Pokémon: King Login

Chapter 139 An Unexpected Visitor at the Elf Center?

Chapter 139 An Unexpected Visitor at the Elf Center?
Just when Yi Ming and a group of Pokémon fell into a deep sleep under the fume of the Tree of the Beginning of the World.

In the elf space, an unexpected guest suddenly appeared.

This pink figure appeared out of thin air on the top of the tree of the beginning of the world. Although it has no wings, it can still float in mid-air.

It is petite and looks like a pink kitten. Its long tail is about twice as long as its height, and the tip of its tail is olive-shaped. If Yi Ming below is awake and sees it, he will definitely wake up in surprise. Name it: Dream!

Dream, the magical Pokémon, is full of wisdom, curiosity, childlike innocence and the spirit of selfless dedication. At the same time, Dream has incredible adaptability, and can freely shuttle in the water and fly freely in the air.

According to legend, Dream has the genes of all Pokémon, and it can learn almost all Pokémon's moves, so many people think it is the ancestor of Pokémon.

It has the ability to transform into all Pokémon, so it will hardly show its original appearance in front of people. In addition, it also has the ability to become invisible.

If Yi Ming saw it, he would be too surprised to speak.

Because of the dream, he actually entered his elf space!

"Chiu Mi~"

Mengmeng yawned lazily, as if a child who was tired from playing finally wanted to rest.

However, when he opened his hazy eyes and saw the scene in front of him, a look of hesitation suddenly appeared on Dreamy's little face.


It tilted its head, and deftly made a circle in mid-air, checking the surrounding environment.

It is not difficult to see from the amazement and astonishment on Mengmeng's little face that it is very puzzled by its appearance here.

Meng Meng didn't understand why the surroundings were not the environment she was familiar with.

The scene that appeared in the field of vision shows that this is a completely unfamiliar area, not the environment of the world's original tree that it is familiar with, and this area does not have the lively and lively atmosphere created by the habitat of thousands of Pokémon.

Dream looked back at the 'world's initial tree' below him.

breath, consistent.

Other than that, however, everything else is completely different, the most obvious difference being the size of the tree
"Chiu Mi."

It tries to communicate.

But did not get a clear response.

While hesitating, Mengmeng's body glowed with a faint light, and in the next moment, its petite figure disappeared out of thin air, and it went nowhere.

After a while, the dream reappeared, as if it had verified something. Looking at the tree of the beginning of the world, the Pokémon was full of disbelief, and at the same time, its eyes were full of playful and curious eyes, like a baby who found a new toy. His pupils narrowed into moon arcs, his figure was floating in the air, looking up and down at the thing he was most curious about: Yi Ming's Tree of the Beginning of the World.

This tree of the beginning of the world makes it feel familiar, but also has a sense of strangeness.

"Chiu Mi."

Mengmeng observed around the tree of the beginning of the world, and also found Yi Ming sleeping under the tree, and a group of Pokémon.

Mengmeng tilted her head, floating in mid-air, observing quite curiously.

"Huh." "Jiahe."

As if aware of something, the vigilant Flying Mantis and the Koga Ninja Frog opened their eyes at the same time, looking towards the sky.

However, wherever he looked, there was nothing in his field of vision.

The two of them looked at each other suspiciously, and both could see the uncertainty in the other's eyes.


But is it really an illusion that they are awake at the same time?

After all, this is the elf space, and the only entrance is Yi Ming's elf ball.

Only by becoming a companion can there be the possibility of entering the elf space, how can wild Pokémon enter it.

Thinking in this way, the two of them closed their eyes and rested again, breathing steadily, and fell asleep again.

10 minutes later, nothing happened.

Flying Mantis and Koga Ninja Frog opened their eyes tacitly at the same time, and after looking at each other for a while, they each fell into a deep sleep.

It seems that it is indeed their illusion.

However, they who had re-entered the sleep state did not notice that at this moment, there were ripples and twisted traces in the air, and there was a playful light smile.

Yes, only the Riolu Elf Egg, shaking slightly.

Countdown, only two hours left.

The sensation caused by the regional announcement yesterday is also coming to an end.

In the new day, many people have given up the so-called shared rewards, and let the countdown continue to shrink.

The entire Tianlang Mountain has been searched, not to mention digging three feet into the ground. The location of the light spot was dug out by the players in conjunction with the rock-type Pokémon of the fighting type, and a [-]-meter giant pit was dug out. Someone fell, and the consequences would be disastrous, so for safety reasons, the hole has been sealed.

On this day, only a few people still had unrealistic fantasies and stayed in Tianlang Mountain unbelievingly, thinking that they still had a chance to discover the so-called tree of the beginning of the world.

After all, the countdown isn't over yet, is it?
Except for these few people who still have illusions, most of the students and citizens have returned to their previous life and behavior.

The city's trainer competition will hold the finals in Tianlang Gymnasium.

At present, in the entire city of H, after a day of competition, there are only the last two hundred students left.

Because the competition believes that although there are still [-] contestants, if the progress is smooth and fast, there is a high probability that the final champion will be determined in the Tianlang Stadium tonight, so the entire H city has become hot again. Follow The popularity reached its peak, and the atmosphere both online and offline was at an all-time high.

These two hundred students, after the competition, seem to be the proud new stars of the entire H city.

"I'm so nervous, I didn't expect that I could compete for the top [-] in H City."

"Phew, I'm a little nervous. I heard that today we can compete for the championship? Is it true? There are still two hundred people left."

"Tianlang Gymnasium is so big, it is said that it will be divided into four areas for the battle field, so it should be no problem to finish the game today."

"MD, my Bibi bird took me to Tianlang Mountain yesterday, I'm exhausted, I feel like today is going to be bad."

"Haha, then you deserve it, Bibi Bird is not Bi Diao, it must be too much to take you flying, and you are to blame for not recovering!"

"Although the official provides injury medicine, if the injury is too serious, it will definitely not recover. The Pokémon with endurance has the upper hand in the competition."

In the background, listening to the shouts and shouts outside the venue, all the students felt their blood boil.

They knew that everyone in the city was paying attention to today's game!

Their names and figures will appear on TV and on the Internet, enjoying the gathering of spotlights, the pride of their relatives, the call of the audience, the favor of the opposite sex, and so on!

This makes them as students, how can they not be excited or excited.

(End of this chapter)

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