anything, I'm just laughing at you." Song Jinnan rubbed some safflower oil on his hands and continued to rub Ye Qingqing's shoulders.

Ye Qingqing was angry and ignored Song Jinnan.Just because she doesn't talk to Song Jinnan doesn't mean Song Jinnan won't talk to her.

"Xiao Wu, you admit that your thoughts were not pure just now!"

"What?" Ye Qingqing didn't realize it for a while.

"Need I explain?"

"What do you think?" Ye Qingqing has always been a person who can use his brain without using his brain.

"Do you think you can be more lazy?" Song Jinnan said helplessly, knowing that she didn't want to use her brain. "Your voice just now sounded like you were panting, you must be thinking so too!" He actually thought of it when she moaned for the first time, especially when she still glanced at him from time to time.

Ye Qingqing thought that he didn't notice when she was looking at Song Jinnan, but she didn't know that she was very clear about it all along.

As soon as Song Jinnan finished speaking, Ye Qingqing raised her head to look at him, eyes full of disbelief.

She thought he wouldn't think so just now, but she didn't expect it!
Song Jinnan met Ye Qingqing's eyes and smiled evilly at her. "Don't explain, explaining is covering up, and covering up is the truth."

Don't say that Ye Qingqing can't explain, even if she can explain, she can't explain Song Jinnan.

"It's not the first day you know me." Anyway, there's nothing shameful about it, that's what she thought.

"Well, indeed. You are not good at other things, but you are the best at this."

"I just thought you were praising me." Ye Qingqing gave Song Jinnan a proud look.

Song Jinnan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and rubbed Ye Qingqing's little head with the hand that had never touched safflower oil.

Ye Qingqing pretended to be very angry and "tsk tsk" twice, and then glared at Song Jinnan.

Song Jinnan was amused by Ye Qingqing's little expression, and smiled in a low voice "hehe".He reached out to straighten her hair, "Okay, stop making trouble." After kneading for so long, Song Jinnan also thought that it should be all right, so he stopped and pulled Ye Qingqing's clothes. Of course, while pulling the clothes, he still saw Ye Qingqing's half-exposed breasts.Song Jinnan said embarrassingly: "Okay, be careful next time, don't fall down again."

Ye Qingqing stuck out her tongue at Song Jinnan, but didn't answer. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have fallen.

Ye Qingqing still believed that Song Jinnan was largely responsible for her fall.

And the interaction between the two was noticed by Qiu Yin who was pretending to watch TV next to him.She couldn't tell what kind of feelings Song Jinnan had for Ye Qingqing, but she was sure that Ye Qingqing was a threat to her.She will not let anyone threaten herself!

Breakfast was ready soon, An Xia helped Grandma Song put the tableware on the dining table.I don't know if the order of seating was a coincidence or intentional. Originally, Ye Qingqing sat next to Song Jinnan, but somehow she sat next to An Xia, opposite Song Jinnan.But Qiu Yin, who came late, sat beside Song Jinnan, and Ye Qingqing didn't think too much, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Originally, there was only the sound of chopsticks colliding with rice bowls on the dining table, but at this moment Qiu Yin suddenly made a sound.

 Because I forgot to write the title of Chapter 25, I deleted it and reposted it. You can delete this book and add it again. I am really sorry for the inconvenience.

  In addition, I ask for recommendation tickets~ask for ratings~various requests~
  Mua~thank you~

(End of this chapter)

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