Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 105 Very Realistic!

Chapter 105 Very Realistic! (Four)

At 06:30 in the evening, it was the appointed time with Aunt Chen. After Yi Ming sorted himself out a bit, he and Pikachu went to Aunt Chen's house across the street.

"Aunt Chen, I'm here."

"Brother Yi Ming~ you're here? Mom, you're really serious, you didn't even tell me you invited Brother Yi Ming."

"You little girl, Mom also wants to give you a surprise."

As soon as the words were finished, a playful female voice sounded pleasantly surprised, and the next moment, a young girl about thirteen or fourteen ran up to Yi Ming.

She has black hair that only reaches her shoulders. She has a slender figure and is a head shorter than Yi Ming. Even the casual clothes are eye-catching, especially her eyes are beautiful, crystal clear like black gemstones, like Pure as spring water, it seems to be always full of novelty and fantasy.

"Xiao Nan, how is your study going?"

To this little girl next door, Yi Ming subconsciously said the usual opening remarks before.

"What, Brother Yi Ming, what time is it, and you are talking about your academic performance."

Xiao Nan stuck out her tongue in a playful way, entangled her fingers, tapped her right foot on the ground, and unconsciously drew circles, as if she was excited, her delicate face flushed slightly.

"Well, that's right, haha, I guess your teacher doesn't care about your academic performance."

Yi Ming also realized that his words were a bit inappropriate, so he smiled.

"Almost, let me tell you, the teachers in our school are all learning about Pokémon, pestering us to talk about the world of Pokémon."


Pikachu greeted the girl in front of her with a smile that could make people feel refreshed.

"Huh?! Brother Yi Ming, your Pokémon turns out to be Pikachu! Ah, so cute!"

Xiao Nan discovered the Pikachu on Yi Ming's shoulder, and immediately yelled in surprise, feeling that she was going to be melted by the cute Pikachu, so she couldn't help asking Yi Ming: "Brother Yi Ming, can I hug it?" ?”

"That's what you have to ask."

Yi Ming shrugged.

"Emmmm, forget it, I heard that apart from my own trainer, if strangers who are not familiar with Pikachu want to hug Pikachu, they will be shocked by Pikachu."

Xiao Nan tapped her head. Knowing Pikachu a little, she finally gave up the idea of ​​hugging Pikachu: "Come and sit first, Brother Yi Ming, dinner will be served soon. Let me tell you, today's dinner is very rich!"

She pulled Yi Ming to sit on the sofa. During the process, Yi Ming noticed a mountain of gift boxes piled up beside the sofa, and there were some obstructive gift boxes.

Where did so many gift boxes come from?
"Brother Yi Ming, where have you been lately, I never see you."

As soon as she sat down, Xiao Nan couldn't help complaining.

"I'm in the game. By the way, Xiao Nan, is your Pokémon Iron Chrysalis?"

Aunt Chen said earlier that Xiao Nan's Pokémon is Iron Armor Chrysalis.

Iron Armor Pupa is an insect-type Pokémon. It is a very common Pokémon. It evolved from a green caterpillar spinning silk and cocooning. Its combat effectiveness is quite weak.

Ba Dahu is a butterfly-shaped Pokémon, a bug and flying Pokémon, usually with a dark blue-purple body, and huge white wings with black veins behind it. The wings are covered with fine scales, and it is good at using poisonous powder paralyzing powder.

"Yes, it can evolve into a beautiful Ba Da Hu. By the way, my armored chrysalis is red. My classmates said they have never seen it before."

"Oh? Red? Isn't that the Ba Dahu that can evolve into red?"

Yi Ming frowned.

Unexpectedly, what Xiao Nan got was a different-colored armored chrysalis, which could evolve into a pink and beautiful Ba Da Hu in the future. In the original animation, the Ba Da Hu who became a partner with Xiaozhi Ba Da Hu is pink.

Different-color Pokémon, also known as flashing Pokémon, is a rare genetic mutation that causes the color and body to be slightly different from the same kind. The probability of encountering a different-color Pokémon is quite low, just like winning the lottery.

While Yi Ming was chatting with Xiao Nan, maybe he heard some movement, the room with the closed door was opened, and a boy who was about the same age as Yi Ming walked out.

After seeing Yi Ming, especially Pikachu, he couldn't help showing a smug smile.

This person is Aunt Chen's son, Cheng Qiang.

"Yi Ming, this is your Pokémon? Is it Pikachu? The level is not very good, it's only level 14, and my little fist stone is already level 17."

Cheng Qiang felt quite elated at the moment.

In the past, no matter what, he was always overwhelmed by Yi Ming, and now he can finally come back from overtaking Pokémon.

And the strength of the trainer is obviously a consideration that will be more important than academic performance in the future.

"Level 14 is considered a high level. Among my classmates, the highest is 13."

Xiao Nan argued.

"That's because your class is not good. Only those over level 15 are considered high-level. You know, there is no one below level 15 who can get the special quota for the city's trainer competition."

Cheng Qiang spoke leisurely and complacently, and then he couldn't help but say to Yi Ming in a 'senior' manner, complacently: "Yi Ming, it's your turn to chase me now, haha, I didn't expect that, but Well, you also have some opportunities, work hard, anyone can participate in the city's trainer competition, but if you are, you probably won't get the special quota from the school, you can try to see if you can pass the preliminaries , at least have a chance to show your face."

Being 'taught' by the self-righteous Cheng Qiang, Yi Ming's smile became more playful.

When will level 17 be able to use this tone.

Just as he was about to say something, the doorbell rang.

Yi Ming, who was familiar with Aunt Chen's family, knew that Aunt Chen's family rarely had guests, because like Yi Ming's family, Aunt Chen's family also came from other places.

Hearing the doorbell, the sharp-eared Aunt Chen immediately came out of the kitchen, first greeted Yi Ming, and then went to open the door as if it was a common practice.

When he opened the door, he saw a middle-aged Mediterranean man in a suit and leather shoes, holding a few gift boxes in his hands, with a smile on his face.

"Oh, why are you here? Cheng Qiang Xiaonan, your cousin is here, hey, you too, come as soon as you come, why do you still bring a gift?"

"Didn't I drop by on a business trip? I came to see it specially. Oh, it smells so good. Did I come at the right time? Haha, Xiao Chengqiang, do you still remember your cousin?"

Seeing this scene, Yi Ming had a strange expression and suddenly realized.

It turned out that the gift boxes piled up like a hill next to the sofa came from this way.

Looking at Cousin Xiao Nan who seemed to have only Cheng Qiang in his eyes, Yi Ming who understood it pursed his lips thoughtfully.

This may be the new changes in the new world.

The student standard that is now rare is no longer academic performance, but the strength of possessing Pokémon.

very realistic.
(End of this chapter)

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