Chapter 54
Just when Ye Qingqing was thinking wildly, Song Jinnan said with a smile, "Morning Xiao Wu!"

Ye Qingqing didn't come to her senses at first, but when she thought of Song Jinnan answering her words, she couldn't say how happy she was.As long as Song Jinnan doesn't ignore her!

Seeing Ye Qingqing's dazed look, Song Jinnan couldn't help rubbing her little head. For some reason, he liked rubbing Ye Qingqing's head and touching her hair very much.

Just when Song Jinnan raised his hand, the elevator door opened, and Ye Qingqing walked in with one stride. "Brother Jinnan, come in quickly." He said while pressing the elevator.

Song Jinnan could only withdraw her hand helplessly, and walked into the elevator.

There were only Ye Qingqing and Song Jinnan in the elevator, the air was suddenly very quiet, Ye Qingqing felt a little embarrassed.Fortunately, Song Jinnan spoke in time to relieve the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Xiao Wu, are you going for a run?" Looking at Ye Qingqing's sportswear and running shoes, Song Jinnan actually knew her purpose, but he still asked a lot.

"Yeah." Ye Qingqing nodded sweetly, just at this time the elevator stopped on the 11th floor, and an older grandmother came in.

The old grandma saw Ye Qingqing as if she saw her own granddaughter.

"Ah, Qingqing, let's go for a run again today!"

"Yes, grandma, why don't you go for a run too!" Ye Qingqing was also very happy to see the old grandma.Because I would see this old man every morning when I went for a run and took the elevator, and the relationship between the two gradually became familiar. Moreover, the old man was very kind to her. Every time she made something delicious Yes, she will bring her some up.

Although Ye Qingqing felt embarrassed, she was more happy, because she liked to eat, and there was free delicious food, how could she not like it!

"That's right! Grandma is old, I'm better off without your physical strength." The old grandma replied with a smile.

This conversation is what Ye Qingqing would say every day when she met the grandmother.

"This is..." The old lady noticed Song Jinnan standing next to Ye Qingqing.Sizing eyes fell on him.

Seeing the old grandma looking at him, Song Jinnan smiled at the old grandma in a friendly way, and nodded in greeting.

"Oh, grandma, this is..."

"I know, this is Qingqing's boyfriend, right?"

Ye Qingqing just wanted to introduce Song Jinnan, who is her new neighbor.But unexpectedly, the grandma spoke surprisingly, saying that the two were boyfriend and girlfriend, and looked at her like "you don't need to say, I understand everything".

Ye Qingqing was speechless for a while, seeing her like this, the grandmother thought she had been hit by her own words, and felt embarrassed.She turned her head to look at Song Jinnan.At this time, another 40-year-old man entered the elevator.

"Young man, since you are our family's Qingqing's boyfriend, you should treat our family's Qingqing well, and don't let her be wronged..." The old grandmother said a lot of things to Song Jinnan.

Ye Qingqing stood by with an apologetic face, not knowing what to say, and looked at Song Jinnan with apologetic eyes from time to time.Every time Ye Qingqing looked at Song Jinnan, he could feel it, and he gave her a look of "it's okay" by the way, which made Ye Qingqing even more embarrassed.

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(End of this chapter)

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