Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 108 Buy Tree Fruits!

Chapter 108 Buy Tree Fruits!

The so-called trading ground is actually a lot of stalls on both sides of the road in the abandoned building complex, which are filled with a variety of things.

"This is soil from another world. It only costs one yuan per gram. Let's take a look."

"The fruit in the game tastes good, don't you want to try it? It only costs 500 yuan in cash, and it's cheap."

"Energy cubes, sell energy cubes, there are all kinds of flavors, as long as your Pokmon wants to eat, there are all here."

"Poke ball, five hundred alliance coins, no bargaining, come and take a look."

Yi Ming and Xiao Nan were walking on the road, listening to the yelling of the stall owner, it felt like walking in a tourist attraction.

Who would have thought that these things on the stalls were all brought from another world.

Uh, but it doesn't seem to be necessarily true. Whether many things belong to the Pokémon world is still doubtful, just like the soil that is being sold.
"Hey, where's my brother, why didn't you follow?"

Xiao Nan suddenly discovered that Cheng Qiang hadn't followed up.

"He sent me a message just now, saying that he suddenly felt unwell, so he went back first."

Yi Ming frowned, vaguely guessing something.

"Brother, it's true that you've lost such a big face in public."

Thinking of the scene at that time, Xiao Nan blushed hotly, if Brother Yi Ming wasn't there, it would be so embarrassing.

"But Brother Yi Ming, is that white-haired guy who collects tickets a friend of yours?"

"I don't know him, but he should be from the same school as me."

Yi Ming guessed.

"Eh, but Brother Yi Ming, he also calls you brother."

"Xiao Nan, you don't understand now. In the world of adults, calling someone brother is not an actual relationship, but a gesture of surrender to the strong. You understand."

Yi Mingyu spoke nonsense earnestly.

"oh oh."

Xiao Nan blinked her shining eyes, half understanding, before nodding her head after a while.

While walking, Yi Ming's eyes kept focusing on the many commodities on the roadside, trying to pick up the missing ones, but unfortunately, most of them were fake commodities, and many of them were clearly real-world things, used to deceive people .

But those berries are a good price. One sells for 500 yuan in cash. Maybe it’s because they were picked secretly, or maybe they didn’t realize their value. That is, you can make energy cubes.

In Yi Ming's hands, these berries could be turned into perfect level energy cubes.

Yi Ming stopped at a stall selling tree fruits.

The color of the fruit here is the best, and it should be brought by the second batch of players who just came out of the game.

"Can this tree fruit be bought with alliance currency?"

Yi Ming still has thousands of alliance coins, which are the task rewards given by Uncle Poussin.

Hearing this, the young man shrugged his shoulders: "Brother, the value of the Union currency depreciates too quickly. It is very troublesome to go to the bank to exchange the Union currency immediately to preserve its value."

This Yi Ming also knew that the value of one Union Coin had already dropped to 5000, which was completely different from the official price of [-] cash at the beginning.

"Then if I bought them all, you'll have time to go to the bank if you sell them all."

Hearing that, the eyes of the young man who set up the stall were shining brightly, and he looked at Yi Ming as if he was looking at the savior, and he was full of enthusiasm: "This young master is magnificent, come here, I will count for you."

"If you want to buy with union currency, you need 1020 union currency, how about you give 1000 union currency?"


"Young master is so powerful!"

After buying these, it is at least a week's food for my Pokémon.

"Brother Yi Ming, are you so rich?"

Xiao Nan opened her mouth wide, watching Yi Ming put all the berries into the system space.

"It's okay, okay, by the way, Xiao Nan, what do you eat for your armored pupa?"

Yi Ming couldn't help being curious when he thought that Xiao Nan might not be able to bear the burden.

"It's all apples and pears."

Xiao Nan replied.

"Is it willing to eat? Is there no other reaction after eating?"

Eating apples and pears instead of berries from the Pokémon world, Yi Ming doubted whether the iron armor pupa would be acclimatized.

"I'm willing to eat it, but I don't have any other reactions, but it hasn't evolved yet. My classmate has evolved into Ba Dahu at level 8, but mine doesn't."

Listening to Xiao Nan's words, Yi Ming stroked his chin, guessing in his heart.

Perhaps the reason why the armored pupa has not yet evolved is precisely because Xiao Nan did not feed the armored pupa with fruit or energy cubes.

Insect-type Pokémon, especially the green caterpillar unicorn, evolution is extremely simple. It may even happen that the day before yesterday is a green caterpillar, today it is an iron pupa, and tomorrow it will be a big butterfly.

The armored chrysalis needs to accumulate energy, and it will break out of its cocoon and become a butterfly to complete its evolution after ensuring everything is safe. Xiaonan's iron armored chrysalis has not yet completed its evolution, and there is a high probability that there is a problem with the accumulation of energy.

"In the past few days, you can go to my place at night, and I will make some energy cubes for your armored chrysalis."

Yi Ming had already prepared the relevant tools before.

"Energy cube?"

Xiao Nan tilted her head cutely, as if she didn't know the energy cube yet.

"It's made of tree fruit. Try it. I think your Iron Armor Pupa hasn't evolved yet, probably because it doesn't have enough energy."

For Xiao Nan, Yi Ming has already treated her as her younger sister, so naturally she will not be stingy with the energy cubes she made along the way for a few meals.

"Yeah, Brother Yi Ming, it's still better for you to treat me."

Xiao Nan held Yi Ming's arm, her little face was full of attachment.

"Remember to collect some tree fruits in the future, so that you don't have to eat Ba Dahu after you evolve. If you don't eat better, your Ba Dahu won't be beautiful."

"I know, but then I have to enter the game again."

Xiao Nan pouted, feeling a little aggrieved.


Yi Ming pondered.


"Nothing, let's go, let's continue shopping."

Yi Ming smiled and shook his head with an inscrutable look.

From the integration progress of the system, in fact, Yi Ming already knew that in the real world, there will be new environmental changes.

Among them, the most intuitive change and the most extensive influence are the tree fruits that will appear in the Pokémon world.

As for the process of this change, how long it will take and how fast it will change, Yi Ming does not know, but what is certain is that this change will definitely be discovered by various countries first.

An hour passed, and almost three-quarters of the trading floor was visited.

Yi Ming was a little tired, but Xiao Nan was still full of interest and didn't intend to stop at all.

Perhaps, shopping is a woman's nature, even if Xiao Nan is still a girl, this kind of sign is very obvious.

While wandering around the trading ground, Yi Ming didn't find anything of particular value. What interested him was to buy a bunch of good berries as a food reserve for several Pokémon.

Other than that, I didn't find anything special. I thought that all the things sold in the trading venue would come from the world of Pokémon, but it turned out that many of them were selling dog meat under the guise of sheep, and many things were obviously from the real world. It is said that it belongs to the world of Pokémon, and it is no different from a tourist attraction.

(End of this chapter)

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