Chapter 8

In about 5 minutes, Song Jinnan came.Seeing Song Jinnan, Ye Qingqing hung up the phone and put the phone back in her pocket.

To be honest, Ye Qingqing really didn't know how to get along with Song Jinnan now, she felt that it was a wrong decision for her to ask to meet Song Jinnan!

Maybe he didn't have the idea of ​​meeting him at all, it was just his own wishful thinking, and he was just too embarrassed to refuse, after all, we have known each other for three years, so we have to take care of face no matter what.

Ye Qingqing thought, maybe Song Jinnan refused in her heart, otherwise she wouldn't let her pigeons go.

Seeing that Ye Qingqing didn't speak, but stared directly at him, Song Jinnan joked: "What? Is Xiao Wu interested in me?"

It is said that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. This sentence could not be more suitable for Ye Qingqing.When she heard Song Jinnan's teasing words, she said without thinking, "Yeah! I've taken a fancy to you! How's it going? Shall I tease you?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Qingqing wanted to bite off her own tongue.

"Well...I didn't...I didn't mean that...don't...don't take it to heart!"

Ye Qingqing hates herself for speaking out of her head!Although she often said things that were not ashamed on the Internet, but after all, it was on the Internet, and no one could look at the other, and she didn't know what the other person was thinking at all, so she didn't have to be afraid of embarrassment.

"What does that mean?" Song Jinnan asked Ye Qingqing with a wicked smile.He did it on purpose, to tease her on purpose!

"That's...that's..." Ye Qingqing's tongue was tied up, and there was no "just" any reason, "Oh, you know, why are you asking me?" Ye Qingqing didn't turn her head when she finished speaking. walked into the store.

In fact, she can express what she wants to express, but she doesn't want to say that. She obviously likes or even loves him. If she is asked to say something against her will, especially about Song Jinnan, she can't say it .She is so anxious to get rid of the relationship, but she doesn't want him to notice her thoughts, because she knows that Song Jinnan has always had someone she likes, but he doesn't have someone now, maybe it's a breakup, maybe it's... In short, she knows very well, Song Jinnan would never like herself!She didn't want Song Jinnan to know, but she was afraid that the two of them would not even be friends in the end!

Song Jinnan caught up with Ye Qingqing with a smile, and put his hand on Ye Qingqing's left shoulder, "What? Are you still shy?"

It was the first time for Ye Qingqing to have such a close contact with a man. Moreover, this man was someone she liked. She felt that her body was a little stiff, especially when Song Jinnan asked if she was shy. His face, which had not yet had any blood color, turned red at this moment.

"Who...who is shy!" Ye Qingqing stammered.

"Well, I know! Xiao Wu is not shy, he just stumbled a bit!" Song Jinnan continued to tease Ye Qingqing.

Ye Qingqing was furious, and just about to let go of Song Jinnan's hand on her left shoulder, the pressure on her left shoulder suddenly disappeared.

"I'll take a call." Song Jinnan raised the phone in his hand, and then walked out of the store.

"Yeah." Looking at Song Jinnan's back, Ye Qingqing thought about something, and then found An Xia at the dining table by the side.

"What? He's leaving?" An Xia asked Ye Qingqing in an unhappy tone.

(End of this chapter)

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