Chapter 74 You Like Jinnan

Ye Qingqing waited left and right, but did not wait for Wen Lixi, but unexpectedly saw Yi Sihui.Seeing her, she remembered the scene she saw before, and felt as uncomfortable as she wanted.So, she made a very impolite move of ignoring her directly.

If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have run out, let alone get lost!

Yi Sihui didn't know what Ye Qingqing was thinking, so she walked over to greet Ye Qingqing with a smile on her face.

"Hello, I'm Yi Sihui, the author of the novel adapted from this play." Yi Sihui introduced herself.

Ye Qingqing pursed her lips: "Hello, I'm Ye Qingqing." Really drunk, as if she didn't know she was the author, is it necessary?
"Ye Qingqing." Yi Sihui murmured Ye Qingqing's name in a low voice, "It's a good name, so can I call you Qingqing?"

Ye Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Yes." At the same time, she was still sighing in her heart: This woman is more familiar than her.

But Ye Qingqing always felt that this woman had bad intentions for her.

Afterwards, the two were silent for a while, Yi Sihui kept looking at Ye Qingqing, being looked at like a monster, Ye Qingqing was not very comfortable, and wanted to leave directly, but it was not very polite to do so, Ye Qingqing was entangled.

"Qingqing, you like Jinnan, right?"

Suddenly, just when Ye Qingqing thought they would go on like this forever, Yi Sihui said something that made Ye Qingqing flustered.

Ye Qingqing raised her head in disbelief, her eyes widened slightly, and she looked at Yi Sihui without blinking.

Looking at Ye Qingqing's reaction, Yi Sihui knew that she had guessed right, "At first I thought I guessed wrong, but seeing your appearance now, I guessed right."

Hearing what Yi Sihui said, Ye Qingqing quickly retorted: "No, you guessed wrong, the reason why I reacted this way is because you suddenly said such a sentence out of nowhere, I believe that as long as someone hears you say this Said, she will show the same expression as me."

The implication is that Ye Qingqing doesn't like Song Jinnan.

Yi Sihui looked up to the sky and laughed out loud as if he had heard a big joke. Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise, Yi Sihui would definitely think that Yi Sihui was a lunatic.

"Ye Qingqing, don't lie, just admit that you like him!" Yi Sihui seemed to be dazed, and asked Ye Qingqing to admit that she liked Song Jinnan.

Ye Qingqing didn't bother to argue with her, "Yes, you're right, I just like him, even love him, but so what? What does it matter to you if I like you?" She really didn't understand Now, does she like that he has nothing to do with someone who has nothing to do with her?

As soon as Ye Qingqing finished speaking, Yi Sihui stopped laughing and stared at Ye Qingqing, as if she wanted to eat her.

"Why is it none of my business?" Yi Sihui asked back. "Let me tell you, he can only belong to me, Yi Sihui, and will always be mine! If you insist on robbing him, I don't know what I will do."

Threatening Ye Qingqing's vicious look, there is no gentleness before.

Ye Qingqing couldn't help sighing, this woman is indeed a fickle animal.One moment she was "long and short" with you, but she threatened you the next time.She is really drunk, if she has someone who loves her like Yi Sihui, she would rather die, she can't accept the love of such a person at all!

 Beg, beg, all kinds of begs~
(End of this chapter)

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