Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 112 Lucky Girl!

Chapter 112 Lucky Girl!

No Pokémon can resist the charm of Yi Ming's perfect energy cube, let alone Iron Armor Chrysalis who can only eat fruit recently.

"Okay, that's all."

Yi Ming first left the energy cubes of Pikachu and Armored Chrysalis, and the rest were sent to the elf space, and those guys would naturally go to the designated place to eat when they were hungry.


Pikachu blinked his big eyes, asking for Yi Ming's consent.

"Do you know how to be polite now? You were not polite when you grabbed energy cubes to eat."

Yi Ming smiled and patted Pikachu on the head.

When Yi Ming mentioned his embarrassment, Pikachu smiled embarrassingly, and immediately he had no worries, and immediately started eating together with the armored chrysalis.

From the astonishing momentum of the two of them eating the energy cube, it was enough to see how much Yi Ming's energy cube attracted them.

"Brother Yi Ming, can I eat this energy cube?"

Because the fragrance was so fragrant, Xiao Nan put her index finger to her mouth and couldn't help asking.

Since many tree fruits can be eaten directly by humans, humans should also be able to eat energy cubes made of tree fruits, right?Xiao Nan was a little uncertain, but she was really hungry—even though she had just eaten.

"It's not suitable for people to eat. I added a lot of other things, and I may have vomiting and diarrhea after eating it."

Yi Ming said truthfully.

For humans, even though many tree fruits can be eaten by humans, there are also many special tree fruits that are like devil peppers. If ordinary people want to eat them, they must be mentally prepared accordingly.
"oh oh."

Xiao Nan swallowed hard, watching Pikachu and Iron Armor Chrysalis eat deliciously, with envy in her eyes.

"Next time I will cook something delicious for you, and the taste will not be worse than energy cubes."


"Of course, my brother's culinary skills are not comparable to that of a five-star chef."

Yi Ming smiled, the culinary improvement that comes with the ability to make energy cubes is not a cover, the food he makes is better than any five-star chef in minutes, even the most basic ingredients!
Because the energy cube is so fragrant, it has attracted many people.

But at this moment, both Yi Ming and Xiao Nan noticed that there seemed to be a commotion nearby.

"What's wrong over there? It looks so noisy."

"Maybe someone came up with something good."

Yi Ming guessed casually, and didn't have the heart to investigate.

And at this moment, suddenly, the armored chrysalis next to Pikachu radiated a bright light after eating the energy cube!

"Yi, brother Yi Ming! This can't be!"

Xiao Nan jumped with excitement.

"That's right, it's the light of evolution, your armored chrysalis has finally evolved."

Turning his head to avoid the dazzling light of the evolution of the armored chrysalis, Yi Ming also smiled.

I didn't expect my energy cube to be so effective, and it immediately replenished the energy needed for the evolution of the armored chrysalis. You must know that it was still weak before that.

In the energy cube, Yi Ming deliberately added a lot of flat cherry fruit, which is a tree fruit that insects love to eat very much.

The dazzling light of evolution attracted the attention of people nearby.

A few tens of meters away, a burly man in Team Rocket's uniform turned his head. Because of the sudden light, he subconsciously looked at Yi Ming and Xiao Nan's position.


The pink Bada butterfly is extraordinarily gorgeous, and its cry is very weak.

"Wow! It's so beautiful! The pink Ba Dahu, ahhh, brother Yi Ming, thank you!"

Xiao Nan jumped up and down like a bunny in surprise, her eyes were full of surprise, she couldn't help but hold Yi Ming's hand and wave it around happily.

"I just made a meal of energy cubes for it to eat. Xiao Nan, you are really lucky to meet the flashing Pokémon."

"Really? Is Xiao Nan lucky?"

Xiao Nan blinked, as if there were stars in the sky.

"Yeah, pretty lucky."

Yi Ming nodded affirmatively.

The probability of encountering a flashing Pokémon is like winning a jackpot. This is not what luck is.

"Then, Xiao Nan is willing to share luck with Brother Yi Ming."

Xiao Nan grabbed Yi Ming's arm with both hands, closed her eyes and whispered softly as if praying for blessings.

"Oh, I feel it, luck has emerged! Thank you, Xiao Nan, for sharing all the luck with me."

After pinching Xiao Nan's delicate face, Yi Ming coaxed her with a smile.

"Hmm! Brother Yi Ming must be very lucky in the future!"

Xiao Nan's little face was full of seriousness.

However, at this moment, for some reason, the surroundings suddenly quieted down, and an untimely voice suddenly came: "The pink Ba Dahu? I've never seen it before. If I was in the Rockets, I would definitely get a lot of points." .”

The words of this voice seemed to regard the pink Ba Dahu as something in his pocket.

Yi Ming and Xiao Nan looked subconsciously, but found a strong man with a bad face appeared at some time.

The rest of the people felt that the atmosphere was not right, and they all moved away from him.

"Team Rocket?"

Seeing his clothes, Yi Ming was surprised.

Where did the Rockets come from in the real world?Oh. I almost forgot that there was a second batch of players. They just returned to the real world, and they were still wearing Team Rocket costumes. It's really rare.

"Oh, young man, not bad, you actually know our Rockets, but there is a big difference between us and the Rockets in the game, the world is too big, we don't bother to conquer it, our goal is only to take City H Taking it down is enough for entertainment."

The strong man sneered and continued to Yi Ming, "I want this pink butterfly. If you don't want to suffer, just obediently put it back into the poke ball, and then give the poke ball to me."

While talking, the strong man of the Rockets released a big needle bee, level .19!
"Level 19? Not bad."

Yi Ming nodded secretly.

At this moment, a notification sound came from the system, indicating that the task was triggered.

[Trigger the special task 'Order Defender'. 】

[Arresting members of Team Rocket in the trading field: 0/4. 】

[Task level: S. 】

[Task time limit: none. 】

[Mission Description: Arrest the four members of Team Rocket in the trading market in H City. 】

[Mission Reward: A Pokémon Egg with a random Heart of Justice. 】

[Special instructions for rewards: Pokémon's aptitude is determined by the degree of task completion. When the following two conditions are met, the Pokémon's aptitude will be a 'champion'! 】

[1. The task time shall not exceed one hour. 】

[2. Defeat and arrest all four Team Rocket members. 】

"Second Ao!"

Looking at the rewards for this system task, Yi Ming was startled.

Pokémon with championship qualifications?
This reward.
"Xiao Nan, I'm really lucky. Are you really not the lucky girl sent by the goddess of luck?"

Yi Ming looked at Xiao Nan next to him with a strange expression.

Just now, Xiao Nan wished to share her luck with herself, and now this system task has been triggered, simply.


Xiao Nan was slightly taken aback, not understanding the meaning of Yi Ming's words.

Didn't you meet a bad person now, that means you became unlucky?Why is it called getting lucky?
(End of this chapter)

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