Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 101 The ancient murals in Yuejian Mountain?

Chapter 101 The ancient murals in Yuejian Mountain?
Looking at Yan Jing's appearance, it seems that trying to resurrect is not as simple as imagined.

"Yes, if you want to use fossils to resurrect Pokmon, the success rate depends on the integrity of the fossils. The success rate of those complete fossils is not low, and there are many successful precedents."

Talking about Researcher Yanjing, he pointed to the yellow amber in Yi Ming's hand with his chin.

"But if it's not a complete fossil, but this kind of amber fossil, it only depends on whether the sealed gene is complete, but you have also seen that amber usually has incomplete gene preservation, which cannot be compared with complete shell fossils. , It is difficult enough to revive a Pokémon with a complete body fossil, but the success rate of resurrecting a Pokémon with amber is even lower."

"Understood, is this thing worth money?"

Listening to Yan Jing's words, Yi Ming shrugged and began to think of other ideas.

"Looking at the quality, 20 alliance coins is the minimum estimate."

Researcher Yanjing raised two fingers and said an amount.

"50 alliance coins?"

Yi Ming took a deep breath, if he had sold the amber for 50 alliance coins before the first update, and recovered it in the real world, he would be a billionaire immediately.

It's a pity, I believe that after a large number of players come and go and return to the real world for the second time, the alliance currency will definitely not have such an exaggerated exchange value.

"This is just the minimum estimate, and it's hard to say the upper limit. I overheard it before. The boss of the Rockets seems to be a little interested in this. If you sell it to him, you may get a lot of alliance coins."

While busy digging his fossils, Researcher Yanjing joked.

Team Rocket boss?


Yi Ming almost blurted out the name, but thinking that for other people who don't know the truth, they would never think of that mysterious leader of Team Rocket, who is the current owner of Changpan Gymnasium in Changpan City, so Yi Ming swallowed it.

I believe that if Researcher Kazuhiko told the truth, it might still be regarded as a frame
However, Sakagi is really like a legend. As the head of the gymnasium, he was able to build a huge villain organization, the Rockets, without being discovered by the alliance. I really don't know how he did it.

Sakagi, are you also interested in this fossil?

If I interrupted his plan, will it attract his attention?
As the leader of the Rockets, Sakagi must be undeniably powerful, especially...
Yi Ming fell into deep thought, but immediately shook his head, feeling that he was worrying too much.

Sakagi may be really interested in amber, but it should be limited to 'a little interest'.

Otherwise, this task will inevitably be assigned to the core elite members of the Rockets, instead of just sending a small team leader of the Rockets.

"Anyway, whether you want to sell it or try to revive it, you have to go to the Science Museum in Nibi City. If you want to revive it, there is a fossil resurrection device there. If you want to appraise the value, go to Grandpa Gufan there. The Bi Science Museum is just north of Nibi City."

"Oh, I see."

Yi Ming decided to go to the Nibi Science Museum first to see how low the probability of successful resurrection was.

If it is too low, it is not a bad idea to sell some alliance coins directly.

"If you are short of money, in fact, your strength can be used as a guardian by virtue of this strength. Usually nothing will happen, and the Rockets will not provoke them, as long as they are responsible for driving away the attacking wild Pokémon."

Researcher Yanjing talked eloquently.

"For example, the archaeological team in our industry needs a young trainer with strength and physical strength like you. The salary is not low. If you are interested, I can be your introducer. Recently, an archaeological team wanted to dig ancient ruins. , I heard that something has been discovered."

"That's unnecessary. I don't have time recently. Let's talk about it when I have a chance."

There are about eight hours left before returning to the real world, and I don't know how long it will take to enter the game next time. Of course, Yi Ming will not accept such a time-consuming task at this juncture.

"That's a pity."

Yan Jing didn't care too much, he just knew that a trainer like Yi Ming with such strength at such a young age would definitely have a limitless future, so he might not be interested in the little reward for the archaeological team guards.

"Can you lend me a lamp? Although the fire-breathing dragon's flame can also illuminate, it's purple after all, so it's not very pretty."

"Oh, of course, yes, haha, but why is your charizard a purple flame? Never seen it before."

While Yan Jing was speaking, he subconsciously looked at Yi Ming who asked for the lamp, but his eyes stared straight at this look!
Yi Ming was holding a lamp and shining it on the mountain wall beside him, and there were traces of human carvings on that mountain wall!
"This is an ancient mural?! Why didn't I find it before?!"

Yan Jing was so intoxicated that the pickaxe in his hand fell to the ground, and he walked towards the mountain wall illuminated by Yi Ming, muttering to himself.

The ancient murals carved on the mountain wall, I don’t know how many years they have gone through and what role they have played in the long history. Several murals with a height and width of several meters seem to be coherent, as if whispering to the latecomers, telling stories.

"The light is dim. When you got through here, you only cared about the fossils. It's normal if you don't find them."

This ancient mural was also accidentally seen by Yi Ming when the fire-breathing dragon released the Great Flame Ring - Emperor Yan, so he paid attention to it at that time.

Yi Ming's lamps are floating on the leftmost mural along with the field of vision.

Researcher Yanjing realized it later, and also picked up the lamp on the ground and began to watch intently.

The murals are actually very simple. One round and five pens are human beings. Most of the rest of the environment, there are also paintings showing the appearance of a few Pokémon.

It seemed to be peaceful at first, until two huge Pokémon suddenly appeared on a mural.

Simple murals cannot describe the appearance of Pokémon in detail, but from the ratio of humans to Pokémon, if you want to compare it, humans are like ping pong balls, and two giant Pokémon are equivalent to basketballs.

Fleeing and collapsing human beings, turmoil, fear, and the strange 'color' of the sky, Yi Ming could vaguely see these things from the ancient murals.

As for the two Pokémon, one has a ghostly body, and even depicts it with a weird smile, while the other looks like a human Pokémon, but there is nothing special about it. The ancient murals are still too simple.

"Did such a thing happen in ancient times? It's really amazing. This is really a major discovery, and it must be a good research topic."

After viewing the mural, Researcher Yanjing muttered to himself.

Yi Ming was also fascinated by this ancient mural with simple strokes but full of historical atmosphere.

"Are you from that period too?"

Looking at the yellow amber in his hand, Yi Ming muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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