Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 124 Call from Riolu?

Chapter 124 Call from Riolu?

"Now people, let's focus on Pokmon."

In order to prevent problems with the egg falling, Yi Ming deliberately tied up Riolu's elf eggs tightly.

The appearance of Pokémon has changed the whole world drastically, and no one can resist the charm of Pokémon.

The first return is to completely wipe out the weapons in the real world, and the status of Pokémon has been improved unprecedentedly. Of course, this is only a state-level secret, so most ordinary people still don’t know it. If even ordinary people know With this matter, the enthusiasm for Pokémon will be greatly increased again.

Because that means that the old world is no longer armed, and Pokémon will become a 'weapon' that everyone can get. With a 'weapon', you can have privileges.

Just like in the Pokémon world, a powerful trainer will be admired and admired by everyone.

The second return is when elements of the Pokémon world begin to appear in reality, causing environmental changes.

"The growth speed of the plants has increased, and there are other subtle changes."

Yi Ming noticed that the bushes and trees on the roadside had changed a little. If he was an ordinary person, he might not take it seriously, and he might think it was his own illusion.

But Yi Ming, who knows that the world is changing, knows that this is not an illusion, the plants in the real world are growing rapidly, and Yi Ming knows that there will be other changes, such as mutated into trees in the world of Pokémon, when the time comes, There are also berries in the real world.

As for what the environment will become in the end, it is still unknown whether it will still maintain the foundation of the real world just like the Pokémon world.

What Yi Ming can know so far is that tree fruits will definitely appear in the real world.

Because after all, wild Pokmon will also appear in the real world in the future. If there is no tree fruit, there will be no soil for wild Pokmon to inhabit.


While running, Yi Ming breathed evenly, and at the same time couldn't help looking at the ground under his feet.

The elements of the Pokémon world will definitely change the plants, so what about the others?Will the soil, for example, also change?

"Forget it, you don't have to think so much, you'll know when the time comes."

Yi Ming controlled his breathing and looked into the distance.

In the distance, a majestic modern building loomed in Yi Ming's field of vision.

Tianlang Stadium.

The battle location for the last [-] trainers in the H city trainer competition.

It is also the key point for Yi Ming to enter the game next time as prompted by the system.

Because there is no time reminder, Yi Ming doesn't know when it will be turned on, so the area with a high probability of running and exercising is set near Tianlang Gymnasium.

"Whoo, whoo, whoo"

It is hard work to keep exercising, but Yi Ming has already made up his mind.

There is no other way. If you want to release the power of Viridian more easily, you need better physical fitness.


Just as Yi Ming was running, he suddenly heard a soft 'voice'.


Yi Ming looked back subconsciously, but didn't find even a single person.

But just now it was clearly true.

Yi Ming frowned, looking at the fork in front of him.

The original plan was to go to the right, that is, to turn around the Tianlang Gymnasium.

The word on the left is a dirt road. Can you go to Tianlang Mountain in H City to climb the mountain?
Forget it. I don't have that much physical strength.

Yi Ming was giving up this idea, planning to continue to circle the Tianlang Gymnasium according to the original plan, but at this moment.


Yi Ming looked strange.

The childish voice came again, and it was confirmed that it was not an auditory hallucination.

Then there is no one around, so is it
Yi Ming took off the backpack and looked at the elf eggs in it.

"Is it you?"

Could it be that Riolu used Bird to get in touch with him just now?Although Yi Ming knew that Riolu would use waveguides to communicate with his partners.

However, Riolu is still an elf egg!How does it do it?
In the egg, you can use the waveguide?

Could it be that this is the qualification of a champion?Can such an incredible ability be revealed from an egg?


The poke ball shook slightly, as if responding to Yi Ming.


Yi Ming took a deep breath.

It seems that what the system said is true, going to the wild can really stimulate the hatching of Riolu.

However, maybe only Riolu, who is a champion, can have such an exciting way.

Riolu, who is still an elf egg, can not only use the waveguide to sense the external environment, but also use the waveguide to communicate with Yi Ming, which is really surprising.

However, apart from clearly expressing the concept of 'left', Riolu couldn't describe why he went to the left and what was on the left, but he was a little eager from the 'sound'.

Therefore, Yi Ming could only serve as a toolman once and rush to Tianlang Mountain.

Although Riolu hasn't hatched yet, since it can use the waveguide in the egg, maybe it really sensed something from Tianlang Mountain.

Anyway, it is going to the outside world, whether it is going around the Tianlang Stadium or climbing a mountain, it is almost the same.

Yi Ming, who had made up his mind, went to Tianlang Mountain temporarily. Naturally, he needed to make some preparations. He immediately went to the roadside store to buy some food and drink, as well as mountaineering and camping equipment just in case. See if it's still an elf What exactly did Riolu of the egg sense.

Imperial Capital, a certain ski resort.

Bai Xue is not interested enough in the trainer competition in the imperial capital. On the one hand, she doesn't like the feeling of being watched by all the people, and on the other hand, her Ibrahimovic is not strong enough to participate in the trainer competition.

"Bai Xue, your Ibrahimovic is really cute, but the level is too low, why don't you think of a way?"

"Yeah, it's only level 10 now, the level is too low, what if I still can't enter the game? Now everyone is waiting to enter the next game."

"I heard from my cousin that I'm preparing to establish a trainer academy recently, and I've poured a lot of resources into it. You need to be strong to join in. If you don't serve Bai Xue, we may have to separate in the future. "

Several female classmates who were walking with Bai Xue were talking around Bai Xue.

Regarding their advice, Bai Xue had no choice but to show a helpless smile.

"I know."

Under the urging of her grandfather, Bai Xue also "communicated" seriously with Ibrahimovic, and gradually realized her mistake.

Ibrahimovic wants to fight, even if it is easy to get hurt, but this is the nature of Pokmon. Only by training themselves through fighting can they complete evolution, gain a stronger body, or the ability to fly, Or a more graceful posture, this is their pursuit.

Their incomparable physical fitness can also enable them to quickly recover and adapt to fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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