Chapter 45
As soon as An Xia left the school gate, she saw Ye Qingqing standing next to her luggage with a dejected face. An Xia ignored Ye Qingqing's expression, walked quickly to her side, and patted her on the shoulder: "These are all by you alone. Made it for me?"

Ye Qingqing had been immersed in her own world before, so she didn't see An Xia coming out. When she heard her question, she didn't return immediately. After thinking about it, she nodded: "Yeah." She doesn't want to tell An Xia that there is something wrong now. The things were moved out by Song Jinnan for her.

"Tell me, what happened to you just now, with a sad face, as if someone raped you~"

Ye Qingqing naturally wouldn't tell An Xia that she became like this because of Song Jinnan, she said: "I got lost just now." While speaking, she said in her heart: I'm sorry, An An, I lied to you.

This was the first time she lied to An Xia, she didn't want An Xia to know that Song Jinnan had come to City A.

"Pfft!" An Xia didn't doubt Ye Qingqing's words at all, she laughed unconvincingly, "Ye Qingqing, see if you can, a small school can make you unable to tell the difference between south, east and north, you said that in the future if you If you go out alone, you won’t even be able to find your way home!”

Probably because An Xia was by her side, Ye Qingqing temporarily forgot about Song Jinnan, listening to An Xia teasing herself, she pouted unhappily, "I don't want to go out by myself! Just know how to laugh at me, what's so funny .”

"Okay, can I stop smiling?" An Xia stopped smiling, but her body was very honest, and there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth. "Tell me, how did you get out later?"

"I met a man, and he brought me out." Ye Qingqing did not hide this from An Xia.

"Male and female?"


"Handsome or ugly." Hearing that it was a man, An Xia's eyes almost lit up when he looked at Ye Qingqing.

"Handsome." Ye Qingqing said without hesitation.Even if Song Jinnan is ugly, he is still handsome in her eyes, who told me to like him, not to mention, Song Jinnan is a handsome guy in the first place!

"Then have you taken a fancy to him?" An Xia smiled meanly.

"Well, I've fallen in love with him." Just kidding, she must have fallen in love with him.However, he despises himself.Thinking of this, Ye Qingqing's eyes darkened, and the good mood just now disappeared instantly.

"Well, I thought I could find a good partner for myself!" An Xia said with a regretful face. "But, have you forgotten your little brother?"

"How is that possible! Even if I forget the whole world, I won't forget him!" When An Xia said that she had forgotten her little brother, Ye Qingqing instantly sobered up as if she had been injected with chicken blood.

Yes, even if Ye Qingqing forgets the whole world, she will not forget Zhang Yixing!

"Pfft, I thought you fell in love with others and forgot about your little brother!" An Xia teased Ye Qingqing.

"You think too much." Ye Qingqing gave An Xia a blank look.

"By the way, An An, I was very happy to see you just now, did something good happen?" In order not to let An Xia keep talking about her, Ye Qingqing quickly changed the subject.

Sure enough, when Ye Qingqing said this, An Xia couldn't hide the smile on her face, she couldn't even see the eyeballs of her smile.

"Xiao Wu, I want to tell you some good news. If I seize this opportunity, maybe my whole life will be changed!"

(End of this chapter)

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