Chapter 50 feast for the eyes
"Ah!!! You close your eyes!" Ye Qingqing yelled and put her hands on her chest.

Mom~'s!I don’t know if I don’t read it, but I’m startled when I see it!She doesn't even know when the neckline of her clothes hangs down to her chest, what a shame this is! ! !
Seeing that Ye Qingqing was like a frightened little rabbit, Song Jinnan couldn't help but teased her: "Why are you closing your eyes! It's not like I haven't seen it before." There are even more, it can be described as a feast for the eyes!Last time, all his thoughts were on her shoulders, and he didn't have that much thought to look at her breasts at all, he just glanced at them roughly.

"" Ye Qingqing stared at Song Jinnan with wide eyes, looking so cute.

"Okay, stop teasing you, hurry up and pull up your clothes!" See if she dares to wear clothes with such a big neckline next time!After Song Jinnan finished speaking, he walked around Ye Qingqing and entered the room, and sat on the sofa with a comfortable face. He was really afraid that if Ye Qingqing continued to stare like this, her eyeballs would be glared out by him.

Seeing Song Jinnan go in, Ye Qingqing tidied up her clothes quickly, then picked up the bag and put it in the room.

Although An Xia in the kitchen couldn't see what was going on outside, she was extremely excited when she heard Ye Qingqing's scream, even more excited than taking stimulants.She dragged Song Jinnan into the house just because she wanted Ye Qingqing and Song Jinnan to get along with each other more. If the two sparked off when they got together, then it would be too good.

Ye Qingqing, who came out of the room, obviously lost the anger just now, replaced by embarrassment.

Ye Qingqing was not idle for a moment. After making a cup of tea for Song Jinnan, she brought him snacks from the cabinet. After taking the snacks, she brought him fruit. After taking the fruit, Ye Qingqing really had nothing left to take.

No matter what Ye Qingqing was doing, Song Jinnan looked at Ye Qingqing's busy figure with a smile on his face, and he wanted to see how many things she could bring out.Seeing Ye Qingqing sitting on the sofa, Song Jinnan said, "Nothing to take?"

Ye Qingqing looked embarrassed, and didn't answer Song Jinnan's words. She was sitting on pins and needles now, and she picked up her water glass and put it to her mouth. Ye Qingqing didn't pay attention so much. Soon, it was still hot.

"Hmm~" Ye Qingqing was so hot that she couldn't speak, her lips were numb from the heat.

Seeing that Ye Qingqing was being burned, Song Jinnan stepped forward and took the cup away from Ye Qingqing's hand, looking at her nervously.

"How? Are you okay?"

Ye Qingqing didn't speak, obviously she hadn't recovered yet, her lips were still numb, she didn't want to speak at all.

Seeing Ye Qingqing's appearance, Song Jinnan didn't even think about it. He directly pulled her up and took her to the bathroom. In front of the sink, Song Jinnan turned on cold water, soaked a towel, and put it on Ye Qingqing's mouth.

The cold touch on her lips made Ye Qingqing's numb lips feel better. When she blinked, the tears in her eyes flowed down her face, and finally disappeared into the towel.

Mom~'s!It really hurt her to death!
"How is it? Is it better?" Song Jinnan washed the towel and hung it on the towel rack again.

Ye Qingqing didn't want to talk now, she didn't want to say a word, but she cared about her, so she couldn't help but nod.

(End of this chapter)

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