Chapter 5 Do That Exercise

"Why are you dragging me?" An Xia slapped Ye Qingqing's hand off, "You have to go by yourself, I won't go anyway."

"An'an, I'll treat you to KFC later." In order not to delay Song Jinnan's time, Ye Qingqing also went all out.

"Really?" An Xia didn't really believe Ye Qingqing's words. You must know that she, Ye Qingqing, was a complete iron cock, and she was a stingy cock.

"Really! Really!" Ye Qingqing took An Xia's hand again, and quickly followed Song Jinnan's pace.

"Well, I'm going to eat a lot, you have to be prepared." An Xia said this to prepare Ye Qingqing in advance, so that she would not be overwhelmed when paying. "You should prepare five or six cards of Grandpa Mao first!"

"Okay!" Ye Qingqing gritted his teeth and forcefully squeezed out the word "good" from his throat.

"What? Are you not happy?" An Xia teased Ye Qingqing happily.When she thought of Ye Qingqing's invitation to treat her, she couldn't even mention how much she enjoyed it. After knowing her for so many years, this was the first time she had invited her to eat so generously, even though it was for a man.

She must slaughter her severely today, thinking about Ye Qingqing's expression when she wants to pay, she feels very happy!

"Why? How could I not be happy? I am very happy!" It is best to eat you to death!Ye Qingqing's words were as much against her will as she said.

The two talked and laughed and followed Song Jinnan to the place he mentioned. Song Jinnan asked them to find a place to sit, while he himself wanted to continue directing the play.

Ye Qingqing pulled An Xia to sit not far from Song Jinnan. Ever since she sat down, Ye Qingqing's big eyes never left Song Jinnan's body.

An Xia cast a disdainful glance at the nympho Ye Qingqing, she couldn't figure out why this girl was so infatuated with a man.

"Okay! Don't look, just wipe off your drool!" An Xia elbowed Ye Qingqing.

Ye Qingqing came back to her senses, and when she heard An Xia's words, she subconsciously wiped the corners of her mouth with her hand, "Ah? Where is it?" After wiping it around, Ye Qingqing didn't touch any water stains, and realized that An Xia was lying to herself , "Wow, Ann! You've turned bad!"

Ye Qingqing didn't know, because her gaze was too hot, Song Jinnan had been paying attention to their situation, she was deceived by An Xia, and the way she wiped her mouth was naturally watched by Song Jinnan.

Song Jinnan smiled softly, "Silly girl!"

Ye Qingqing smiled and went to beat An Xia. Of course, An Xia would not foolishly wait to be beaten by Ye Qingqing. She quickly fought back, and the two girls quickly started to quarrel.

An Xia was accidentally pushed down by Ye Qingqing, probably because An Xia's posture on the ground was too funny, Ye Qingqing couldn't hold back, and laughed wildly with a "poof",

Everyone around was attracted by Ye Qingqing's laughter, even Song Jinnan looked at Ye Qingqing.

But the big-hearted Ye Qingqing didn't notice the eyes of the people around, and was still arguing with An Xia, "Hahaha... An An, your posture is too that? Hahaha... An An, don't you think you look alike?" Are you doing that kind of exercise? Hahahaha... I'm dying of laughter... Oops, I can't do it..." Ye Qingqing held her stomach in both hands, and kept laughing until her stomach hurt, so she just squatted down and covered it Belly continued to laugh.

 The first five chapters, I hope you like it, the update is stable~
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  love you~

(End of this chapter)

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