Chapter 39

Just when An Xia was about to enter her classroom, she saw two people coming out of the teacher's office not far away, facing her. She couldn't be more familiar with them. That person was her class teacher .The person whose back was facing her, because she couldn't see the face, so she didn't know who it was, but from the back, it should be a young man, and why did she feel so familiar looking at this back?It seems... soon, a person popped up in An Xia's mind, and this person was none other than Song Jinnan whom he met two years ago.

Realizing her thoughts, An Xia's eyes widened, and she immediately shook her head, how is that possible!How could that bastard Song Jinnan appear in their school?Moreover, how could her head teacher who can scare people to death be so enthusiastic about an outsider!
But the more An Xia felt that this person was not Song Jinnan, the more curious she was about who this man was.

An Xia kept staring at the man's back. It just so happened that when she was looking at them, her class teacher was also looking at her.Being stared at by the head teacher's sharp gaze, An Xia shuddered unconsciously. She didn't dare to look at them anymore, and walked into the classroom quickly.

The man followed An Xia's class teacher's gaze, and could only see An Xia's foot that hadn't entered the classroom yet.

An Xia's class teacher's surname is Fei, and his name is Fei Qing.Everyone calls him Mr. Fei.

"Teacher Fei, what's wrong?" the man asked Fei Qing suspiciously.

"It's okay, Mr. Song, let's just talk about it. I'll go to the classroom and talk to my classmates first." After shaking hands with Song Jinnan, Fei Qing returned to the classroom.

An Xia's intuition was right, this man was Song Jinnan, he came to City A this time to complete a play, and he came to the school at the request of Fei Qing to choose a second girl in the school.Song Jinnan originally booked Qiu Yin and wanted her to play the second female role, but Fei Qing mentioned this to him one step ahead of time. Due to Fei Qing's face, he couldn't refuse no matter what.

It should be said that Fei Qing was also an amazing character before. He was born in the countryside and had no acting skills at all, but he became one of the favorite actors of a generation through his own efforts. Later, he came to this A University after he retired from acting. Became a teacher.

Finally, taking a deep look at Fei Qing's back, Song Jinnan left.

Ye Qingqing helped An Xia pack her luggage and put everything together. Looking at a large suitcase, a quilt, a mat, two buckets and a washbasin on the ground, Ye Qingqing felt troubled.After thinking about it, Ye Qingqing still decided to take these things out by herself, at worst it would be a few more trips.

However, Ye Qingqing obviously overestimated her ability to recognize the way.

Ye Qingqing stood at the intersection of the school with a suitcase in one hand and two buckets in the other, looking at the road on the left and then on the road on the right.Well, she was wondering which way to go!
Ye Qingqing thought about it carefully, she seemed to follow An Xia from the road on the left just now, well, let's take this road first.

As soon as she said go, Ye Qingqing took the things and walked the left road, but she stopped after only three steps.

What if she goes wrong?What if we go further and further away?
After thinking left and right, Ye Qingqing returned to her original position and stood there.Forget it, let's not go.She couldn't believe that no one would pass by this road!

 For some reason, I have to adjust the amount of updates. From now on, I will update twice a day. There are too many updates every day. I am afraid that the update will not come. I hope you will forgive me!

  In addition, ask for recommendation tickets and ratings


(End of this chapter)

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