Chapter 48 Be kind to yourself

Ye Qingqing walked around the mall with An Xia for a long time, but she didn't even buy a set of clothes.

"I can't do it anymore, An'an, did you see a piece of clothing?" Ye Qingqing waved her hand and sat down on the chair next to her.

"What's wrong, you've only gone so far, it's over!" Seeing Ye Qingqing sitting on the chair, An Xia also sat down next to Ye Qingqing.

Ye Qingqing was speechless immediately!Looking at the time, it has been an hour since they came out. Excluding the few minutes in the car, they have walked for more than half an hour. "I don't care, I don't want to go, if you still want to go shopping, you can go alone, I can't walk anymore anyway." Her legs were about to be crippled.

"You have no conscience! I don't care, I want you to accompany me. If you don't accompany me, I won't cook for you in the future. Just starve to death."

"You..." Ye Qingqing was leaning on the chair, but when she heard what An Xia said, she sat up straight in an instant.Ye Qingqing pouted unhappily, "An An, how could you do this, are you going to starve me to death?" If An Xia didn't cook for her, then she could really wait to die.

"No, as long as you continue to go shopping with me, I'll cook something delicious for you when I get back!" An Xia said with a good look on me.

Ye Qingqing continued to pouted, "Then can you hurry up, I really can't walk anymore."

"Then keep going!" Knowing that Ye Qingqing had compromised, An Xia stood up, pulling Ye Qingqing to stand up too.

Obviously, what Ye Qingqing said was completely useless. Originally, she wanted An Xia to hurry up, but the two of them just walked around for another hour and a half before going back.Not only did An Xia buy the clothes she wanted, Ye Qingqing also bought a lot of clothes, and the two of them even bought some vegetables to go home.

In the elevator, Ye Qingqing complained to An Xia: "I've decided not to go shopping with you again." Every time she goes out with An Xia, she definitely spends a lot of money.

"Okay." An Xia gave Ye Qingqing a white look, "Don't complain to me here, it's just a few dollars! Are you so distressed? It's not like you don't have money!" She really admired Ye Qingqing, Even though she has a monthly income of millions, she is still so reluctant to part with money. Even though she has so much money now, she has never bought a piece of clothing for more than 50 yuan.Although she is so frugal with herself, she is surprisingly kind to her family.She never said that she was reluctant to spend money on her family. As long as anyone in the family is in trouble, if Ye Qingqing can help, she will definitely help.

"But I just can't bear it."

"Xiao Wu, you have to be nice to yourself." An Xia said in a deep voice.

Ye Qingqing didn't answer, she was silent for a while, she said: "Okay, An An, I will treat myself better in the future." An Xia was right, she obviously had so much money, why didn't she treat herself better?

"Silly girl."

"You are stupid!"

"Ding~" sounded, and the elevator stopped on the 12th floor.

"Here we are." Ye Qingqing said, waiting for the elevator door to open.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Ye Qingqing raised her foot and wanted to leave, but the moment she raised her head, she was stunned.An Xia's exclamation came from the side.

"Song Jinnan!" An Xia spoke very loudly, apparently unable to believe that Song Jinnan would appear here.

(End of this chapter)

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